Chapter 474 Under the power of the fist, unrivaled (for subscription)

Li Chenzhou stepped out
A momentum appeared between the heaven and the earth, and when this momentum appeared, the drizzle in the sky and the earth was evaporated and dissipated in an instant.

Sensing this aura, Xiao Bie, who was about to strike Liu Sheng with a sword, showed horror in his eyes.

He looked in the direction of Li Chenzhou.

"Earth-shattering momentum!"

Zhao Xiaodie and the woman in the blue skirt sensed this momentum, their heartbeats seemed to stop instantly, and they looked at Li Chenzhou.

Dressed in white, striding forward.

"Just now you said that you wanted to fight with me, now I do what you wish!"

Li Chenzhou looked at Xiao Bieyi with a calm expression.

The glove in the opponent's hand was unusual, able to block the sword of Yagyu's sword.

The fight also broke Liu Sheng's long sword.

Xiao Bieyi's strength is above Liu Sheng's sword, and his strength is extraordinary.

Seeing Li Chenzhou appearing, Xiao Bie's expression froze. Earlier, he was thinking of taking the opportunity to kill Liu Sheng with a single sword.

The sword was broken, and Liu Shengyijian's aura would not recover in a short time.

It was time to kill Yagyu with a sword.

However, when Li Chenzhou appeared, he showed a monstrous aura as soon as he came up, completely suppressing him and not giving him a chance to make a move.

Every time Li Chenzhou took a step, his aura increased by one point.

The strong momentum presses the surrounding air.

Not far away, Zhao Xiaodie felt that her breathing became difficult.

"Let's step back!"

Zhao Xiaodie and the woman in the blue skirt couldn't help but retreat dozens of steps behind them, so they couldn't feel the pressure.

He looked at Li Chenzhou in horror.

"How could this Li Chenzhou be so strong!"

Li Chenzhou just appeared in the first battle at [Qinglong Temple]. Although he was called the head of the three dragons, the aura he displayed was not very strong. Many people did not take Li Chenzhou too seriously.

But Li Chenzhou's second shot showed a shocking momentum.

However, they didn't experience it personally, so they couldn't understand Li Chenzhou's situation personally, and there were some errors in their understanding.

But today, they truly perceived Li Chenzhou's momentum.

Only then did I know how powerful and terrifying Li Chenzhou was.

Xiao Bie's expression was dignified, all the energy and energy in his body were concentrated, and his eyes were fixed on Li Chenzhou.

Surprised in my heart, Li Chenzhou's momentum.

Domineering and powerful, it made him feel like he was facing the leader of the [World Alliance].

"You are very similar to the leader!"

"I'd love to see your punches!"

Xiao Bie looked at Li Chenzhou's eyes, and there was a fighting spirit.

"See my fist, in order to show respect for you, I will do my best to block a punch and survive, you can leave here!"

Li Chenzhou looked at Xiao Bie and said.

when he speaks.

A powerful fist shadow appeared behind him, the fist shadow was unparalleled, and when it appeared, the world became silent, and it was as dark as the night.

At this moment, everyone saw only the shadow of the fist in their eyes,

Against the backdrop of that fist shadow, Li Chenzhou exuded an aura of dominance.

raise your hand,

one punch

Fist shadow blasted out, covering Xiao Bieyi,

Xiao Bie's momentum swelled all over. When Li Chenzhou appeared, he knew he couldn't go, although he said that he really wanted to see Li Chenzhou's punches,

But he really didn't want to see Li Chenzhou,

If only Xue Yiren appeared.

He can walk, but Xue Yiren can't stop him.

As for Yijian Yagyu, he has already been defeated, the fighting spirit on his body has temporarily disappeared, and there is not much threat, so he can walk,

But Li Chenzhou came to show up.

Judging from the aura displayed, this Li Chenzhou definitely reached the level of concentrating in the sea.

has its own momentum,

Li Chenzhou showed a domineering fist from the moment he appeared, and he couldn't stop this kind of fist.

Sometimes it can resist the sharp sword intent, but it may not be able to resist the terrifying and domineering power.

Covered by the shadow of his fist, he mobilized the power in his body and poured it into his hands.

The palm of the glove suddenly burst into black light,

The only thing he can rely on now is the glove in his hand, which is a tool-grade glove that he obtained unintentionally many years ago, otherwise, it would not have broken Yagyu's sword,

In the light, a black giant python figure appeared above the fist.

With the continuous influx of power in his body, the giant black python on the glove turned into several feet in size, exuding terrifying power, and attacked Li Chenzhou's fist.

The two forces collided, Li Chenzhou smashed the giant python with his fist, and went towards Xiao Bieyi.

"Not blocked!"

When Xiao Bie looked at the shadow of the falling fist, his heart sank.

His hole cards were not able to block the opponent's punch.

He is defeated!
defeat is death

"The concentrated power is worthy of being the concentrated power!"

Looking at the shadow of the fist falling towards him, Xiao Bie said so.

The fist shadow hit Xiao Bieyi's body, cracks began to appear in the whole body, and finally the blood veins burst, blood sprayed, and the body slowly fell into a pool of blood.

"With this gauntlet, the average strongman in the sea might not be able to kill you, no wonder he didn't escape!"

Li Chenzhou came to Xiao Bieyi's body and said in a deep voice.

raise your hand

The glove on Xiao Bie's hand was sucked into his hand.

Li Chenzhou's fist disappeared, and the drizzle continued to fall between the sky and the earth.

Liu Sheng, who was on the side, recovered a little bit of energy at this moment.

Glancing at Xiao Bieyi who was lying on the ground, there was some regret in his eyes, he stepped forward to check Xiao Bieyi, and found a brocade box in his arms.

"It seems that this thing is the purpose of his coming to Beijun."

Liu Sheng opened the brocade box with a sword, but there was only a jade tablet in the brocade box. Frowning slightly, he lifted the brocade box, looked at Xiao Bieyi's body on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "It's a pity, we didn't fight again. Opportunity"

While speaking, the broken long sword in his hand burst out with sword energy and swiped across the ground, forming a deep pit,

Put Xiao Bieyi's body into the deep pit!
The strong also need to be respected after death,

Looking at this scene not far away, Zhao Xiaodie and the woman in the blue skirt looked horrified.

They were not only frightened by Li Chenzhou's strength, but also frightened by Xiao Bieyi's hole cards.

"It was an earth-shattering battle. The three dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Society are so strong, so how strong are the second dragon head and the big dragon head?"

Zhao Xiaodie looked at the figure of Li Chenzhou and the three leaving, and said.

Li Chenzhou's power is so strong and domineering that they are terrified and at the same time they dare not approach him physically.

"My lord, are we returning to the Palace of Bliss now?"

The woman in the blue skirt beside Zhao Xiaodie said.

"No, let's go to Shanhe Gate in Lingnan County, I want to meet Su Chen from [Shanhe Gate]!"

Zhao Xiaodie said.

Seeing the strength of [Blue Dragon Club], she hopes to cooperate more with [Blue Dragon Club].

Why don't you see Li Chenzhou, Xue Yiren, and Liu Shengyijian?

The main reason is that the domineering and killing intent of these three people is too fierce, which makes her depressed and unable to talk, so she wants to see Su Chen.

No matter what, Su Chen was about the same age as her.

What's more, she is also confident that her beauty can attract Su Chen.

Compared with Zhuang Xuanji, Zhao Xiaodie is a person who is good at using her beauty.

The figures of the two gradually disappeared into the rain.

Only a lonely grave remains.

(End of this chapter)

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