The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 843 Yan Nanfei, Sword Saint Gai Nie, a registered disciple of the Longevity Society

Chapter 843 Yan Nanfei, Sword Saint Gai Nie, a registered disciple of the Longevity Society

Seeing the reward this time, Su Chen was shocked.

This Li Hanqiu does have the temperament of the Emperor of Europe.

It brought him so many rewards at once.

There are two sets of Yin Dao exercises, the twelve chapters of Linglong Juesheng, which are the exercises of Chiqin Fairy in Qiangjian, and the sword master Beitang Aodu has been thinking about it for a long time.

The Qijue qin sounds are the unique skills of the dead heart master in the magic sword life and death chess. It is rumored that it can break the existence of the innate qi,

These two sets of sound wave skills, if given to Wang Xuemei,

Then her Yin Dao skills must go further

Strength will become stronger.

Zi Yihou: The character in "Huanhua Xijianlu" has no name, seems to be omnipotent, and his whereabouts are mysterious, but his strength is comparable to that of the white-clothed man in the East China Sea. Xue Yiren's full-body skills of such a character may be as powerful as Concentrate on the top of the sea.

A character in Yan Nanfei's "The Knife of the Moon at the End of the World", No. 1 in the "Jianghu Celebrity List", Gong Ziyu's stand-in.

In the TV series, they are the characters who have developed great compassion. The characters in the novel are somewhat sad, not as ambitious as in the TV series.

In the novel, Yan Nanfei has a free and unrestrained personality, and is also a knight who knows himself alone.

It's just that he's just a puppet for Gong Ziyu to control the martial arts world, a sad pawn.

Of course, being able to become the number one person on the [Jianghu Celebrity List], his strength should not be underestimated

Su Chen glanced at the opponent's strength.

His eyes narrowed slightly, Yan Nanfei's strength turned out to be that of the top-notch Concentration in the Sea,

"Twelve hall masters, another hall master has come!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

Finally, his eyes fell on Gai Nie.

Gai Nie is a character in the cartoon "Qin Shi Mingyue" and "Nine Songs of Heaven".

Zonghengjia, the successor of Guigu Zongjian, has superb swordsmanship, and enjoys the title of "Sword Master" in the world.

Temperament is calm, calm in dealing with things, he is just, and has the world in mind.

He and Wei Zhuang are brothers.

I don't know how strong it is.

Su Chen was a little excited. Gai Nie's strength was concentrated in the top sea, and he was about to step into broken, and there was also a note (broken).


Su Chen's face showed joy.

Opposite him, Li Hanqiu was a little puzzled when he saw a smile on Su Chen's face.

"Did Su Shaolong think of anything good?"

"It's a good thing. Thank you Miss Li for helping me understand the situation above Tianmen!"

"But I have one more thing I want to ask Miss Li."

"Don't know what?"

"That's how Miss Li thinks of Emperor Zhou?"

Su Chen always feels that the current situation of the Great Zhou Dynasty is somewhat unclear.

"Emperor Zhou is the thirteenth son of the Lord of the Great Zhou Dynasty, one of the five celestial dynasties in Yuzhou. It seems that something happened back then, and his spirit fell to this world."

"As for his current situation, I can't say, because I have only entered this world not long ago."

"However, after reading the information, I'm a little confused about Emperor Zhou's current state."

Li Hanqiu said.

"You also have doubts. It seems that our Zhou Emperor should be plotting something?"

"But he is already the master of this world, what else can he plot?"

Su Chen couldn't figure it out.

The residence of the Seventh Prince.

The Seventh Prince Liu Yu was in a trance, looking at the secret report in his hand in a daze, not knowing what to say for a while?
A little shocked in the absence.

Gongsun Mingjing, who was standing not far from him, frowned slightly when he saw the expression of the Seventh Prince Liu Yu.

"Your Highness, the secret report?"

The secret report was directly submitted to the Seventh Prince Liu Yu, and he had not read it.

The Seventh Prince Liu Yu felt that his mouth was a little dry at the moment, so he put the secret letter on the table tremblingly, put a cup of tea beside him, and drank it all in one gulp.

Then he opened his mouth and said: "The Lie family and the 36 foreign races are over, the ancestor of the Lie family and Lie Zhenbei are both dead!"

"Not only did they die 36 alien patriarchs, but all the people they invited to go also died."

"All dead!"

After finishing speaking, the Seventh Prince Liu Yu leaned back on the chair, his whole body was a little limp.

The end of the Lie family was a huge blow to him.

Gongsun Mingjing in front of him was shocked and couldn't believe it.

He took the secret letter in his hand and read it.

After reading the secret letter, Gongsun Mingjing's face also turned pale.

Look a little bitter.

"The No.12 Hall Master of [Azure Dragon Society], Li Wuxie, is so strong, he beheaded the ancestor of the Lie family with one palm, and finally resisted the Heavenly Gate."


Look at the contents of the secret letter.

Gongsun Mingjing couldn't believe it and couldn't accept this result.

The Seventh Prince Liu Yu leaned on the back of the chair, slowly calming down.

"Now we are going to shrink, inform everyone, and be on guard recently."

"Don't give others a chance."

The Seventh Prince Liu Yu said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, in fact, there is no need to be pessimistic. We also made two-handed preparations at that time."

"One is to win and the other is to lose."

"Although the Lie family and the 36 alien races are finished, the [Blue Dragon Society] people killed the Tianmu Master of [Dashan Temple]."

"Master Tianmu is the younger brother of Master Tianmi, the national teacher, and Master Tianmi is the leader of the Esoteric sect. What happened at the [Blue Dragon Meeting] last time caused some estrangement with the First Prince."

"This gives us a chance, we can get in touch with Master Tianmi."

Gongsun Mingjing said.

Hearing Gongsun Mingjing's words, Seventh Prince Liu Yu's dim expression suddenly brightened.

Sit up straight again.

"It's an opportunity, officials, esoteric sect! If we can all gather with us, even if the Lie family is gone, I won't have much loss!"

"But this [Blue Dragon Society] is a bit scary."

The Seventh Prince Liu Yu said in a deep voice.

"Your Highness, we have no other choice now."

"If you don't cooperate with the Ministry of Officials and Tantrism, Your Highness can only withdraw from the battle for the throne!"

Gongsun Mingjing said.

"Quit, how can I, Liu Yu, quit."

Hearing this, a sharp light flashed in Liu Yu's eyes.

"Your Highness, someone is asking to see you outside!"

"This is their invitation!"

At this time, a servant trotted in from outside.

Liu Yu opened the greeting card in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly,

"In the future, please come in!"

Liu Yu said.


The servants who came to leave immediately.

"People from the Longevity Society."

After the attendants left, the Seventh Prince Liu Yu said in a low voice.

"What? People from the Longevity Society?"

Beside him, Gongsun Mingjing was stunned, with surprise in his eyes.

in a while
The two figures were led into the hall by the attendants.

A man and a woman, the man is tall and straight, not handsome in appearance, but he gives people a very special feeling, especially a pair of eyes that are extremely deep and radiate cold light.

The woman is a curvaceous young woman with a curvaceous figure, and her clothes are somewhat revealing.

The slender, white legs are looming under the almost transparent skirt.

In particular, the towering twin peaks are wrapped in a layer of light gauze, which is very attractive, with a beautiful and coquettish face, revealing endless charm.

Walked in side by side with the man.

"I've met His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince. This is Luo Zhong. This is my junior sister Liu Lin'er. We are the registered disciples of the [Eternal Life Society] leader."

After the young man came in, he saluted Liu Yu and introduced him.

(End of this chapter)

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