Chapter 815 Jianxin Tongmingcao, Lan Yuehou, Qian Junmo

Sword Heart Island

one place

Qian Junmo looked at the figure in the sky with some surprise in his eyebrows.

A figure appeared beside Qian Junmo, it was the middle-aged man in black beside him.

"It's not the sword master Lu Wujian who stepped on the Tianmen. It's that Ren Qianxing?"

"It seems that something happened to Lu Wujian, but I just don't know what happened to Fang Huaiyuan?"

The middle-aged man in black said.

"Where is the found Jianxin Tongmingcao?"

Qian Junmo said.

"I found it, it's in the valley around the Sword Tomb, I'll take the young master there!"

"Since we have found the location, let's go. As long as we get the Jianxin Tongmingcao, our purpose of coming here will be achieved. What happens to the Holy Sword Lake has nothing to do with us!"

Qian Jun said silently

The middle-aged man in black took Qian Junmo towards Jianxin Island.

Soon, they came to a valley.


when they arrive.

A sharp voice appeared.

Then two figures holding swords appeared.

It's just that these two figures just appeared.

The middle-aged man in black beside Qian Junmo flew out and clapped two palms.

The two figures flew upside down in an instant.

Spit blood from the mouth, die of breath,

The two of them walked into the valley without stopping.

In the valley, there is a pool in the center, and in the pool, there are two grasses exuding sword energy!

"Sword Heart Clear Grass!"

Qian Junmo opened his face when he saw the two plants of grass.

The figure wants to go forward to pick the sword heart transparent grass.

"Qian Junmo, no wonder you didn't use all your strength, it turned out that you were thinking about the Jianxin Tongmingcao here!"

At this time, several figures appeared behind Qian Junmo,

It was Lan Yuehou.

Behind him are four maids in white clothes holding swords.

"Lan Yuehou, I didn't trouble you, but you came to trouble me!"

Qian Junmo looked at Lan Yuehou and said.

"Didn't you come to kill me? But you haven't done it all the time, so I don't know what your plan is?"

"But since you don't do it, then I will kill you first!"

Lan Yuehou looked at Qian Jun and said in a cold voice.

"Kill me, do you have that ability?"

"Lan Yuehou, do you know why I didn't kill you?"

"That's because I'm not ready to step into the gate of heaven and leave, that's why you've lived so long, but you don't want to live, so I'll send you on your way first!"

When Qian Junmo spoke, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

As soon as the soles of his feet stepped on the ground, his figure rushed out like a cannonball.

Palm and claw, grabbing out, a tyrannical force emerged from her palm, and attacked Lan Yuehou.


Qian Junmo made a move, and the four maids holding swords behind Lan Yuehou flew out of the air instantly, and the long sword appeared in their hands, attacking Qian Junmo.

"You also pair up with the young master!"

At the moment when these four people drew their swords.

The middle-aged man following Qian Junmo let out a low cry, and a terrifying coercion swept towards the four of them.

"Go and deal with that old guy, don't let him get the Jianxin Tongmingcao, I'll meet Qian Junmo."

Lan Yuehou snorted coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, the body moved and shot out violently. The palm of the hand was clenched into a fist, and the fist was filled with terrifying energy.Without mercy, he faced Qian Junmo's palm extremely quickly.

Palms and fists collide.

The two bodies staggered at the same time.

"Lan Yuehou, you surprised me a little. You just showed a normal look. You are very anxious to attack me!"

Qian Junmo frowned and looked at Lan Yuehou,

It seems that he is a little puzzled by the divine power emanating from Lan Yuehou.

"Qian Junmo, if it weren't for you, I might not have condensed such ordinary divine power, so I won't let you get the sword heart clear grass, so as to condense a stronger divine power!"

Lan Yuehou looked at Qian Junmo.

"Then I will see, how can you stop it, just rely on the four of them? Or you!"

Qian Junmo said in a cold voice after a blow.

While speaking, the clothed hair danced, and waves of terrifying true energy continued to spread towards the surroundings.

As the true energy spread all over his body, invisible bloody ripples erupted on his body.

"Lan Yuehou, if you want to die, I will let you die in this holy sword lake today."

Following the change of those bloody ripples, the genuine energy that emanated from Lan Yuehou's body unexpectedly dissipated the divine power.

"The power of blood soul!"

"Qian Junmo, the power of your bloodline is not the bloodline of Qianjia's Dao of Swords, but the power of blood soul, which really surprises me!"

"It seems that you want Jianxin Tongmingcao, not to use him to condense a stronger divine power, but to use Jianxin Tongmingcao to activate your sword-doing blood!"

"You are not a direct descendant of the Qian family!"

Seeing this, Lan Yuehou was startled and said.

"Because I'm not a direct descendant, I was sent to hunt you down!"

"Kill you, and the Patriarch will allow me to join the direct line!"

Qian Junmo's eyes were full of coldness.

He stepped out.

The bloody ripples erupted at the same time as the true energy, and the footsteps slammed on the ground, the ground trembled, and the body shot towards Lan Yuehou.

Punch out.

The bloody ripples on the fist and the gathering of true energy burst out.

The ferocious energy was like a sharp spear fiercely heading towards Lan Yuehou's attack.

Lan Yuehou's power exploded.

A golden shadow appeared behind him, and the shadow showed a golden light.

The golden light formed a blood shadow of the moon.

"Shenshi: The sky wastes the moon!"

The power of the gods broke out in an all-round way, stepping on the ground,

Body shot.

"Golden Wheel, Tianyue!"

Fist blows out.

A golden golden wheel roared out above his fist.

Touched with Qian Junmo's fist,

Two forces exploded.

The golden wheel shadow and the bloody true energy disappeared at the same time,

However, Lan Yuehou's figure was shaken and he took a few steps back.

"Lan Yuehou, your blood is locked and cannot be used. If you can survive, you should live a little longer!"

Qian Junmo said mockingly.

However, although he mocked Lan Yuehou, Qian Junmo's expression did not relax at all.

Lan Yuehou is a direct descendant of the Lan family, even if his bloodline is locked, he still can't be careless.

"Qian Junmo, do you think it is so easy to enter the direct line of the Qian family? Even if you kill me and return to Tianmen, you will not be able to become the direct line!"

"You are dreaming!"

"What's more, even if you become a direct descendant of the Qian family, you will still die. My father can't do anything, but my sister can kill you. You are just an abandoned son in the end!"

"Qian Junmo, I know that you have never done anything to me, you are just measuring these!"

Lan Yuehou said in a cold voice.

"Look for death, kill!"

Qian Junmo raged again and killed Lan Yuehou.

Two figures also appear here
It was Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren.

The purpose of their coming here is also Jianxin Tongmingcao.

"I didn't expect someone to come before us, but there is a fight, Brother Xue, you go get the Jianxin Tongmingcao first!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth with a sword.

Xue Yiren leaped towards the sword heart transparent grass.

"court death!"

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in black who was fighting with the four maids with him changed his expression, and shook the four maids away with his palm, and was about to grab Xue Yiren with his palm.

But suddenly an incomparably fierce sword energy locked on him.

(End of this chapter)

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