Chapter 889


See this situation.

Murong Qingchen's eyes froze.

Knowing that this burly man should be just a puppet, otherwise, he would die if he was pierced through the heart.

At this time, a figure fell down, its palm was like an eagle's claw, and it directly grabbed the head of the burly man.

The head of the burly man was directly decapitated.

The body fell to the ground, and blood flowed from the neck.

The person who came was dressed in black and wore a blue evil ghost mask.

"I have seen Your Highness!"

The visitor threw his head aside and saluted Murong Qingchen.

Then the voice said coldly: "Come, please show up!"

"Unexpectedly, Xue Pingsheng sent one of the three evil ghosts under him, the green-faced ghost."

A cold voice came out
Following the appearance of this cold voice, a figure walked out slowly.

The figure was slender and a woman.

It's just that the face is covered with a veil, so you can't see the face clearly.

"Green-faced ghost, it is not a wise move for you to let me show up. These people betrayed are of no use to you. You should know that you already know!"

"So handing them over is the best result."

The veiled woman said coldly.

"It's not up to you to control the affairs of Tianjiansi. Since you have appeared, then if you are taken down, you may know more!"

The voice of the green-faced ghost is very indifferent,

"Take me down! It seems that your real purpose is to let us come."

Hearing what the green-faced ghost said, the veiled woman spoke.

"Of course, these people are useless, but they are members of your [Eternal Life Society], you will not let them go!"

"So the chief, the purpose over there is for you, follow me, and save your life."

The voice of the green-faced ghost sounded, and a dark aura emanated from his body,

His eyes became cold and bloodthirsty, making the originally quiet night look extraordinarily cold.

Chilling air pervades.

While speaking, the figure walked towards the woman who appeared step by step.

The movement was slow, but a divine power erupted from his body. When the divine power appeared, a gust of blood gushed out from his body, forming layers of blood mist.

"Divine power; the sky is cloudy and the moon is shining"

The woman in black let out a low cry, and a phantom appeared behind her, and the moonlight flowed in the phantom.

A sword light appeared under the moonlight.

The sword light was cold, like the moonlight in the sky, coming towards the green-faced ghost.

"Tianyinyue Huajian, you are Yanruyu of the Tianyin sect!"

Seeing the moonlight and sword light, the green-faced ghost turned cold.

Raise your palm, clap your palm,

The powerful blood energy erupted in his palm, and the blood energy rushed towards the sword light like a waterfall.

The two forces collide, and the energy shakes apart, forming ripples.

at this moment,

A black figure appeared in the courtyard like a ghost,

The figure that appeared moved its palm towards Murong Qingchen.

"Looking for death, dare to attack His Highness."

Just when this figure made a move to grab Murong Qingchen.

A violent voice sounded in the courtyard.

Following the appearance of this violent voice, a ferocious arm appeared, with a sharp sharpness emitting from the arm, and a scarlet and cold light emitting from the sharpness.

As soon as it appeared, it grabbed at the black figure.

"One-armed ghost!"

Seeing this arm, the black figure showed surprise on his face,

He turned around abruptly, and quickly retreated behind him.

Only when he backs off.

There was a loud roar behind him.

A figure that looked like a giant beast appeared, clasped its hands together, and landed with a crash.

The face of the fleeing figure changed in shock.

The strength of his body exploded with all his strength, and he punched out

The two forces collided, the sound was terrifying, and the ground shook.

The man in black spat out a mouthful of blood.

The moment he spurted blood.

The ferocious arm that was shot earlier appeared on his chest, trying to pierce through his chest.

But when the arm collided with the opponent's chest.

A jet-black light appeared on the opponent's chest.

blocked the sharp blow,

But the terrifying power acts on his body.

The opponent vomited blood and flew backwards.

Then the burly giant appeared, and with a movement of his body, he violently shot at the figure that flew upside down.

one punch

Go towards the opponent's head.

If you have a treasure defense on your body, then smash your head.


Just when his fist was about to hit the shadow.

Behind that figure appeared an old man wearing a gray robe. The old man looked ordinary, but his hair was gray and his expression was indifferent.

Raised his hand and punched out.

It collided with the giant's fist.

The giant man was shaken back a few steps.

He looked at the old man who appeared.

"The third elder of the Longevity Society painted the sky!"

The giant man stared.

"I didn't expect Xue Pingsheng's three big war ghosts to come!"

"It's a good time to kill you today and get back some benefits,"

The person who appeared, with indifferent eyes,

There was a strange aura emanating from this person, which was gloomy and cold.

The figure that was knocked into the air stood up slowly, with cold sweat streaming from his forehead, and his face was extremely pale.

If it wasn't for the old man's attack, his head would have been smashed to pieces just now.


At this time, the green-faced ghost had previously fought against the woman in black, and after a head-on blow with the opponent, he fell down.

"Kill us, do you think it's just us three ghosts?"

"This is a big fish caught!"

The blue-faced ghost's eyes showed joy.

"There are still people!"

When Huapingtian heard what the green-faced ghost said, his eyes froze.

"Huapingtian, come with me!"

A deep voice came,

When the voice appeared, a man wearing armor and holding a long sword came out of the darkness.

"No, let's go!"

When seeing this figure.

The grey-clothed old man's expression changed, he grabbed the injured man, turned around and left.

He didn't even think about fighting the man in armor.

Seeing this, the woman in black also turned and left.

The man in the clothes shot out suddenly, and the armor on his body was like feathers, which did not cause any trouble to his figure.

"Third brother, stay here! Protect Your Highness, let's chase after him!"

The green-faced ghost said to the giant man who appeared last.

After talking to another person, he chased after him.

In the blink of an eye, all the figures disappeared.

"Heavenly Supervision Division still has such a strong person,"

Murong Qingchen looked a little shocked, and murmured,

She knew too little about Tianjiansi.

After speaking, he turned around and walked into the room.

when turning around,

The giant man standing in the courtyard suddenly became hideous.

Terrible qi and blood power erupted from his body, but these qi and blood power seemed to be pressed into the body by a force of gravity.

In an instant, the skin all over his body was cracked, and blood spurted out.

The giant man wanted to scream.

But the neck seemed to be grasped by a huge force, and there was no sound at all.

And his body seemed to be under a terrible gravity.

Huge cracks appeared one after another, and the thick thighs were pressed to the ground.

Just under the circumstances.

A light flashed in the back of his head, penetrating from the back of his head to the center of his brow.

Blood flowed from the wound between the eyebrows.


The body fell to the ground.

Then a figure in a black robe and a mask appeared behind the big man.

The exposed eyes looked at Murong Qingchen indifferently.

"It is rumored that Emperor Zhou has the blood of the imperial family of the upper realm. I wonder if it is contained in your blood?"

"I hope you don't disappoint me,"

A hoarse and indifferent voice rang in Murong Qingchen's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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