The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 846: Li Hanqiu Poachs a Corner, Emperor Zhou Feels Suspicious

36 Alien ancestral manor.

Inside a secret room.

A look of surprise flashed in Su Chen's eyes.

When he intercepted the fortune of 36 alien races just now, he vaguely absorbed a black fortune.

This black fortune is a bit weak.

And while he absorbs.

This black fortune has gradually passed away, as if someone else is absorbing it.

"How is this going?"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Then he sensed the dragon shadow in his body.

"It's a little bit worse. I didn't expect that the fortune of absorbing 36 alien races is similar to the fortune of Holy Sword Lake!"

"According to this situation, I have to absorb another force of this force to condense the Dragon Shadow!"

Su Chen was slightly disappointed.

Of course, at this moment, Su Chen is not in a hurry.

He had a general understanding of the situation above Tianmen from Li Hanqiu.

Above the Heavenly Gate, to be honest, it is really not suitable for him for the time being.

Stand up.

Get out of the secret room.

Yuan Suiyun was waiting outside the secret room.

"Take me to meet the evil god!"

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

As for the territory of the 36 foreign races and the Lie family, they were all handed over to Ling Luoshi and Qiao Feng.

This time it was the joint efforts of [Blue Dragon Club] and [Beggar Gang].

In the follow-up, 36 foreign races and the remnants of the Lie family will be dealt with.

"Hall Master Li, in the secret room not far away."

The original follow the cloud.

Su Chen followed Yuan Suiyun to a secret room.

Li Wuxie was sitting cross-legged on the futon.

There is also a dark burning smell on his body, which shows that the power of thunder and lightning above the gate of that day is powerful.

However, Li Wuxie's heart was beating extremely vigorously, exuding terrifying life force.

Sensing Su Chen coming.

Li Wuxie opened his eyes and opened the stone door.


Don't do evil things.

"How about the lightning power of Tianmen? Can you still perceive the situation above Tianmen?"

Su Chen entered the secret room and said.

"The power of thunder and lightning is very strong. If it is not for the subordinates who can maintain a little intelligence, pure physical strength cannot resist the power of thunder and lightning."

"You can only use strength to destroy the gate of that day."

"As for the Tianmen, the subordinates sensed a little bit, but that little breath made the subordinates almost collapse."

Outsiders see that Li Wuxie is using his body to resist the thunder and lightning of the Heavenly Gate.

But he also released his perception to perceive the situation in Tianmen.

"Subordinate, after you recover, check again, check a few more times, and you should find more!"

Don't do evil things.

"Be careful, the door should have sensed your aura that day!"

"I don't know if I will be suppressed next time!"

However, Su Chen knew that after the strong man at the broken level made a move, there would be stronger suppression.

"Subordinates will be careful!"

Li Wuxie nodded.

at this time
A place outside Tianzhen

Li Hanqiu was standing in a dense forest.

The face is veiled.

A figure appeared in front of Li Hanqiu.

"Master, now [Beggar Gang] Qiao Feng has left Tianzhen City and is heading towards Changhe County!"

The figure saluted and said.

"Leave so soon?"

"Then Su Chen, the head of the [Blue Dragon Society], did you meet with [Beggar Gang] Qiao Feng?"

Li Hanqiu asked coldly.

"It's Qiao Feng and Ling Luoshi who have been dealing with the 36 alien races all this time, and the other [Blue Dragon Club] people haven't shown up."

"Qiao Feng also didn't go to see Su Chen, the head of the young dragon of [Azure Dragon Society]."

The visitor replied.

"It seems that Qiao Feng has nothing to do with this [Blue Dragon Club]!"

Li Hanqiu said softly.

"From what I've heard, there's no relationship between them?"

"Master, I have something to say, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

The figure in front of her spoke.

"It's okay!"

Li Hanqiu said.

"My subordinates don't understand why the mound master cares so much about Qiao Feng of the beggar gang."

The figure asked.

"Qiao Feng's demeanor is extraordinary, all eighteen celestial dragon phantoms have been completed, and one hand can break through the gate of heaven!"

"Entering the Tianmen, if you go one step further, step into the realm of transformation, and condense the realm of eighteen dragons, then in the realm of transformation, I am afraid that only those born with the blood of that day or the emperor's bloodline can compare!"

"If such a person joins my life and death gate, he may become a strong man."

"Maybe I can also rely on this person to avenge my blood."

Li Hanqiu said.

"But the mound master, Li Wuxie, Wang Xuemei, Ling Luoshi, and Yuan Shisanxian of [Azure Dragon Society] all have extraordinary auras."

"Why don't we touch them?"

The visitor asked puzzledly.

"[Qinglonghui] Young Dragon Head, I have come into contact with it, this person gives me a very unusual feeling!"

"What's more, [Qinglonghui] is a huge organization, and it must have a foundation above the Tianmen. I dig other strong people, but I am making enemies for myself."

"The Beggar Gang is different. Judging from the situation, the combat power is not that strong."

"The matter in Tianzhen City is over. You issue the [Tomb Master Order] to notify those who are outside the [Dead Man's Tomb] to return to the [Dead Man's Tomb]. This time I will fully control the Dead Man's Tomb."

"I'll go see Qiao Feng first! We'll meet up at the Grave of the Dead later."

After speaking, Li Hanqiu turned into an afterimage and left.

The man in black also left quickly.

at this time
In the imperial palace
Emperor Zhou suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp light burst out from them.

"Why do I have a bad feeling in my heart!"

Zhou Di muttered in his mouth.

"Come here, Xuanxue Pingsheng and Tian Daoren come together!"

Emperor Zhou ordered.


A figure quickly left the palace.

in a while.

Xue Pingsheng entered the palace with the man in the black Taoist robe.

"Heavenly Daoist, when I was absorbing the evil dragon's energy just now, I suddenly felt a little restless. You checked your fortune recently, did you find anything?"

Emperor Zhou looked at Taoist Heaven and asked in a deep voice.

"Recently, the fate of the evil dragon has risen, which has led to changes in the fortunes of the rivers and lakes. Now the forces appear frequently, and the chaos is extremely chaotic. For the time being, the subordinates can only check the overall trend!"

"There is no major change in the overall trend now!"

Tian Taoist replied immediately.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou frowned slightly.

"Continue to check, and notify me immediately if there are major changes!"

Emperor Zhou ordered.

"Life, is there anything special happening on your side?"

Emperor Zhou then looked at Xue Pingsheng.

"Your Majesty, recently, various forces have appeared in the rivers and lakes, among which [Tianya Pavilion] and [Blue Dragon Club] are the most active."

"The people from Tianya Pavilion occupy the holy sword lake, and the people from [Blue Dragon Club] wiped out the Lie family and the 36 alien races,"

"Their strength is a bit unexpected, but [Tianya Pavilion] lost a master when they fought against Holy Sword Lake, touched the gate of heaven, and left passively!"

"Also, Jiujue Jiantian Jiujue from [True Martial Taoist Temple] went to the Lingjiang area, and was going to discuss with [Tianya Pavilion] Yu Tian, ​​the chief envoy of the ten directions."

Xue Pingsheng briefly described what happened recently,

"It led to [True Martial Taoist Temple], which was beyond my expectation!"

Hearing this, Emperor Zhou's expression moved slightly.

"Aiming at these two forces, the subordinates are collecting all their personnel information, hoping to find out some of their backgrounds from the information of these people!"

Xue Pingsheng said.

"What happened to my sons!"

"The change of the Lie family and the 36 foreign races is also the time for them to make a move. I just don't know if the old seven can take it down."

Emperor Zhou said softly.

"Your Majesty, this matter should be able to attract many people, and it will not be difficult for the Seventh Palace to carry it down."

Xue Pingsheng replied.

"When will Qingchen return to the capital?"

After hearing Xue Pingsheng's words, Emperor Zhou spoke.

"On the way back, the people from [Eternal Life Society] will move. I hope this time they can attract some important people."

A gleam flashed in Xue Pingsheng's eyes.

The address is already known. To be honest, whether these people bring it back or not is of little use.

But he also brought back Fang Huaiyuan's entourage.

On the one hand, I want to further confirm.

On the other hand, it is to attract people from the [Eternal Life Society] to do it.

Only by doing it can we know who there are and find each other.

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