Chapter 832 I Come Here, I Lend Your Head

The villa is not far away.

"Great Elder, the Patriarch has sent a signal, it's time for us to act."

Beside Lie Chengshang, Feng Hanlie's housekeeper said anxiously.

"I have already sent someone to investigate, just wait for the news!"

Lie Chengshang, who was wearing a blue robe, said calmly.

At this moment.

A black figure quickly came to Lie Chengshang and bowed in salute.

"Elder, in the manor, there are four hall masters of the [Blue Dragon Society]!"

"Ling Luoshi, the master of the first month hall, Yuan Shisanjian, the master of the February hall, Chu Jiangnan, the master of the March hall, and Fang Ying, the master of the May hall."

"Ling Luoshi has no intention of cooperating with Patriarch Feng at all. He has already killed Patriarch Feng before he came, and Patriarch Feng wants to kill Ling Luoshi!"

"[Azure Dragon Club] The leader of the fifth hall should look out and fight with the patriarch Feng!"

"Patriarch Feng has the upper hand, but he was killed by one move inadvertently."

The man in black briefly described what happened in the manor.

"What, you said Patriarch him!"

The housekeeper next to Lie Chengshang heard the news, his face was full of disbelief, and his expression was extremely excited: "Grand Elder, please take action and avenge our Patriarch!"

Just when his voice fell.

Lie Chengshang made a sudden move, and instantly slapped the old housekeeper on the head.

The old butler didn't have any defenses.

The head was directly blasted by this palm.

"Feng Hanlie is dead, you die with your master too!"

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

Feng Hanlie is just one of their pawns, a pawn to test the [Blue Dragon Club].

To die is to die!
How could it be possible to let him make a move.

And it's not safe here, so you have to leave as soon as possible.

It's just that they didn't take a few steps before they stopped.

under the moonlight.

A woman in white was sitting not far away with her eyes closed and a Guqin in front of her.

The moment they stopped.

The closed eyes suddenly opened, and a cold light shot out instantly.

The surrounding atmosphere also instantly chilled.

"It's you? [Azure Dragon Club] April Hall Master Wang Xuemei!"

Seeing the woman in white, First Elder Lie Chengshang's pupils shrank suddenly, with fear in his eyes.

During the day today, Wang Xuemei slaughtered all directions at the gate of Tianzhen City, and the portrait has already been spread.

What's more, there is a guqin in front of the other party.

Already identified.

"It seems that you are here to wait for us!"

Lie Chengshang looked at Wang Xuemei and said in a cold voice.

While speaking, his eyes were fixed on the guqin in front of Wang Xuemei.

Guqin is a guqin that kills people.

"I came here specially to borrow Elder Lie's head. Please don't be stingy with Elder Lie."

Wang Xuemei's voice was cold, but there was an invisible killing intent.

The surrounding breath is windless and automatic.

"Hmph! If you want to take the old man's head, let me see how you do it!"

Lie Chengshang snorted coldly.

Suddenly, with a grasping palm, he grabbed the man in black beside him.

Then he threw the man in black towards Wang Xuemei.

Wang Xuemei looked calm, and flicked the Tianmoqin in her hand, the body of the rushing man in black exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

When the blood mist erupted.

Lie Chengshang's body moved, he didn't run away, but when the blood mist appeared, his body turned into a black light and shot towards Wang Xuemei.

Claws protruded from the palm of his hand, and he attacked the Tianmoqin in Wang Xuemei's hand.

"Kill the old man, the old man will kill you first!"

The speed of the shot was so fast that as long as she didn't pluck the strings, she couldn't exert the power of the Tianmoqin.

It's just that he's fast.

Wang Xuemei moved faster in her hands.

In an instant, the palm of the hand fell on the Tianmoqin!

The sound of the piano appeared, forming a silver wave and heading towards Lie Chengshang.

Lie Chengshang looked shocked.

The figure retreated rapidly.

"Divine Power: Heavenly Spinning True Flow!"

"It's really punchy!"

Lie Chengshang, who was retreating, burst out with a look of power.

The momentum was like a vortex, forming a tidal pressure towards Wang Xuemei.

At this moment.

His previously clawed palm clenched into a fist, and he punched out.

The fists blasted out, and the vigor exploded. Under the influence of the gods,

Qi Jin turned into a huge vortex and burst out.

The two forces collided, and the vigor rushed away.

Lie Chengshen's figure was shaken back a few steps.

He stomped hard on the ground to stabilize his figure, and looked at Wang Xuemei in front of him with gloomy eyes.

Bombardment out of the fist, slowly falling down.

A trace of blood flowed out from the fist.

one strike!
The vortex of his violent vigor just now failed to block the opponent's sound waves.

"This woman, I am not an opponent, let's fight together!"

Lie Chengshang said in a low voice.

This time, he did not come alone.

While he was speaking, two black figures walked out of the darkness quickly.

These two people appeared, their figures moved, and Lie Chengshang presented a triangular siege.

One of them held two golden cymbals in his hand.

The other person held a gray copper rod in his hand, and he clenched his palm tightly, exuding a fierce aura from his body.

Their eyes locked on Wang Xuemei like poisonous snakes,

"I dare to come, don't I have any preparations?"

Lie Chengshang stared at Wang Xuemei with gloomy eyes, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I heard that your qin is very good, but I don't know if your qin is good or my gong and cymbal are good!"

While speaking, the person holding the golden cymbal opened his hands at the same time, and then closed them together!
The crisp and roaring sound erupted from the golden cymbal.

The sound wave instantly formed a golden light and attacked Wang Xuemei.


At this moment, the person holding the gray stick didn't say much, and moved his feet.

Accompanied by the sound of sound waves, the long stick in his hand attacked Wang Xuemei as fast as lightning.

"Divine Power: Angry Ape!"

When he shot, his momentum exploded, and behind him appeared a blurred figure of a gray giant ape.

"Split the sky with a stick!"

With the appearance of the angry ape, the aura of the stick-wielding man became violent, roaring and howling.

The evil spirit of blood permeated his body, and the whole person turned into a violent ape, and fell down with a stick.

the other side.

Lie Chengshang's eyes turned gray.

A terrifying dead air appeared on his body, and his divine power burst out instantly. The original true energy turned into a dead air and enveloped the fist.

one punch

Horror and death energy formed a vortex and enveloped Wang Xuemei.


Wang Xuemei's cold eyes became deeper and she snorted coldly.

The Heavenly Magic Qin in his hand plucked directly.

A sound wave attacked the person holding the golden gong.

There are endless killings in the sound waves.

Penetrating through the golden sound wave, forming a crescent moon blade, attacking and killing.

clang clang

Seeing this, the person holding the golden cymbal kept colliding with the gong and cymbal in his hand, sending out sound waves, trying to resist.

The crescent moon blade penetrated everything and rushed into his body.

The other two waves attacked the stick-wielding man and Lie Chengshang.

The air wave collided with the punch and the long stick.

A terrifying energy storm erupted.

The moment the energy storm appeared.

Wang Xuemei picked up the Tian Moqin, and plucked the strings again, but there was no sound, but a string flew out, turning into a silver light that penetrated the storm.

Pierce the qi of the man with the stick.

With a snort, it pierced the opponent's throat.

The man with the stick still wanted to make a move.

But the pain in his throat made him take a look.

A silver string.

The vigor above the strings exploded, the throat burst directly, and the head flew out.

The body did not fall to the ground for a while,


Seeing this scene, Lie Chengshang's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that the three of them would make a move, and the other party would easily defuse it, and even killed one person.

His face became serious, and he looked at the person holding the cymbal
It's just that when he looked at it, cracks appeared on the cymbal in the man's hand, and then it melted into copper pieces.

"Brother Lin!"


Before Lie Chengshang finished speaking, the body of the person holding the cymbal exploded and turned into flesh and blood.

The Tianmoqin in Wang Xuemei's hands is a high-grade spiritual weapon.

The power that erupted was extremely powerful.


Wang Xuemei snorted coldly.

He looked at Lie Chengshang.

"Send you on your way too!"

Pluck the strings in your hand.


A terrifying sonic force headed towards Lie Chengshang.

"Kill! What a whirlwind!"

Seeing Lie Chengshang, the true energy in his body was mobilized unreservedly.

Immediately, he punched out, and the terrifying true energy formed a shield of Qi Gang, attacking the sound wave.

The two forces collided.

Suddenly, the violent qi was struck and swept towards the surroundings.

Under this vigor, some surrounding trees instantly turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.

under this power.

Lie Chengshang's face was pale, and he was thrown backwards by the shock.

There was also a muffled hum from the throat, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.


Just then.

A silver string struck instantly.

Seeing this, Lie Chengshang quickly turned around to avoid the silver string.

As he avoids the silver strings.

The silver strings turned around in a blink of an eye, wrapping around his throat in an instant.

A bloodstain appeared on his neck.

It wasn't him who avoided it just now, but the other party intentionally let him avoid it, thus entangled the other party's throat.

He touched his throat with his palm.

Blood flowed from the bloodstain, and then the head fell to the ground.

The eyes are lifeless.

Wang Xuemei grabbed the palm of her hand, and the severely injured head was caught in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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