The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 873 Concubine Tian's plan, Murong Villa is in danger

Chapter 873 Concubine Tian's plan, Murong Villa is in danger

"Father, the Demon Sect has been silent for so many years, and now it appears in Sucheng. What are they trying to do?"

Murong Qin spoke from the side.

"In today's rivers and lakes, it is normal for a demon to be born. You go and look at the stars, and I will deal with something."

After Murong Tiannan finished speaking, he turned around and left with the attendant.


They came to a study.

"Apart from the four great heavenly evil spirits, are there any other demon figures showing up?"

Murong Tiannan asked in a deep voice.

"Patriarch, no trace of other people from the Demon Sect has been found."

The servant replied.

"There are no traces of other people from the Demon Sect, have you grasped the whereabouts of the Four Great Heavenly Fiends?"

Murong Tiannan asked.

"Four Heavenly Fiends, if we enter the city, we will lose their traces, they should gather together!"

"The subordinates have secretly increased their manpower to investigate, and I believe that soon, they will be able to grasp the traces of the four of them."

The servant replied.

"Be sure to find them, and keep track of their movements. Go down."

Murong Tiannan ordered,


The attendant immediately bowed and left the study.

After the attendants left.

Murong Tiannan pushed open a secret room between the two sides.

There is a black robe in the secret room, Murong Tiannan put on the black robe and left from one secret room to another.

Sioux City
Chuiyunfang, one of the three red buildings in Sioux City.

In the backyard, in a wing room.

Murong Tiannan, who was wrapped in a black robe, was standing in the room.


The door was pushed open.

A woman in a long purple dress came in and saluted the black figure: "I've seen Mr. Chief Ambassador."

"The four demons of the Demon Sect have appeared in the city, and they may be targeting me."

"Concubine Tian escaped from the imperial palace. I was paying attention to the movements of the Demon Sect. I didn't expect them to really come."

Murong Tiannan Road.

"My lord, since we guess that the Four Great Heavenly Evils are here for your lord, then we will attack and kill them at a fixed point."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the purple-robed woman.

"Although the strength of the four great demons is not weak, it is not enough to worry about. What I want to find is the concubine behind them."

"I personally sent Concubine Tian to His Majesty back then!"

"She has the heart to kill me."

"That's why I have to find Concubine Tian, ​​and I suspect that the whereabouts of the Four Great Heavenly Fiends are so easy to grasp, I'm afraid it's the bait thrown by Concubine Tian."

"I have already sent people from Murong's family to investigate the four great heavenly demons. You should investigate secretly and find out the concubine Tian."

Murong Tiannan Road.

"If my lord is like this, I'm afraid your identity will be different?"

The purple-robed woman said in a deep voice.

"My identity as Concubine Tian should have been found out, otherwise, the Four Great Heavenly Demons would not have gathered in Sucheng."

"It doesn't make much sense to hide or not."

Murong Tiannan Road.

"The subordinates will find out the whereabouts of Concubine Tian as soon as possible."

The purple-robed woman bowed.

"By the way, issue a secret order to gather the five divine guards. As long as the whereabouts of the concubine Tian are found, I will personally lead people to surround and kill her."

Murong Tiannan's eyes suddenly turned cold.


The purple-robed woman quickly left the room.

The room seemed a bit dark, but Murong Tiannan didn't care, he just stood there quietly, as if he was thinking about something.

Red Sun Palace

The original returned with the cloud.

"My lord, the Murong family's property in the capital and the cash converted from the Jiangnan property have all been transferred to the dealer's bank."

"These are two weapon-level weapons. I brought them back. You can take a look at them first."

Yuan Suiyun handed over the two swords to Su Chen.

[Obtain two top-level weapon-level weapons, and reward 2 orange lottery cards,]

"Is Murong Tiannan very straightforward?"

Su Chen thought that the other party would push back,

"My lord, at the meeting of the elders of the Murong family, Murong You, the elder of the Murong family, used this matter to deprive Murong Xingchen of his position as the young master candidate."

"Murong Tiannan agreed, otherwise, I'm afraid our compensation may be delayed a bit,"

The original follow the cloud.

"This is the fruit he planted himself!"

"But it looks like the Murong family's internal struggles are not small!"

"You give these two weapons to Liu Shengyijian and Xue Yiren."

Su Chen said to Yuan Suiyun.

"Subordinates, make arrangements!"

Yuan Suiyun was about to leave the hall.

"After delivery, we will go to Su City. It happens that tomorrow we can also go to Murong's family library to have a look."

Su Chen said.

He has already intercepted the fate of Chisun Palace, and there is no need to stay here.

another place

In Yan Ruxue's courtyard.

Yan Ruxue was sitting on the gazebo box in the courtyard,

A figure appeared in the courtyard.

He bowed to Yan Ruxue in the gazebo.

"Meet the princess!
"Don't be too polite, what is Murong Tiannan's current situation?"

Yan Ruxue asked.

"Concubine Tian, ​​Murong Xingchen participated in the affairs of the Scarlet Sun Palace, and Su Chen from the [Blue Dragon Club] opened his mouth, causing heavy losses to the Murong family."

"Grand Elder Murong You took the opportunity to propose that Murong Xingchen be disqualified from being the candidate for the Young Master of the Murong Family,"

"Murong Tiannan has no choice but to agree!"

The visitor bowed and said.

"I didn't expect that the Murong family, which dominated one side back then, would have such a day."

"[Blue Dragon Club] is really not to be underestimated, I want to meet this Su Shaolong head when I have time,"

Yan Ruxue said.

"Tianfei, I don't know when you will attack Murong Villa. Although my subordinates have been leaning towards Murong Tiannan, I'm afraid they won't be able to hide for long before their identity is discovered."

The visitor said in a deep voice.

"Director Zhou, it will take about two days for Director Zhao to prepare the poison. As soon as the poison is prepared, we will start!"

"But you don't have to worry, the appearance of the four demons of the Demon Sect should be able to attract Murong Tiannan's attention."

"He will send people to investigate the Four Great Heavenly Demons and me, and I'm afraid he won't have time to pay attention to the things in Murong Villa,"

"What's more, I asked Qin Beiming to send a lot of people into Murong Villa earlier, so we can sacrifice some and divert some attention."

"How is your plan over there?"

Tianfei then asked,

"The introduction has been completed. Once we start, the place where the ancestors of the Murong family retreated will be isolated in a short time."

"Even if he finds out about the situation, the big formation I arranged can delay him for a while,"

Manager Zhou opened his mouth.

"Okay, that old guy from Murong's family won't be able to show up at that time, Murong Tiannan will be attacked again, and the master of the clan will be poisoned, and the rest of the Murong family will have to die."

Tianfei Yan Ruxue's voice was icy cold, revealing a deep chill

From Yan Ruxue's words, it can be known that the plan to deal with the Murong family this time has been planned for a long time.

On the other side,

After playing around in the city for a while, Su Chen went to Murong Villa.

Murong Villa is outside the city.

The library of Murong's family is large and convenient. Su Chen plans to live in Murong Villa for a few days.

When Su Chen and the others arrived at Murong Villa.

Murong Qin came out to meet Su Chen.

"Su Shaolong, my father has been busy with some things recently. I will arrange all the time you are at Murong's house!"

Murong Qin said.

"Then please trouble Miss Murong, I won't be here for long, maybe only one day."

Su Chen just wanted to trigger the draw card.

Not really reading.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Murong Qin was a little puzzled, but she didn't ask aloud.
A friend of mine passed away yesterday, and I told him that today I have a cough, a stuffy nose, and a sore throat. I don’t have much energy. I guess it’s the same. I’ll just have a chapter this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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