The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 829 The killing intent is shocking, one person and one violin kill through the city gate

Chapter 829 The killing intent is shocking, one person and one piano kill through the city gate

The momentum erupted, and Mu Fenghai let out a low cry, his body shot out, and he slapped out his palm.

A terrifying aura appeared in the palm of his hand.

The vigor formed a nebula feeling, and with terrifying destructive power, it attacked Wang Xuemei overwhelmingly.

Mu Fenghai's unique skill, Xing Chen Tian Mie Zhang.

In addition, Fei Hongyu of the dead man's grave raised his palm, which was like a white bone.

Claws protruded from the palm, attacking Wang Xuemei.

For a moment, the palm of the hand enveloped the surrounding space, making it seem like there was nowhere to hide.

Although the palm of the hand is like a white bone, it is like a mountain, which makes people unable to breathe, and there is an aura that corrodes the body.

The two gods are suppressed.

In addition, the two of them shot with all their strength.

For a time the momentum was overwhelming.

Suppressed the aura that Wang Xuemei guided earlier.


Under the pressure of this momentum, Wang Xuemei snorted coldly.

When the palms of the two were about to fall.

Divine power!Killing Demon!
A more terrifying look erupted from her body.

There is a terrifying killing intent in the posture.

The killing intent condensed into a piano shadow.

The illusory appearance of the shadow suddenly filled the world with blood, as if it was carrying endless killing.

With a lift of the palm.

That day the magic piano was held in her palm
"Tianlong Octave!"

She gave a low drink.

Palm wave.

The attacking figures of the two felt a terrifying air current sweeping over them, blocking their figures.

Where the two palms attacked, there was an explosion sound.


Seeing this, the expressions of the two people changed.

Do it again immediately.

The two vigorous vigor moved towards Wang Xuemei again,

Wang Xuemei plucked the strings twice.

The terrifying sonic power flew out in an instant, blocking the two people from clapping their palms.

then see

Wang Xuemei moved her palm continuously.

Waves of sound waves continued to rush out.

The two resisted, but after resisting a few sound waves, the sound waves rushed into their bodies.

The two people paused, controlling their own strength, resisting the sound wave power in their bodies,

"After today, it will be a nightmare for you 36 aliens!"

After speaking, Wang Xuemei turned and left holding Tianmoqin.


Seeing Wang Xuemei leave, the expressions of the two changed, and they wanted to catch up, but the strength in their bodies prevented them from pursuing.

Not long after Wang Xuemei left
Several figures appeared at the gate of the city.

The leader is Lie Zhenbei.

Seeing the two people standing at the gate of the city, they wanted to get closer.

Just as he moved his feet.

The bodies of Mu Fenghai and Fei Hongyu who shot directly exploded, turning into a mass of flesh and blood.


see this situation.

Lie Zhenbei's eyes changed color and became ferocious.

Looking at Wang Xuemei's disappearing direction, his eyes were filled with endless killing intent.

At this moment.

Several figures appeared at the gate of the city, the leader was Feng Hanlie who came from the Fenglie Clan.

Feng Hanlie saw the situation at the gate of the city.

He looked startled.

"What happened here, Patriarch Lie?"

Feng Hanlie came to Lie Zhenbei and said.

"do not you know?"

Seeing the appearance of Feng Hanlie, a trace of coldness flashed in Lie Zhenbei's eyes, and he said.

"I know?"

Hearing Lie Zhenbei's words, Feng Hanlie was startled, he didn't understand the meaning of Lie Zhenbei's words.

A figure appeared in front of Lie Zhenbei.

"My lord, at the other three city gates, all the people from all ethnic groups who came here had accidents, and no one survived!"

"Now there are still people from the ten clans who have not entered the city."

The visitor spoke.


Hearing what the visitor said, Feng Hanlie's expression changed, and he couldn't help asking: "Are they all?"

"They all died at the hands of [Blue Dragon Society] people."

"Just now, it was Wang Xuemei, the head of the April Hall of the Azure Dragon Society, who made the move here. As for the other city gates, I'm afraid they are also at the level of the head of the hall!"

"Patriarch Feng, you are so lucky!"

Followed by Lie Chengshang, who was wearing a blue robe, looked at Feng Hanlie and said.

Feng Hanlie looked surprised.

He didn't expect [Blue Dragon Club] to make a move at this time.

Didn't wait for 36 different races to gather.

Kill a group of people first.

"Great Elder, it's not my luck, probably a few people came here, that's why the [Blue Dragon Society] people left!"

Feng Hanlie hurriedly said.

"Really? Then let's go into the city! I happen to have something to ask you!"

Lie Zhenbei looked at Feng Hanlie and said.

In the current situation, he will not attack Feng Hanlie, lest there will be fluctuations in the remaining alien races.

Seeing this, Feng Hanlie could only leave with him.

at this time
In Tianzhen City
Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun were in a restaurant.

The two of them changed their appearance, dressed in ordinary clothes, and were dining together in the lobby of a restaurant.

At this time, a figure with a long knife came in and sat on one of the tables.

People around saw him.

He couldn't help but said: "Wang Dadao, why did you come here at this time!"

"Do you know? Just now at the entrance of Dongcheng, the head of the April Hall of the Azure Dragon Society, Wang Xuemei, appeared, and killed Liu Gucheng, the new leader of the Python clan, Bai Xilei and other people from the Baimu clan!"

"And the fourth master of the 36 alien races, Mu Fenghai and the [Dead Man's Tomb] master, were all killed."

"One person, one piano, effortless, this [Blue Dragon Club] is too strong!"

The visitor took a sip of the wine and said.

"You mean people from the [Blue Dragon Society] made a move!"

"Yeah! The person who made the shot is too strong, one person and one piano, the murderous intent is overwhelming, she is really a peerless female devil!"

That Wang Dadao opened his mouth and said.

"Not only the east city, but all the 36 aliens who appeared on the roads of the other three city gates were also killed!"

"[Blue Dragon Club] is too decisive, I think these 36 alien races are going to be unlucky!"

"Unlucky, I'm afraid it's not just unlucky, the [Blue Dragon Society] is talking about exterminating the clan!"

"However, just now at the gate of the city, Lie Zhenbei appeared, and there are experts beside him. I'm afraid the Lie family also invited experts!"

"War, it seems that this battle will be very exciting!"

Hearing this, some people became excited.

Jianghu warriors always like to watch such battles.

Otherwise, they would not gather here.

"Go first, Lie Zhenbei, I really want to see how you parry!"

Su Chen drank the wine and said.

Of course, he didn't participate in this matter, it was directed and arranged by Ling Luoshi.

He only needs to intercept the fortunes of 36 foreign races and martyrs in the end.

With the luck of the 36 clans and the Lie family, he should be able to condense a little ghost of a dragon.

The largest estate in the city.

Feng Hanlie followed Lie Zhenbei into the hall.

"Patriarch Feng, have you been in contact with Ling Luoshi?"

As soon as he entered the hall, Lie Zhenbei looked at Feng Hanlie and said.

"Yes, Ling Luoshi went to see me, and hoped that I would provide them with information about the 36 alien races. If you don't agree, they will destroy my Fenglie clan when I leave!"

Feng Hanlie said.

Lie Zhenbei knew that Ling Luoshi was touching him.

Then he doesn't need to hide it.

There's no point in hiding it.

"Well! Then you agree!"

"I have to agree, but I am willing to cooperate with Brother Lie to besiege and kill the [Blue Dragon Society] people. I think Brother Lie must have made corresponding preparations for calling the leaders of the 36 alien races!"

Feng Hanlie said.

"I made preparations. As long as they dare to come, I will let them die without a whole body!"

"You find a way to contact them, try to let them make a move during the meeting, not now!"

Lie Zhenbei looked at Feng Hanlie and said.

He was afraid that something would happen to the remaining aliens.

(End of this chapter)

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