The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 804 No. 7 in the world, extremely ferocious, Wen Xue'an

Chapter 804 No. [-] in the world, extremely ferocious, Wen Xue'an

"The third son of the head of the Sky Umbrella Clan, Qiong Fang, is also the disciple of Qiongqiu."

Ling Luoshi looked at the young man in black and said.

"The strength is not bad, do you want to kill him!"

Yuan thirteen restricted road.

"Not for the time being, let's go outside the city to meet the leaders of the two places who came to [Blue Dragon Club]."

"" I really want to know who is the one who leaked the news that we selected the Sky Umbrella Clan to take action. "

There was a trace of cruelty in Ling Luoshi's eyes.

After finishing speaking, he put down a few taels of silver in his hand and left quietly.

Sky Umbrella

The patriarch of the Sky Umbrella Clan is a burly man who is sitting in the hall.

In the hall, there are dozens of elders from the Sky Umbrella Clan.

The strength of these elders varies.


At this time, a disciple of the Sky Umbrella Clan came in from the door.

"Patriarch, we searched the whole city, and only found five assassins from the [Blue Dragon Society], nothing else?"

The disciple reported.

"Five assassins?"

Hearing this disciple's report, the head of the Sky Umbrella Clan's face froze slightly.

He looked at a person standing beside him, an old man in a gray robe, with a thin body and various spots on his face.

Because of the spots on his face, the old man's face looked a bit hideous.

This person was previously the person in charge of [Wu Shang]'s stronghold in Fuming City, named Luo Tian.

After the leader of [Wu Shang] was killed, he joined [Bi An], secretly killed the previous leader of [Bi An] and became the person in charge of [Bi An]'s stronghold in Fuming City.

It's just that [The Other Shore] was accepted by the [Blue Dragon Club] not long after.

There is no change in the person in charge of the city base.

So now he is also one of the two leaders of [Blue Dragon Club] in Fuming City.

"Mr. Luo, are there not many people here?"

The patriarch of the Sky Umbrella Clan said.

"Probably not. I got news from here that the killers of the surrounding [Blue Dragon Club] are gathering here. There are at least a hundred of them. It is estimated that some of them did not enter the city at all."

Luo Tian said in a deep voice.

"Is that so?"

"What will Mr. Luo do next?"

The head of the Sky Umbrella Clan said.

"No matter what, the poor patriarch, you still have to be on guard. I'll go and join Ling Luoshi first. As soon as there is news, I will send a notice immediately."

Luo Tian said.

"Then trouble Mr. Luo, as long as this first crisis is over, the momentum of the [Azure Dragon Society] will inevitably fall, and support from other clans will also arrive."

"I promised to give Mr. Luo something, and I will give it to me."

The patriarch of the Sky Umbrella Clan said.

"Then I would like to thank the poor patriarch!"

Luo Tian hurriedly thanked him.

"Then I'll say goodbye first!"

After speaking, he saluted the head of the Sky Umbrella Clan and left.

After Luo Tian left.

"Patriarch, is this Luo Tian just trying to blackmail us from the Umbrella Clan? People from the [Blue Dragon Society] have not come at all for the time being."

One of the old men said.

"After working together for so many years, he wouldn't do such a thing, not to mention that the [Blue Dragon Club] people don't move, and he can't get that thing,"

"This time is a crisis for our Umbrella Clan. Only through it can we survive. If we can't, I'm afraid our Umbrella Clan will."

"Is there any reply from Lie Zhenbei?"

The patriarch of the Sky Umbrella Clan said.

"Patriarch, Lie Zhenbei replied, let me deal with the first wave first, he has already arranged for people to come."

A clan elder said.

"Patriarch, if we deal with the first wave, our Sky Umbrella Clan will probably suffer a lot!"

"Do you want to contact Feng Hanlie?"

Another elder said.

"Feng Hanlie won't help us, and he wants to take this opportunity to weaken Lie Zhenbei's strength?"

"We, the Sky Umbrella Clan, must resist this wave of attacks from the [Blue Dragon Society] by ourselves."

"Pay close attention to the movement in the city, and if you find something, immediately call the police."

The head of the Sky Umbrella stood up and ordered sternly.

night falls
Outside the city, in a dense forest.

Four figures are gathering in one place.

The four stood aside without saying a word, and one of them was a good-looking woman.

A figure fell, it was Luo Tian who appeared in the Sky Umbrella Clan.

"Everyone is here!"

Luo Tian said hello.

"Luo Tian, ​​why are you so late?"

"The Sky Umbrella Clan checked strictly, so they came late. Why didn't you meet Brother Qin?"

Luo Tian spoke to the speaker.

"Luo Tian, ​​what do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean much, but the news that my [Blue Dragon Society] Hall Master Ling came to Fuming City to deal with the [Sky Umbrella Clan] leaked out. Otherwise, the Sky Umbrella Clan would not have conducted such a large-scale search."

Luo Tian said in a cold voice.

"Luo Tian, ​​you are suspicious of me."

The man surnamed Qin spoke out.

When the man surnamed Qin spoke, there was a killing intent in his eyes,

He is also one of the leaders of the stronghold of [Floating City] [Qinglong Club], and he has a competitive relationship with Luo Tian now.

"Now is not the time for internal strife. Let's wait for Hall Master Ling to come. I've heard that Hall Master Ling is very domineering and vicious."

"Don't take your own life seriously? Don't get involved with us."

A man in a green robe spoke.

The green-robed man held a long knife in his hand. The long knife was black, and there was no light under the moonlight.

When his voice fell.


There was a murderous aura in the surrounding forest.

The expressions of the five people changed.

They sensed a killing intent.

His expression immediately became tense.

His eyes looked around.

step! step!
At this time, the sound of dead branches being stepped on came from one place.

A figure came towards this side from a distance.

The people who came were tall, thin, and had short hair.

Looks very thin, with fierce eyes, with a terrifying, fierce,

"Your strength is a bit weak!"

The figure quickly appeared in front of the five people in the blink of an eye.

"My name is Wen Xue'an, one of the five rudder masters of [Qinglong Club] 360, Fuming City and Plastic City, I will be in charge from now on!"

The visitor spoke.

This person is Su Chen who got the Seventh Wen Xue'an in the world two days ago.

If we say that the most ruthless villain in "Who is the hero?", it will definitely belong to the seventh Wen Xue'an in this world.

Do things arrogantly, extremely ruthless, unscrupulous.

Kill fellow disciples and betray masters,

Although he is Yuan Thirteen's favorite disciple, he betrayed him too deeply.

And he is greedy and cruel by nature.

Out-and-out villain.

"See the helmsman!"

Seeing this, the five people saluted Wen Xue'an at the same time.

"How's the assembling of personnel going? Let's go to the Sky Umbrella Clan tonight!"

Wen Xue'an said.

"Into the Sky Umbrella Clan tonight? Shouldn't we wait for Hall Master Ling? There are quite a few masters in the Sky Umbrella Clan, we're afraid."

Luo Tian couldn't help asking.

Hearing Luo Tian's words, Wen Xue'an's face turned cold, and when he stepped on the ground, his figure instantly appeared in front of the other party.

The palm of the hand was raised and formed into a claw, and the five fingers were full of true energy.

Like an air blade.

The terrifying air blade instantly enveloped Na Luotian.


Seeing this, Na Luotian let out a low drink, and slapped out,

But suddenly a terrifying energy erupted from Wen Xue'an.

The vigor he shot was instantly shattered.

The body was also suppressed in an instant.

Then he saw a big hand appearing above his head.

The head flew up and blood flowed.

"The strength of the Six Difficulties of Heaven and Man, so weak, dare to question me!"

"Don't deny my decision in the future, or he will be your end."

Wen Xue'an said in a cold voice.

He was defeated in the previous life, but in this life, he can't lose again.

(End of this chapter)

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