The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 606 This seat [Tianya Pavilion] South Pavilion, Shangguan Jinhong

Chapter 606 This seat [Tianya Pavilion] South Pavilion, Shangguan Jinhong
"How brave!"

Inside the carriage, there was a loud shout.

A burst of energy emanated from the carriage, pointing directly at the golden light.

Qi Jin collided with the golden light, making a clanging sound.

Lu Yaotian felt certain and breathed a sigh of relief.

But after the clang, the golden light split into two, and one of the golden lights hit his throat.

The crisp sound of bones breaking rang in everyone's ears.

Lu Yaotian's eyes widened.

He didn't expect that the golden light could be divided into two, and he didn't expect that he would die like this.

Plopped body fell to the ground.

splashing dust
Following Lu Yaotian's figure, he fell to the ground.

A figure walked out of the money gang, raised his hand and grabbed it, and the two golden lights that had been scattered before were instantly sucked into the opponent's hand.

"Shangguan Crane!"

Seeing that figure, some people's eyes froze.

Many people are unfamiliar with Shangguanhe, and the time of his rise is unbelievable.

Become the leader of the money gang overnight.

When he first became the leader of the Money Gang, many people knew that Shangguan He was not good enough.

But within a few days, Huang Tianxing, the steward of the Grand Master's Mansion, died in the money gang, and it was Shangguan He who made the move, and everyone realized that Shangguan He was not easy.

But they didn't see it, so they just heard about it.

There is no real perception.

Now that Shangguan He made a move and killed Lu Haotian with one blow, it was still with the help of Qin Juyuan.

The atmosphere became depressed.

【Zhenwuyuan】appeared in the money gang, originally to coerce the money gang, but now it is the [Zhenwuyuan] who died first.

Another person was seriously injured.

Everyone looked at the carriage.

They didn't know whether Qin Juyuan in the carriage would make a move at this moment.

the other side

The twelve princes looked at Pang Tong and said, "You four evil slaves, let them withdraw!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it will become a corpse."

Hearing the words of the Twelfth Prince, Pang Tong looked a little unhappy.

The situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Originally, I still picked it up.

But if you make a move now, the risk is indeed a bit high.

And this Shangguanhe probably has something to do with [Tianya Pavilion].

It is indeed inappropriate to provoke such an enemy.

"Let them not be allowed to shoot."

Pang Tong said to the skinny Guan Liu standing behind him.

"Yes!" Guanshi Liu immediately turned and left.

"Do you think Qin Juyuan will make a move? If he makes a move, it may not be able to save [Zhenwuyuan]'s face."

Pang Tong then said.

"From the current situation, this Shangguanhe's hole card may have something to do with [Tianya Pavilion]."

When the twelve princes spoke, there was a sparkle in their eyes.

Bai Choufei Appears

has foreshadowed a lot
"This Shangguanhe is not simple, how about his aura?"

Pang Tong said in a deep voice.

The twelve princes also looked at Shangguanhe standing at the door of the money gang.

At this moment, Shangguan Jin Hong's body was not tall, but his face was indifferent, with a sense of majesty above his facial features, his aura was not strong, but his momentum was very strong.

Jing Wuming stood behind him, motionless.

"I really want to know your real identity!"

At this time, Qin Juyuan's voice came from inside the carriage.

The appearance of Shangguan Jinhong did not make Qin Juyuan intend to get off the carriage.

Qin Juyuan's voice was flat.

The annoyed tone from before had disappeared.

Hearing Qin Juyuan's words, Shangguan Jinhong's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Director Qin came to my money gang, and he didn't even get out of the carriage. He really looked down on my money gang."

Shangguan Jinhong did not answer Qin Juyuan's words, but said in a cold voice.

"If you have that strength, you will naturally be able to get me out of the car!"

Although Qin Juyuan's tone was flat.

But he told everyone that Shangguan Jinhong was not enough for him to make a move.

"Really? Then I would like to learn about it." While Shangguan Jinhong was speaking, his body shot out violently, and he rushed directly to Qin Juyuan's carriage.

If you don't get off, I will let you get off.


Just when Shangguan Jin Hong's figure jumped out.

An aura appeared above the carriage, and this aura formed a wave of terrifying true energy, which instantly moved towards Shangguan Jinhong like a sea wave.

Accompanied by this vigor.

On the carriage, a stream of blood condensed to form a blood sword, and a red light from the blood sword shot violently at Shangguan Jinhong.

Shangguan Jinhong's eyes froze, and the golden ring in his hand instantly turned into a golden light, which collided with the long sword that came violently.

The two forces collided, and the golden ring fell to the ground.

The bloody long sword shattered.

"This golden ring is unusual, but the gap in strength is too great, and weapons can't make up for it!"

Qin Juyuan's cold snort came from inside the carriage.

between talking
The curtain of the carriage opened, and a terrifying punch erupted from the carriage instantly, covering Shangguan Jinhong.

Seeing this, Shangguan Jinhong moved his body, raised the fallen gold ring with his palm, and returned it to his hand in an instant.

With the energy gushing out, the golden light in the golden ring skyrocketed.

Then someone's golden ring shot out instantly like a spring, colliding with that fist.

Fist power collides with the golden ring, and the fist power disappears

Jin Huan split into two and flew back to Shangguan Jin Hong's two arms.

At the moment of flying back, Shangguan Jin Hong's figure flew into the air, and all the true energy in his body poured into the golden ring.

Both hands punched out at the same time, and the golden ring instantly turned into two golden lights, which came out together with Qi Jin.


There was a cold snort on the carriage.

Two punches burst out.

The strength of the fist struck towards the golden light, but the two golden lights suddenly turned, turned instantly, and bombarded Qin Juyuan's carriage from both sides at the same time.

Qin Juyuan's carriage was directly hit by two golden rings.

Broken in an instant.

As the carriage fell apart, a purple figure flew out of the carriage.

He rushed out of the figure, his body was full of breath, and the torn apart carriages around him were instantly reduced to powder under this energy.

The groom and horses driving the carriage were shaken out by a burst of energy and landed among the crowd not far away.

The coachman was not injured, but he fell on the ground and his horse roared twice, but he lost his breath.

Everyone looked at Qin Juyuan who had landed on the ground.

Qin Juyuan's tall body, coupled with the terrifying aura erupting from his body at this moment, made him look like a demon god.

He looked at Shangguan Jin Hong with cold eyes.

Shangguan Jin Hong's figure also fell, and the golden ring that flew out returned to his hand.

He looked at Qin Juyuan who appeared solemnly.

Qin Juyuan gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Even if he exploded with all his might and exerted the power of the dragon and phoenix golden ring, he would not be able to hurt the person in front of him.

[Zhenwuyuan] The chief manager, Qin Juyuan is very strong.

At this moment, the street was silent.

name of man, shadow of tree

Qin Juyuan is the top powerhouse in the sea of ​​[Zhenwuyuan].

Although I can't hurt the other party, I still want to fight the other party.

"I'm curious about you, where are you from [Tianya Pavilion]?"

Qin Juyuan didn't make a single strike, but looked at Shangguan Jinhong, and directly clicked on [Tianya Pavilion].

"This seat comes from [Tianya Pavilion] South Pavilion, Shangguan Jinhong!"

When Shangguan Jinhong was speaking, she tore off Shangguan He's face.

(End of this chapter)

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