The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 838 Furious palm collision, Yuan 3 limit, Ling Luoshi cooperates

Chapter 838 Furious palm collision, yuan thirteenth limit, Ling Luoshi cooperates

The palms of the two collided, and the violent energy flowed.

The figure receded.

At the moment of shock retreat.

Both of them burst out with surging and violent vigor.

The momentum on his body also climbed to the peak state in an instant,

At the same time a long roar.

The power in the palm exploded, and he shot again,

While the flames were burning, the air dragon roared.

A series of terrifying air waves erupted from the place where the two fought, and the air waves reverberated wildly, tearing apart the energy around them.

A series of substantive vigor soaring into the sky stirs up the situation,

"Good! Good!"

Tang Mu and Qiao Feng retreated violently, with expressions of excitement on their faces.

"Divine Power: Red Polar Sun."

At this moment, Tang Mu burst out the true power of his posture.

A round of red sun spread out
The energy in his body soared, and the fiery true energy swept the surrounding air into a vacuum.

"For many years, I haven't shot with all my strength!"

"I really want to know, where did your gang of beggars come from?"

Tang Mu looked at Qiao Feng and said.

The beggar gang appeared very suddenly.

Appears in almost no time.

This is a bit puzzling.

"The rivers and lakes are changing, and the forces are also changing. Why can't our beggar gang appear?"

Qiao Feng said.

As he spoke, his power exploded.

Eighteen dragon shadows filled the air.

"What a domineering demeanor, with your demeanor, you will definitely become one of the overlords in this world."

Tang Mu looked at the aura erupting from Qiao Feng's body, and said.

The demeanor is domineering and powerful.

Sometimes there is a sense of identity among the strong.

"Red Sun Nine Extreme Palm!"

When the voice fell.

Tang Mu let out a low cry, and clapped his palms with both hands, the flames in his palms were like a red sun.

The energy around him soared, like a scorching sun.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

At this moment, Qiao Feng also shot

The energy in the palm was like a torrent, and with one palm, the terrifying energy turned into eighteen dragon shadows, hitting the palm that was bombarded.

On one side, the eighteen palms of subduing the dragon, the strength of the eighteen palms,

On one side, the red sun is like a scorching sun, and the palm force is equally violent.

The two forces collided.

This time it was more terrifying than before.

The two palms collided.

The footsteps of the two fell on the ground, and the ground was completely cracked under the huge force.

There is a strong wind around.

The two stepped on the ground and went deep into the ground.

Compete with the power of terror.

There are flying sand and rocks flying around, dancing wildly.

For a while, it was impossible to tell who won and who lost.

"So fierce, so domineering, this Qiao Feng can be as tough as Tang Mu, and he is not at all inferior!"

Seeing this situation, the eyes of the people watching the battle were extremely horrified,

Tang Mu became famous, but a long time ago.

The palm power of the red sun is unparalleled,

Under the palm, there are many strong people.

That's why the Red Sun Hall became one of the second halls.

Although Qiao Feng was powerful in the past, he had just become famous after all, and some people didn't think highly of him before.

But now it is different.

"Beggars, after this battle, they will become stronger."

This is what everyone thinks.


Just when the people watching the battle thought this way.

The two vigor suddenly surged up,

It's Ling Luoshi and Yuan Shisanxian from [Blue Dragon Club].

"[Dead Man's Tomb] has nine lives, I don't know if you have nine lives."

The four doors of the screen on Ling Luoshi's body exploded completely.

The battle aroused his ferocity.

The palm of his hand was slapped, and the terrifying fierce aura was condensed in his palm, turning into a terrifying tension, and heading towards Ming Jiuzhong.

"With an incomplete aura, you dare to act fiercely in front of this old man!"

That Ming Jiuzhong laughed wildly, his body's death energy soared, and his figure turned into a ray of light, heading towards Ling Luoshi.

Sad little arrow.

At this moment, a small sad arrow burst out from Yuan Shisanxian's hand, and a silver light flashed out.

Attack on that life Jiuzhong.

Ming Jiuzhong focused his eyes, turned his palm, and patted the sad little arrow.


The sad little arrow exploded.

Ren Jiuzhong's figure froze suddenly when he made the shot.

At this moment of stagnation.

Ling Luoshi appeared like lightning, his long hair fluttering, and an incomparably ferocious aura erupted from him.


Palm out.

The palm force crushed the air and fell hard.

"Good palm!"

Ming Jiuzhong let out a low cry, but without any panic, he raised his palm and slapped it out.

Colliding with Ling Luoshi's palm,

The yin and cold energy in the body soared.

The spirit surged up, and the cold air filled with a dead air.


Just then.

Yuan Shisanjian let out a low drink, the Mountain Character Classic in his body, and the magical skills of patience and humiliation were fully activated, and the sad little arrow appeared again.

burst out
The storm rises.

The waves rolled.

Seeing this, the skull that Ming Jiuzhong was playing with earlier flew out instantly.

Collided with that sad little arrow

The skull exploded.

At the moment of this explosion.

Yuan Shisanxian stepped in front of Ming Jiuzhong.

Hate Heaven and Dafa
At this moment, he displayed the Heaven-hating Dafa that he had just practiced.

Endless hatred emerged from Yuan Thirteen Limits,

at the moment of emergence,

The Shanzi Jing in Yuan Thirteen Limits continued to operate.

At this moment, the whole body made a crackling sound, and the figure exploded.

The sound of muscles and bones exploding was like firecrackers.

"Pick me up!"


With the help of the aftermath of the explosion, it was shot out with one palm.

This palm is like thunder.

As heavy as a kilogram.

Come out with suffocating hatred.

Naming Jiuzhong's complexion changed.

His body was full of dead energy, and he shook Ling Luoshi away with a palm.

His energy soared.

The energy in the palm was concentrated, and it collided with Yuan Shisanxian's palm
a bang,

Ming Jiuzhong's body was shaken back a few steps.

The body was shaken back, and the feet stepped on the ground.

Click click
The masonry on the ground cracked.

I even had two strands of blood dripping from the corners of my mouth.

"Four screens!"

When he ordered Jiuzhong to block Yuan Shisanxian's palm.

Ling Luoshi shot.

The figure rushed away like a ghost.

The zhenqi in his hand turned into a stone gate and hit towards the opponent.

Ming Jiuzhong roared, and anger burst out in his eyes.

He was actually suppressed and injured.

"Nine-turn Life and Death Palm!"

Ming Kunou broke out with all his strength.

The palm was slapped out, entwined with lifeless energy, and hit the stone door.


The two violent palms collided, and the air waves flew in all directions, rolling up sand and rocks on the ground.

The vigor tore through the air like a raging wave, which was no worse than Qiao Feng's palm strength.

Ling Luoshi's body was shaken back
Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

But there was no change in the eyes, and the figure continued to rush out
The power in the palm continued to skyrocket.

On the other side, the power in Yuan Shisan's palm exploded, and his fist and foot skills exploded together, and together with Ling Luoshi, he besieged and killed that Ming Jiuzhong.

Previously, the gods suppressed Ling Luoshi and Yuan Shisan's life-limiting Jiuzhong, and fell into a kind of siege for a while.

This situation is completely unexpected.

"Being suppressed, I don't know if there is any hole card in this Ming Jiuzhong."

Su Chen, who was standing on the roof, said.

He couldn't help looking at the cold woman beside him.

The cold woman knows a lot, so Su Chen really wants to see what the other party will say?
"He's done!"

The cold woman said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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