The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 849 8 fierce real body skills, above the gate of heaven, the gate of life and death, the 9 a

Chapter 849 Eight Ominous Real Body Skills, Above the Gate of Heaven, Gate of Life and Death, Tian Jiujue Appears
Sky Town

Su Chen sat on a pavilion.

In the past two days, Su Chen read all the treasures and some books in the ancestral village of 36 foreign races.

But not many rewards.

Just got 5 orange draw cards.

"There are few ways to get rewards like this!"

Su Chen couldn't help but sighed in his heart.

Seeing the 5 orange lottery cards he got, Su Chen couldn't help but draw them directly.

[Get the exclusive character Ling Luoshi of the Eight Ominous True Body Skills, get the exclusive bow of sadness in the Yuan Thirteenth Limit, get the exclusive character Liu Shengyijian of a drop of magic blood, get the Yiqi Protecting Yuan Pill, get the Lie Yang God Orb, and the exclusive character Evil God Li Wuxie . 】


"The rewards this time are somewhat targeted."

Su Chen couldn't help checking out the real skills of the eight evil spirits, Ling Luoshi's reward.

Eight Fierce Real Body Skills: A skill that condenses eight kinds of fierce beasts, which can increase one's own ferocity, physical strength, and true energy of the whole body. Every time a fierce beast is condensed, it can increase the attack by [-]% when attacking. The power of the eight kinds of fierce beasts is condensed, and finally combined into one, a drop of blood of the fierce beast can be born, the specific bloodline is unknown!
"This exercise is a bit awesome!"

Su Chen thought to himself.

This is properly adding lethality to Ling Luoshi.

Ling Luoshi was originally murderous, but now he is practicing this, and the coordination itself is fierce, with four doors on the screen.

This is to kill the rivers and lakes.

sad bow,

Su Chen found out that the sad little arrow is a technique that uses qi as an arrow, but now the system has created a sad bow, what is it for?
However, under investigation, Su Chen's eyes froze.

Because this sad bow is a top-level weapon, as long as the yuan thirteenth limit is continuously cultivated, it is possible to break through to the spirit level.

Of course, this is not the main point, but the sad bow, which can double the attack power of the sad little arrow.

The Sad Arrow, which is already very strong, will burst out with powerful terror under this blessing.

One Breath Protecting Yuan Pill, a pill that can protect the heart as long as there is still one breath.

This thing is suitable for the evil god Li Wuxie.

Li Wuxie was ready to continue after being struck by the lightning from Tianmen.

Last piece.

The Lieyang Shenzhu-level treasure can assist in cultivation and increase the attack power of shots. It is Li Wuxie's treasure in itself.

With one drop of magic blood, the magic blood in Liu Shengyijian's body has stabilized, and with another drop, the strength is gradually increasing.

Is this going to turn Yagyu Yijian into a demon king?

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"My lord! The Huo family in Jiangbei has been destroyed!"

"However, there has been no change in the Jiangbei Jianghu. Mo Huaizhen, the commander of Jiangbei Town Fusi, left Jiangbei after the disappearance of the Huo family and went to Jiangnan. He should go and see the head of Jiangnan Town Fusi!"

The original follow the cloud.

"The Huo family in Jiangbei was destroyed, how did he go to see the head of the Fusi in Jiangnan Town?"

Su Chen asked involuntarily.

"Jiangbei Town Fusi is under the jurisdiction of Jiangnan Town Fusi, and the identity of the head of Jiangnan Town Fusi is the same as that of the Jingshi Town Fusi!"

Yuan Suiyundao,

"Is that so? There is no conflict with us for the time being, just ignore them for now,"

"Murong Qingchen returned to the capital with the servants of the [Eternal Life Society], where is he now!"

Su Chen then asked.

"There are still four days until we arrive at the capital. If people from the [Eternal Life Society] want to do something, it should be within these two days."

"Pay close attention. This Longevity Society has something to do with the Tianmen, so don't be careless."

Su Chen ordered.

"My lord, Chief Qiao sent a letter saying that Li Hanqiu invited him to join the Gate of Life and Death."

"Join the Gate of Life and Death?"

Hearing this, Su Chen was a little dazed.

Isn't Li Hanqiu the owner of the tomb of the dead? How did he invite Qiao Feng to join the Gate of Life and Death?

"Li Hanqiu invited Chief Qiao to join the Gate of Life and Death above the Earth and Heaven Gate. Chief Qiao meant to agree to Li Hanqiu's invitation!"

Yuan Suiyun expressed Qiao Feng's thoughts.

Su Chen above Tianmen knows too little now.

If Qiao Feng joins the gate of life and death above the gate of heaven, it will also open a channel for Su Chen.

"In this matter, Qiao Feng can decide, and the beggar gang can follow him!"

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then said.

"Yes, then I will pass on the lord's intentions to Qiao Feng, and I also got the news that [Zhenwu Daoist Temple]'s Jiujue Sword Tianjiujue has arrived in Lingjiang City!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Tian Jiujue has arrived in Lingjiang District, does he want to be beaten to death by Guan Yutian?"

"If Tian Jiujue is beaten to death by Guan Yutian, will the Zhenwu Dao Temple end?"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Guan Yutian's strength has never been fully displayed

Tian Jiujue, as the elder of Zhenwu Dao Temple, has extraordinary strength, but Guan Yutian's strength will exceed everyone's imagination.

"Jingshi, there's not much news recently. Is there no movement from the princes?"

Su Chen said.

"Right now, the capital is a little too calm, as if everyone is waiting!"

"However, according to Bai Choufei's speculation, this time the servants of the [Eternal Life Society] entered the capital, and we wiped out the 36 alien races of the Lie family, which is the beginning of the turmoil."

The original follow the cloud.

"Is that so? A message from the capital has been sent to me. Tomorrow we will leave for Sioux City where the Scarlet Sun Palace is located!"

Now [Qinglonghui] center is located in the Jiangnan area,

Therefore, Su Chen is planning to gradually bring in the [Qinglonghui] personnel from the Lingjiang area towards the south of the Yangtze River.

Let the Jiangnan area become the center of the [Blue Dragon Club],

The nine northern counties are a bit small, and their resources and warriors are not too strong.

Jiangnan and the capital are the two main points.

This can be seen from the strength distribution of the strong in the rivers and lakes.

He went to Sioux City mainly to intercept the fortune of Chisun Hall.

Now the dragon shadow in the body has not yet formed, so some luck must be intercepted as soon as possible.

As long as the cohesion is successful, he doesn't have to run around in person.

at this time
another place

Lingjiang, Tianxiacheng
Outside the city, on a hill.

Mu Qingxuan, Yu Peiyu, Mu Yuanping, and Yang Yanlun appeared in front of a Taoist temple in the mountains.

The Taoist temple is called Changyun Temple, a very common Taoist temple that has existed outside Tianxia City for a long time.

The Taoist temple is not big, there are only a dozen Taoist priests, and they seldom go down the mountain, and they are usually practicing latently.

I just asked about things in the world.

Only incense is accepted.

But this Changchun Temple is a branch Taoist Temple of [Zhenwu Taoist Temple].

"Several benefactors, offering incense or praying for blessings!"

At this time, a young Taoist boy stepped forward.

A token appeared in Mu Qingxuan's hand, and a real character was engraved on the token.

"Take us to meet Elder Jiujue!"

Mu Qingxuan said.


Dao Tong was about to lead the four of them into the temple.

"Junior Sister Mu, Mr. Yu is not from our Taoist sect, so he is not suitable to see Master Uncle for the time being!"

"It's better to arrange for Mr. Yu to go to the wing room first!"

Yang Yanlun spoke at this time.

Mu Qingxuan's complexion changed slightly, and she wanted to say something.

"Junior Sister, after we have met Master Uncle, it would be better for Young Master Yu to see Master Uncle after asking for instructions!"

Yang Yanlun said hastily.

There is nothing wrong with saying this.

"I'll go to the wing first!"

"I'll see Senior Jiujue later!"

Yu Peiyu said calmly.

Yu Peiyu didn't have much interest in seeing the Jiujue Sword. The trouble of finding Guan Yutian when the Jiujuejian went down the mountain was destined to have only one ending.

That is to be beaten to death.

(End of this chapter)

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