The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 866 Blood Rain Chisun Palace, Gather Together, Stepping on the Heavenly Gate

Chapter 866 Blood Rain Chisun Palace, Gather Together, Stepping on the Heavenly Gate

Red Sun Palace

Outside the main hall

Lian Chengbi's figure was like black flowing water, flowing on the ground, approaching a disciple of Chisun Temple.

The true energy of that Chisun Temple disciple will be absorbed.

The screams continued.

"Withdraw! Withdraw for me!"

Seeing this situation, Chi Xinyang, the master of Chi Sun Hall, growled.

"Divine power, scarlet flames burning the sky!"

While roaring, Chi Xinyang burst out with his own momentum.

Lian Chengbi must not be allowed to kill so recklessly, and Chisun Palace will be over if this continues.

The momentum erupted, and an invisible scorching breath enveloped Lian Chengbi.

When shrouded in divine power.


The phantom of Tianmen appeared in the void.

Seeing this situation, Chi Xinyang's expression changed, thinking that he was using his power to lead out of the Heaven's Gate.

But the direction in which the aura of Tianmen is vaguely shrouded is the apse of the Scarlet Sun Hall.


Chi Xuedao, the master of the Blood Knife Hall beside him, shouted.

Several people screamed again.

Lian Chengbi's aura became even more violent, and he looked at Chi Xinyang, the master of Chi Sun Hall, with murderous intent.

It's just the gate of heaven
too big.

Chi Xinyang and the others no longer cared about the situation of the disciples of the Chisun Hall, but turned around and headed towards the apse.

They want to know what happened to the apse.

Lian Chengbi looked at Tianmen, then chased after it.

Chi Xinyang was the target he wanted to kill.

In this situation, someone shouted from the remaining Chisun Palace disciples.

For a moment, the disciples of Chisun Temple all headed down the mountain,

at this time
When these Red Sun Palace disciples rushed out of the mountain gate.

Suddenly, hidden weapons all over the sky enveloped them in an instant.

Dozens of Chisun Palace disciples fell to the ground under this hidden weapon, screaming,

And the other side!
Dozens of black pilizi fell into the crowd in an instant

There were constant explosions and screams.


Not only that, a puff of poisonous smoke enveloped them.

For a while, many people clutched their necks and fell to the ground. Those who just wanted to escape quickly evacuated towards the gate of the Red Sun Palace.

Just at this time, groups of men in black rushed into the crowd with swords.

[Blue Dragon Club] Some killers who were close to [Red Sun Palace] rushed over after receiving the order.

So some killers got there first.

When you see an opportunity, do it.

After all, the order they received was to kill all the people in [Red Sun Palace].


Just kill.

There is no such thing as a head-on fight.

On the mountain road
A small sedan chair with a green curtain and a red roof is heading towards the Red Sun Hall.
Carrying the sedan chair were four men in strong attire, all walking in unison.

Murong Xingchen was half lying in the sedan chair, he was not in a hurry at all.

He was also afraid that since he arrived early and hadn't finished playing, it would be difficult to break away from the relationship.

Chief Qing, who was beside the sedan chair, followed closely with light steps.


Director Qing's expression changed, and he looked up at the sky, where the phantom of the Heavenly Gate appeared in the sky.

"Chisun Palace, how could there be a phantom of the Heavenly Gate at this time!"

Director Qing's expression froze.

In the sedan chair, Murong Xingchen also lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, looking at the phantom of the Heavenly Gate in the sky,

"How could there be a phantom of Tianmen?"

Murong Xingchen said.

"The phantom of Tianmen is condensing, someone's strength has improved and triggered Tianmen."

"It seems that something happened in the Red Sun Palace!"

Director Qing opened his mouth.

when he speaks.

A flying bird landed on Chief Qing's arm.

Director Qing looked at Asuka on his arm with a slightly startled expression, and immediately took down the bamboo slip on Asuka's feet, and pulled out a note from it.

Manager Qing's complexion changed after reading the note.

"Third Young Master, it's not good. Missy got the news that Lian Chengbi may have something to do with [Blue Dragon Club]."

"People from the [Blue Dragon Club] have already dispatched!"

"Miss asked us to hurry to the Red Sun Palace, we must keep Liancheng Bi, and Li Yimei,"

Director Qing said with a changed expression.


Hearing this, Murong Xingchen's expression froze.

"You said that Lian Chengbi has something to do with [Blue Dragon Society], how is that possible?"

Murong Xingchen asked in disbelief,

"Miss said that the [Blue Dragon Club] people are moving. At this time, the [Blue Dragon Club] people are moving. It can only be said that the [Blue Dragon Club] has something to do with Lian Chengbi."

Chief Qing said.

"This city wall is a member of the [Blue Dragon Society], how could they be bloodbathed like this [Wugou Villa]?"

Murong Xingchen scolded.

But when he was yelling and scolding, his figure became out of a sedan chair.

Lian Chengbi is a member of the [Blue Dragon Club].

If Lian Chengbi died in Chisun Palace, many things would be unclear.

So we must hurry to [Red Sun Palace].

I prayed in my heart that nothing happened to Lian Chengbi.


Just when they were ready to go all out.

Two ghostly figures flashed in front of them.

Manager Qing's expression changed.

Two figures were on the mountain road, flashing and flashing, and disappeared in front of them in a blink of an eye.

"Director Qing, those two just now!"

Murong Xingchen's eyes froze.

"I can't see the face clearly. They are all wearing bamboo hats, but their strength is terrifying. I will take you, Third Young Master, and rush to the Scarlet Sun Palace first."

Director Qing grabbed Murong Xingchen and rushed towards the Scarlet Sun Hall.

Just as they left, four figures appeared carrying one person.

It was Su Chen and the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi.

"Murong Xingchen?"

"I don't know how the Murong family will explain to us?"

When speaking, his eyes looked at the phantom of Tianmen in the sky.

move on
The apse of Chiri Palace.

Li Yimei's strength is still improving.

However, she was protected by that bead on her body, which condensed her strength on a kind of boundary line.

It's just that the phantom of the Tianmen is condensed, but there is no thunder from the sky for the time being


The Lord of the Scarlet Sun Palace appeared in the courtyard with several figures.

See Yuan Suiyun appearing in the courtyard.

And Li Yimei and the phantom that appeared behind Li Yimei, who were gathering strength, were startled.

"It was Li Yimei who inspired the power of Tianmen, how could she have such power!"

The Lord of the Red Sun Palace was a little disbelieving.

Then he saw the dead Chi Ya'er who had been drained of blood and fell to the ground

"Ya'er! You killed my daughter,"

The Lord of Red Sun Palace looked at Yuan Suiyun and said.

Although there is a vision in Li Yimei's body now, he doesn't think that Li Yimei killed Chi Ya'er.

When his voice fell.

Lian Chengbi, who was full of demonic energy, appeared in the courtyard.

On the way here, he once again absorbed a lot of true energy from the disciples of Scarlet Sun Palace.

When he saw the situation in the courtyard.

There is also the phantom behind Li Yimei, who is stunned.

However, he still bowed slightly to Yuan Suiyun: "I have seen the former manager."

Yuan Suiyun has always been by Su Chen's side, and his status is unusual.

"Master Lian, your lady is fine, but it seems that your lady's status is not simple, and she may have to step into the sky."

Yuan Suiyun said.

When Yuan Suiyun spoke.

Then Li Yimei also saw Lian Chengbi.

"Husband, you're fine, you're really fine, I thought I'd never see you again?"

Li Yimei's face showed joy.

Although Yuan Suiyun appeared, she knew that Lian Chengbi would be fine, but after all, she didn't see it with her own eyes, so she was still a little worried.

Now that Lian Chengbi appeared, she let go of her worries.

But then I looked a little lonely
When the bead gave her energy, it also sent some information.

She knew that she was going to step on the sky and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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