The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 836 Chu Jiangnan's divine power is condensed, everything is full of things, life 9 weig

Chapter 836 Chu Jiangnan's gods are condensed, and there are all kinds of things, Ming Nine weighs Ling Luoshi, Yuan Thirteen

"[Dead Man's Tomb] Ming Jiuzhong? I wonder if the new [Dead Man's Tomb] master has come?"

Su Chen looked at the old man in gray robe and said.

"Your Excellency, do you know that [Dead Man's Tomb] has a new owner?"

Just as Su Chen finished speaking, a cold voice rang in Su Chen's ear.

Su Chen's expression froze slightly, and his eyes looked in the direction of the voice.

A woman in a blue and white dress stood not far away.

Against the background of the blue and white long skirt, the graceful figure of the other party is displayed.

It's just that the face is covered with a veil, and the complete face cannot be seen clearly.

But judging from the exposed face, the woman's face is very beautiful.

It's just that the eyes are a little cold.

"I just heard that [Dead Man's Tomb] has a new owner? Why is the girl also interested in [Dead Man's Tomb]?"

Su Chen said.


The veiled woman moved, and in a blink of an eye she came not far from Su Chen and the others.

Yuan Suiyun's eyes froze.

Put on a defensive stance.

"I have no malicious intentions, so don't be vigilant."

Sensing Yuan Suiyun's vigilance, the veiled woman said.

"I don't know what you guys think of this fight?"

The veiled woman then spoke.

"It's hard to predict this fight, after all, judging from the current situation, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose."

Su Chen said softly.

"I'm very optimistic about the [Blue Dragon Club]. They haven't really been defeated until now."

Said the woman wearing a veil.

"Is that hard to say?"

Su Chen looked in the direction of Chu Jiangnan.

Chu Jiangnan's opponent is a strong man in the sea.

God's power overwhelmed him.

Although he resisted this coercion with his sword energy, he was still suppressed overall.

It's just that this kind of suppression gradually became limited.

"Which of them do you think will die?"

At this time, the cold woman also looked in the direction of Chu Jiangnan, and said.

"The strong man in the sea will die."

"Chu Jiangnan's swordsmanship is very strong, and the opponent's power is not able to suppress the opponent. Once Chu Jiangnan finds an opportunity, the strong man in the sea may be killed with a single sword."

"I don't know what the girl thinks?"

Su Chen looked at the cold woman.

"You have the same opinion as me this time!"

The cold woman said without moving her beautiful eyes.

when they speak.

The strong swordsman who fought against Chu Jiangnan suddenly withdrew his attack.

Holding a long knife horizontally in his hand, there was a cold light in his eyes,

"If you continue to fight like this, you may use this to condense your power, but I will not give you such a chance."

"Pick me up!"

After fighting so many moves, they still couldn't win Chu Jiangnan.

Moreover, the aura on Chu Jiangnan's body became more and more cohesive, with a vague sense of cohesive power.

He will not let Chu Jiangnan condense his divine power, once Chu Jiangnan's divine power condenses and emerges.

At that time, he might die under the sword of Chu Jiangnan,

So he wanted to kill Chu Jiangnan with one blow.

The saber intent erupted on his body, the long saber in his hand was raised, the saber aura condensed, and turned into a fierce tiger,

Opposite him, Chu Jiangnan's eyes froze.

The opponent's knife is not easy.

The sword is like a tiger.

Cut out with one knife, the knife energy is like a tiger coming out of the mountain, the evil spirit shakes the sky,

When Chu Jiangnan's heart was heavy.

The opponent drew a knife.

"Tiger kills the sky!"

As soon as the opponent's footsteps stepped on the ground, his figure rose violently, and he slashed out with a knife.

When the knife came out, the knife energy was extremely strong, and all the surrounding air was sucked into this knife energy.

Chu Jiangnan's eyes were solemn, and there was a sense of oppression all over his body.

Accompanied by the oppression, the surrounding space seemed to be squeezed, which made him feel suffocated,

When this feeling of suffocation appears.

The scene of the previous life suddenly appeared in front of him.

He plotted his whole life and killed Qin Baichuan, but he died at the hands of Baiyun.

Although he was born again, the depression in the previous life has not been completely eliminated.

At this moment, under this huge sword intent, he recalled his life again, and his mood suddenly began to change.

In this life, he wants to be his true self.

No need to hide yourself.

"Chu people are in the south of the Yangtze River, and swords roar all over the rivers and lakes."

Interpret yourself perfectly.


At this moment, his aura that had been condensing all this time suddenly took shape.

Chu Jiangnan's power has nothing to do with the sword.

Although he practiced the kendo of Yagyu Ichiken.

But he is not obsessed with swordsmanship,

He is a kind of person who is conducive to greater power. After coming to this world, he practiced the myriad phenomena of his father Duanmu Banner.

Everything is extremely strange, the moves are as heavy as thunder, and it also has the power of Yin and Yang, which can be said to be extremely overbearing.

So he moved his divine power in this direction.

A stroke of epiphany, concentration of power

At the same time, a thunder surged out.

When the divine power was condensed, Chu Jiangnan slashed out with a sword.

Jianguang collided with Daoguang.

Jian Guang was shattered.

The long sword in Chu Jiangnan's hand was also blown out by the powerful force.

"Even if you comprehend the divine power, so what? Under my knife, you will die!"

The sword energy of Chu Jiangnan was shattered with one blow.

There was a ferocious smile on the face of the swordsman.

He raised the long knife in his hand and slashed out again.

The sword qi slashes down vertically and horizontally

It's just that Chu Jiangnan's figure is faster, and the higher his cultivation of Sen Luo Vientiane Kungfu, the faster his speed, and he dodged the knife in an instant.


The knife fell to the ground.

The dust is flying on the ground,

In dusty moments.

A figure appeared in front of the Dao of the Sword expert.

punch out

The punch was like a heavy thunder, directly hitting the opponent's chest.

The entire body of the knife-shooter was blasted away by this punch.

When the body flew upside down, it exploded and turned into a mass of flesh and blood.


The scene is a bit surprising.

The people who played before, although confronting each other, haven't played against each other yet, so they have the time to watch their fight.

This situation is surprising

With the help of this battle, Chu Jiangnan successfully gathered his momentum.


Chu Jiangnan raised his hand to grab the long knife that had been thrown out earlier.

Attack and kill the people behind Lie Zhenbei.


The atmosphere became violent,

Hong Qigong and Bi Lingxu also shot out instantly.

Lie Zhenbei's eyes were fixed,

The remaining ten people behind him also rushed out, and the two sides fought.

At this moment.

Fang Yingkan's small sad arrows kept appearing in his hand, the arrows were like shooting stars, attacking the crowd,


There were screams amidst the sound of explosions.


Some people quickly headed towards the manor.

Fang Yingkan, Chu Jiangnan, Hong Qigong, and Bi Lingxu rushed into the manor.

This time, all the strong men of the beggar gang came.

Cooperate with Wen Xue'an and other apprentices of Yuan Shisanxian to enter the manor in advance.

For a while the scene became chaotic.

Lie Zhenbei's face was gloomy, but he stood at the gate of the manor without moving.

His eyes looked at Ling Luoshi fiercely.

"Ming Lao, you stopped Ling Luoshi and Yuan Shisanxian, I'll kill the others!"

Lie Zhenbei looked at Ming Jiuzhong and said.

"it is good!"

Hearing Lie Zhenbei's words, Ming Jiuzhong's expression was ferocious, and a sinister aura filled his body.

There is a powerful aura

"Divine Power: Nine-turn Skull!"

That Ming Jiuzhong gave a low shout, a blood shadow appeared behind him, and nine skull shadows appeared in the phantom.

This divine force instantly enveloped Ling Luoshi and Yuan Thirteen Limits.

It is necessary to suppress Yuan Shisanxian and Ling Luoshi with the power of one person.

(End of this chapter)

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