Chapter 853 The corpse is still there, you can collect it

Yan Yinjue, who was in front of him, was shocked.

Ren Qianxing's strength can step into the heavenly gate, so Guan Yutian's strength will definitely not be weaker than Ren Qianxing's.

Does it also have the strength to step on the heavenly gate?

"My lord, [True Martial Taoist Temple] is a holy land of Daoism, with extraordinary strength. It is rumored that it has something to do with the Heavenly Sect?"

"Tian Jiujue is the Chief Elder of [True Martial Daoist Temple]. If you kill him, maybe you will?"

Yan Yinjue couldn't help but think of Guan Yutian's strength.

Although Guan Yutian's strength is extraordinary, but [True Martial Taoist Temple] has a long history, and there are probably many strong ones.

"Come here to seek death and be killed, you deserve it, [Zhenwu Taoist Temple] wants to go down the mountain to deal with me!"

"Then I will summon [Tianya Pavilion] pavilion masters to besiege [True Martial Taoist Temple]."

Guan Yutian said in a cold voice.

"Your aura is a bit weak. Recently, have you thought about how to improve your strength?"

Guan Yutian then looked at Yan Yin and said.

Hear what Guan Yutian said.

A blush appeared on Yan Yinjue's face, and he said, "My aptitude has increased, and my aptitude needs to be improved, but it's very difficult to find a pill that can match my aptitude!"

"However, I found a book called [Tianyi Shenshui Jue] in the secret library of my dead master, which can help me improve my aptitude."

"It's just that this exercise is a bit special. It's a dual-cultivation exercise."

Yan Yinjue said.

After she finished speaking, her face became even more rosy.

"Dual Cultivation Technique, show me!"

Guan Yutian heard the words and said.

He was also a little tempted by Yan Yinjue's stunning beauty, and the other party made the matter clear.

He is not Liu Xiahui either.

If a woman like Yan Yinjue accepts it, she will accept it.

Hearing Guan Yutian's words, Yan Yinjue showed joy on his face, and took out a book of exercises from his bosom.

Guan Yutian inhaled the exercises into his hands and began to investigate.

"This exercise is not easy, you can practice it tonight!"

Guan Yutian spoke briefly after a while.

When the beauty should receive it, she still has to receive it, and you can't be indebted to the beauty.

And at this moment

The back mountain of Changchun Taoist Temple.

The figures of Tian Jiujue and Yang Yanlun appeared at the place where Yu Peiyu and the others fought.

Looking at the two corpses on the ground, his eyes were solemn.

"How did you find out?"

He looked at Yang Yanlun with a gloomy expression.

Tian Jiujue, who was cultivating his own breath, was called here by Yang Yanlun.

"Master Jiujue, Mu Yuanping has always been interested in Junior Sister Qingxuan, but Junior Sister Qingxuan is more interested in Yu Peiyu."

"So he wanted to talk to Yu Peiyu, but he didn't expect this to happen?"

Yang Yanlun said with trepidation.

At this moment his heart is cold.

No need to think about it, it must be that Yu Peiyu who killed them.

Although he didn't know why Changchun Taoist was here, he didn't need to know the reason since he was dead.

"You mean, it was Yu Peiyu who killed Junior Brother Changchun and Mu Yuanping."

Tian Jiujue looked at Yang Yanlun and said.

"Yu Peiyu and Mu Yuanping left together, Yu Peiyu returned, and Mu Yuanping and Master Changchun died here?"

"Elder Jiujue, don't think that he must have something to do with Yu Peiyu."

"We should go see Yu Peiyu now!"

Yang Yanlun said.

Speaking of this, Yang Yanlun felt a little excited.

Regardless of whether Yu Peiyu killed it or not, it must be held on the opponent's body.

Although Mu Yuanping is not a member of their True Martial Taoist Temple, he is a big disciple of [Qingxu Taoist Temple], and the master of [Qingxu Taoist Temple] is the teacher in charge!

died, and Changchun Taoist also died.

Both of them died.

Yu Peiyu will definitely not be able to enter the [True Martial Taoist Temple].

"Go, take me to meet that Yu Peiyu!"

Tian Jiujue said in a cold voice with extremely gloomy eyes.

in Taoism.

"Kill Mu Yuanping, and Taoist Changchun?"

Hearing Yu Peiyu's words, Mu Qingxuan's eyes were horrified.

On the one hand, it shocked Yu Peiyu to kill Mu Yuanping and Taoist Changchun.

The other party was shocked by Yu Peiyu's strength.

She knew Yu Peiyu's strength, but Hai Zhongshen was able to kill Changchun Taoist, which was not something ordinary Hai Zhongshen could do.

"I will not let those who have the intention to kill me live!"

Yu Peiyu said calmly.

Although he has the idea of ​​joining the [Zhenwu Temple] above the Tianmen.

But he didn't want to join the [Zhenwu Temple] by making a compromise. In that case, the idea would not be clear.

Thoughts are not clear.

But warriors are taboo.

This is also the reason why he didn't destroy the corpses after killing Mu Yuanping and the old Taoist Changchun.

He does not need it.

Hearing Yu Peiyu's words, Mu Qingxuan was very happy.

That's who she's looking for.

Didn't hide anything from her.

"The identities of Mu Yuanping and Changchun Taoist are not simple. This matter will cause trouble in the future!"

Although Mu Qingxuan's identity is not simple, it's just that her identity is not simple.

However, it cannot control any decisions of the [True Martial Taoist Temple].

She's just a transitional person.

"Leave Changchun Taoist Temple first, wait for my notice!"

When Mu Qingxuan was speaking, she handed a necklace around her neck to Yu Peiyu.

The necklace is a deep blue gemstone.

There was still a strange energy fluctuation emanating from the gemstone.

"This gem, I brought it down from the [True Martial Temple], can help people improve their aptitude!"

"Your strength has reached the pinnacle of Concentration in the Sea. If you absorb the energy in this gem, you should be able to go a step further."

"As long as you go one step further, when the time comes, you will be able to step on the Heavenly Gate with me!"

"At that time, I will ask the teacher for help. After we step through the Tianmen, we will be able to appear in the area of ​​[Zhenwu Temple]."

Mu Qingxuan put the gemstone necklace in Yu Peiyu's hand and said.

Yu Peiyu did not answer
This thing is a little expensive.

"It can help you practice, so you should keep it for yourself!"

Yu Peiyu didn't pick up the gem.

"I don't need it anymore. The blood of the Sword Dao in my body has been stimulated, and the divine power is about to condense. Once the divine power is condensed, it will match the blood of the Sword Dao."

"After practicing for a while, I should be able to prepare for stepping on the Heavenly Gate!"

"Maybe, I may be one step ahead of you and be able to step into the gate of heaven,"

Mu Qingxuan said.

[True Martial Taoist Temple] let her go down the mountain, not because she had cultivated the [True Martial Taoist Temple]'s [Zhenwu Taishang Sword Art], but because she stimulated the blood of swordsmanship in her body.

hear the words
Yu Peiyu was also polite, and put away the necklace.

Not suitable here for now.

ready to leave,

when they walked out of the room.

Yang Yanlun appeared outside the wing with Tian Jiujue.

Tian Jiujue's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Yu Peiyu walk out of the meeting room.

"This Yu Peiyu has a handsome face, and she has a romantic and suave feeling about her."

"I'm afraid there are very few women who can avoid his face. No wonder Qingxuan falls in love with him."

Tian Jiujue secretly sighed in his heart.

"Yu Peiyu, you killed Taoist Changchun and Mu Yuanping?"

Yang Yanlun, who followed Tian Jiujue, looked at Yu Peiyu's face and felt angry and arrogant. He tried his best to hide the fury in his heart, and asked sharply.

"Yes! They want to kill me, but they are not strong enough, so they can only be killed by me,"

"You should have seen their corpses too, so it's time to collect them."

Yu Peiyu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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