Chapter 462 The World Alliance, Ba Dao, Xue Yiren
Outside the mansion.

Xiao Bie took a look at Zhao Xiaodie's mansion, and said to the people beside him: "Have you found out the purpose of Zhao Xiaodie and the others coming to Beijun?"

"Leader, according to the analysis of the situation, they should be waiting for someone. I have arranged someone to watch here. I believe we will soon know who they are waiting for and what they are doing?"

The person beside him spoke.

"[Bliss Palace] has entered the mainland from overseas in recent years, and has not dared to enter the capital, Jiangnan and other areas, but has secretly gathered a lot of forces in other areas, which cannot be underestimated."

"The Qiu Caidie who appeared in Mengcheng in the northwest region before is also one of the four great ladies like this Zhao Xiaodie. It should not only be as simple as absorbing other people's skills, but also have other purposes in coming to the northwest region!"

"However, that Qiu Caidie died a little strangely. It is estimated that he was targeted by someone and sucked his skills. He didn't complete the task before, and this Zhao Xiaodie will complete it. We must keep an eye on it!"

"I [Tianxiameng] wants to develop, and it is a good choice to cooperate with [Elysium Palace]."

Xiao Bie said in a deep voice.

"Let's go, let's get the resources collected by Leng Leader and the others back first, but it has been found out, did the [Blue Dragon Club] people appear in Yuanbei County?"

As soon as Xiao Bie spoke, he got into a large carriage.

"For the time being, no one from the [Blue Dragon Society] has appeared, leader, do we still have to wait here?"

Inside the carriage, the person beside him said.

"I think the people from the [Blue Dragon Club] should already be in Yuanbei County, but we didn't find out. When we make a move, the other party will show up!"

"Notify the other side to transfer the things secretly first. Once they fight, those properties may not be transferred at that time!"

Xiao Bie said.

"My subordinates immediately arrange for someone to remove the belongings."

The person beside him nodded and stretched out his palm, a flying bird appeared in his palm, and then flew out of the carriage.

Liu Shengyijian, who followed, looked at the leaving Asuka, frowned slightly, stopped and walked towards one place.

at this time
In an inn in the city

Xue Yiren was wiping the long sword in his hand, he and Liu Sheng came to Yuanbei County together.

His kendo is similar to that of Yagyu Yijian, and it is much stronger than ordinary masters with nine difficulties.

Moreover, their comprehension of kendo is different from that of ordinary people.

When stepping into the Nine Difficulties of Heaven and Man, they have already found the way to transform their dantian into the sea.

It is to maximize the way of killing swords.

This extreme kendo can help them reach the level of concentration in the sea.


The door was opened, but Xue Yi didn't move, he knew that it was Liu Shengyijian who came in.

"Then what is Xiao Bieyi's strength?"

Xue Yiren put the long sword in his hand into the scabbard and said.

"Stronger than you and me!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a sword.

"No wonder you dare to come to the nine northern counties!"

"Can you and I join forces to kill him?"

Xue Yiren continued to ask.

"If one person dies, he can be killed!"

Liu Sheng thought for a moment with a sword and then said.

One person tried his best to block the opponent, and the other shot secretly, sending out a sure-kill sword.

"Is that so?"

Xue Yiren frowned slightly.

"But this is not important. The important thing is that I feel that Xiao Bieyi's focus is not on the belongings that Leng Tianchi left in Yuanbei County, or that among the belongings, there are particularly important things!"

Liu Sheng said with a sword in thought.

"It must not be a simple thing to let this newly appointed second leader of the Tianxia League come to Yuanbei County to take risks in person!"

Xue Yiren frowned slightly when he heard this.

"So I don't want these people to take anything out of Yuanbei County!"

"Send a message to the Lord, to the three dragon heads, and let the three dragon heads come here in person!"

Liu Sheng made a sword move.

Now both Yan Nantian and Ding Peng started retreating.

Thinking of raising one's own strength to the stage of Dantian Huahai.

Yan Nantian and Ding Peng have deep roots, and under the guidance of Li Chenzhou, they already have the ability to transform the dantian into the sea.

Presumably by the time they leave the customs, the two of them must have stepped into that realm,

As for divinity.

This time, Yedi and the future two traded with [Xiemeng] in the capital, and gained some, which must have given them a clearer understanding of their martial arts path.

"We will divide into two routes. I will continue to monitor Xiao Bieyi, and you will intercept and kill the person who transported their belongings!"

Liu Sheng Yijian suggested.

"it is good!"

Xue Yiren nodded.

"By the way, there is also the amorous fairy Zhao Xiaodie from [Elysium Palace], who came to Beijun to meet someone!"

"That person will arrive tomorrow. Let the [Blue Dragon Club] members over here keep an eye on some of them!"

Liu Shengyijian thought of some news he had heard on Zhao Xiaodie's mansion earlier, and said:
"See you tomorrow!"

"It seems that there is no one in Yuanbei County now, except the new Yuanbei County Sheriff, Mo Feng?"

Xue Yiren knew a little about the situation in Yuanbei County, so he spoke.

"The sheriff of Yuanbei County?"

"You mean that the person Zhao Xiaodie is waiting for is the sheriff of Yuanbei County, and the person who takes over as Xi Mufeng is the one who washes the house!"

"The current owner of the Xi family has something to do with [Xiemeng]. If the person Zhao Xiaodie wants to meet is Mo Feng, then it means that [Elysium Palace] is trading with [Xiemeng]."

"These two parties' transaction in our Yuanbei County, do they want to do something?"

Liu Sheng said in a deep voice with a sword.

"This matter should be reported by Feige to the lord, let's see what the lord's arrangement is!"

"You and I, first act according to the plan!"

After Liu Sheng Yijian finished speaking, he turned and left,

Xue Yiren stood up, looked out the window, and left with his sword.

Night is approaching.

A carriage slowly drove out of the city gate, and the number of carriages on the official road in the evening has gradually become scarce.After the carriage left the city, the speed increased,

After a while

A sword light descended from the sky and struck towards the galloping carriage, splitting the galloping carriage in half with the sword.

The box fell from the carriage, but it was empty.


The person who made the shot fell down, looking at the empty boxes all over the floor, he was stunned,

"[Azure Dragon Club] Xue Yiren?"

At this time, a figure came stepping from a distance. The person who came was a strong man with a dark red long knife on his back.

The man has very long long hair, and a sharp killing intent is faintly exuded from his body.

Especially on his face, there is a hideous scar on his face.

The scar stretched from the center of his eyebrows to the cheek below his left eye. The scar was deep and ferocious like a centipede.

Combined with the fierce killing intent on his body, this person looked a little scary.

"People from [Tianxiameng]?"

Xue Yiren, who had drawn his sword earlier, frowned slightly when he saw the person coming.

Judging from the current situation, the other party should be waiting for him in this play, looking around.

"There is no one else, I am the only one who killed you!"

"The leader of [Tianxiameng] sits down one of the four great swordsmen, [Badao] Zuo Feiyun."

The man opened his mouth.

When he spoke, a wave of ferocity and violence erupted from his body, and with the ferocity, a terrifying saber aura erupted from him and rushed towards Xue Yiren.

(End of this chapter)

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