The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 819 The ancient 3-link breakthrough, [Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou] changed hands

Chapter 819 Breakthrough of the ancient three links

"This Sima Changhen actually left just like that!"

Seeing Sima leaving, he hated it.

Lan Yuehou, who came with him, looked a little surprised.

Just now, Sima Changhen showed his aura, he was very powerful, and he should be able to fight.

But retreat without a fight.

His eyes looked towards Gu Shentong.

"The powerhouse of Tianya Pavilion, I have never heard of this Tianya Pavilion before."

"Haven't you heard of such a force above Tianmen?"

Lan Yuehou said in a deep voice.

"The person Sima Chang hates is extremely cautious. He must have noticed something? Let's go!"

"[Holy Sword Lake] is occupied by Tianya Pavilion, we don't need to stay here anymore."

Su Chen glanced at the Gushen Passage standing in front of the library.

Lan Yuehou glanced at Gu Shentong, followed Su Chen to leave,

"This seat, [Tianya Pavilion] Deputy Pavilion Master Gu Shentong, Jianxin Island belongs to me [Tianya Pavilion] West Pavilion today, no one is allowed to stay, half a stick of incense time, stay on Jianxin Island, kill them one by one! "

When Su Chen and the others returned.

A deep voice resounded throughout Jianxin Island.

Some people who were just about to rush into Jianxin Island heard this sound.

His expression changed, and then he saw Lin Xiaotian and his group quickly withdraw from the island,

He stopped immediately, turned and left.

[Tianya Pavilion] Everyone knows Ren Qianxing's strength.

Now that there is still a deputy pavilion master appearing, it is better not to venture into Jianxin Island.

The people who came back quickly retreated.

Warriors in the rivers and lakes like to work hard, but when faced with great terror, they still put their own lives first,

The Holy Sword Lake Villa was destroyed.

The remaining disciples of Holy Sword Lake also fled separately.

In just one day, the entire Holy Sword Lake was wiped out from the overlord's power in a blink of an eye.

Martial arts forces perish so quickly.

in the inn
Su Chen returned with Zhuang Xuanji and others.

Murong Qingchen has already left and went to see Sima Changhen.

Luo Hanqiu, who was also with him, also bid farewell to Su Chen and returned to the Supreme Promise Gate.


"I originally wanted to observe the Sword Tomb of Holy Sword Lake, but I didn't expect to see it!"

Mei Xuanshuang sighed a little.

The purpose of her coming is to observe the sword way in the sword mound, and to increase her practice of sound way by analogy.

[The host's summoned character Gu Santong successfully stepped into the broken level, and rewarded with an orange draw card. 】

At this moment, Su Chen got a reminder.

The ancient three links have stepped into the broken level.

"It seems that the last battle of Kunlun was of great help to Gu Santong.

Stepping into the broken level so quickly, the aptitude is really extraordinary! "

Su Chen thought to himself.

At this moment

Yuan Suiyun walked into the room.

Seeing this, Zhuang Xuanji and Mei Xuanshuang nodded to Su Chen and left first.

"Teacher, Liu Qingchou came here secretly. I want to see the teacher. I have already arranged for her to stay in a guest room."

The original follow the cloud.

"It seems that she is doing it for Wanfu's affairs. Who in Jiangnan [Qinglonghui] received the task of killing Wanxiangxu."

Su Chen asked.

"Xiao Siwu is in charge of the task!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Xiao Siwu, it shouldn't be difficult to kill Wanxiangxu with a secret attack."

Su Chen heard the words and said.

The strength of the ten thousand phases is at the level of Dantian Huahai.

Xiao Siwu killed people secretly, there was no problem at all.

According to the itinerary, Xiao Siwu should have arrived in Yangcheng by now.

"Let's go, let's meet Liu Qingchou!"

Su Chen said.

Then the two left the room.

in a room.

Liu Qingchou, wearing a black cloak, was standing inside the house.

The cloak above his head was not taken off to cover his face.

The door opens.

Su Chen stepped in.

Liu Qingchou took off her cloak, revealing a delicate and charming face.

"I've seen Su Shaolong's head!"

Liu Qingchou saluted Su Chen slightly.

"Lord Liu, this time I came here secretly for the matter of Wanxiangxu!"

"Please sit down!"

After Su Chen came in, he spoke and asked Liu Qingchou to sit down.

"Su Shaolong, the matter at the Holy Sword Lake is over, and I'm going back to Yangcheng, so come here for a consultation."

Liu Qingchou said softly.

"Someone has already taken the mission, I believe Wan Xiangxu will die soon."

Su Chen said.

Hearing Su Chen say that someone has already claimed the task, Liu Qingchou showed a gleam of joy on her face.

This time, she saw the master strength of [Blue Dragon Club] with her own eyes.

I have heard it before, but this time I saw it, and the effect is different.

"This is the [Fenghua Xueyue Building] [-]% contract, and I will give it to Su Shaolong today."

Liu Qingchou took out a signed contract from her bosom.

She came here this time just to get close to Su Chen,

So I wrote the contract a long time ago, and gave Su Chen [-]% of the rights and interests of [Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou].

"Give me [-]% of the rights. It seems that you want to break with the Wan family."

Su Chen glanced at the contract in front of him, and said softly.

"I got news that Wan Chunhan wants to take down my [Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou] recently, so I can only do this."

"Otherwise, after I go back, [Feng Hua Xue Yue Lou] will not be mine!"

"Give [Fenghuaxueyue Tower] to Young Master Su, at least I can keep [-]%, but to Wan Fu, I will not keep [-]%!"

Liu Qing said sadly.

"Okay! I have won this contract!"

Su Chen put away the contract.

Originally, he was going to win [Fenghuaxueyuelou], but why would he not want the other party to offer it to him.

"You can contact Zhuang Xuanji for the account reconciliation in the future, and the former manager for other matters."

Su Chen said.

"Thank you Su Shaolong, then I won't stay here anymore!"

After Liu Qingchou saluted slightly, she left.

Now Su Chen has too many people paying attention to him.

For the time being, she doesn't want others to know that she has contact with Su Chen.

After sending Liu Qingchou away, Su Chen returned to his room.

It was already night, and the crescent moon appeared.

Su Chen entered the house
Changed into night clothes,

leave quickly.

He wants to go to the Holy Sword Lake, perform the Heavenly Dragon Intercepting Pulse Technique, and intercept the remaining luck of [Holy Sword Lake].

Although Su Chen doesn't know much about blood,

Today, Qian Junmo fought against Lan Yuehou, and Qian Junmo showed his blood power.

Although the power of the blood was not fully used, it was able to suppress Lan Yuehou who was using his divine power.

And Lan Yuehou also has blood, but something went wrong.

It can be seen that the power of blood is not simple.

The Heavenly Dragon Pulse Cutting Technique, the final practitioner is the Eight Heavenly Dragons.

It is to intercept all fortune and momentum, and condense eight celestial dragons in one's own blood, forming eight celestial dragon bloodlines.

Of course, if you want to condense the eight heavenly dragons, you need to steal a huge fortune
The figure was like a shadow, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Sword Heart Island

When Su Chen stepped in again.

At this moment, Jianxin Island is completely silent.

There is no stay in the figure.

Quickly came to the Sword Tomb in the center of Jianxin Island.

Outside the sword mound.

Gu Shentong's figure appeared.

"My lord, all the people on the island have been cleared."

Gu Shentong stepped forward to salute.

"I want to find a secluded valley to intercept the remaining luck of Jianxin Island, and you help me protect the law."

Su Chen instructed Gu Shentong.

"There is a valley not far from here, and it is relatively remote!"

Gu Shentong said.

Then he took Su Chen towards a valley not far away.

"There is no one in the valley, and the subordinates are outside the valley to help the Lord protect the Dharma."

Gu Shentong said.

"it is good!"

Su Chen nodded.

Then sit cross-legged in the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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