The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 898 Character Shen Lang, half-step domain, Qinglong bloodline

Chapter 898 Character Shen Lang, half-step domain, Qinglong bloodline

"What happened to the Huangfu's family?"

Xie Xiaofeng was slightly taken aback.

"Is it possible that someone is impersonating someone from your Huangfu family?"

Xie Xiaofeng asked in a deep voice.

"There's nothing wrong with that. The marks on their bodies, as well as the poison that just died, are all unique to my Huangfu family."

Huangfu Tiance frowned and said.

"They're here to kill me!"

"No, they didn't come to kill you, they came to kill me!"

Huangfu Tiance shook his head and said.

"Brother Xie, I'm going back to Huangfu's house, I don't know if Brother Xie will come with me."

Huangfu Tiance looked at Xie Xiaofeng.

Judging from the current situation.

The Huangfu family had a big problem, and if they could bring back a master, they might be able to help solve the problems of the Huangfu family.

"If I go, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

"At that time, people will think that I [Qinglonghui] have meddled with your Huangfu family."

Xie Xiaofeng said in a deep voice.

"Don't care about other people's eyes, let alone outsiders don't know your identity, brother Xie."

Huangfu Tiance said.

"Then I will go with brother Huangfu, I also want to see who is planning the Huangfu family,"

Xie Xiaofeng said.


The two did not stay here, but headed towards Yicheng where the Huangfu family was located.

Not long after the two left.

A black figure appeared where they had just fought.

"Huangfu Tiance, you should have discovered their identities. When you return to Huangfu's family, there will be a good show waiting for you!"

The figure looked at the corpse on the ground with a sneer in his eyes.

Turn around and leave quickly.

another place

Sioux City.

"People from the Huangfu family want to kill Huangfu Tiance, it seems that something has really happened to the Huangfu family!"

Su Chen was a little surprised when he received Xie Xiaofeng's letter.

"Did [Qinglonghui] find out about the changes in Huangfu's family?"

Su Chen asked.

"I haven't noticed any changes in the Huangfu family for the time being!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Have you noticed any changes in the Huangfu family?"

Su Chen frowned.

"However, according to Mr. Zhuge's calculations, if Huangfu Tiance returns to Huangfu's house, something big may happen."

The original follow the cloud.

"Is that so? It seems that the changes in the world have intensified!"

"Have you found any trace of Concubine Tian?"

Su Chen thought of the concubine Tian of the Demon Sect,

The power that Demon Sect Concubine Tian had shown earlier was extraordinary.

"Disappear without a trace!"

"However, according to the news, the people from Jiangnan Town Fusi found Qin Beiming and took him away!"

"I'm afraid Concubine Tian won't be able to sit still, she will reveal her whereabouts at that time!"

Hearing Yuan Suiyun talk about Jiangnan Town Fusi taking Qin Beiming away.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

The leader of Jiangnan Town Fusi.

Rumor has it that someone who stayed by Emperor Zhou's side had extraordinary strength.

Earlier, Tie Zhongtang from the capital sent a letter, but said that the power around Emperor Zhou was very strong.

From this point, it can be seen that the commander of Jiangnan Town Fusi is not ordinary.

"Emperor Zhou has such strength, why doesn't he suppress the entire rivers and lakes?"

Su Chen was very puzzled by this point.

"Perhaps it's time to go to the capital!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

When Su Chen and the others were talking.

Yuan Suiyun's expression changed slightly, and a secret letter appeared in his palm.

The secret letter is opened.

His eyes moved slightly.

"Yuan Tianhuan, head of the Fusi Division of Jiangnan Town, made an appointment to meet with the two dragon heads."

Hearing this news, Su Chen's expression also changed.

at this time.

Jiangnan Town Fusi wanted to meet Li Xunhuan, the head of the second dragon of the [Qinglonghui], probably because of the instruction of the capital.

"It seems that Emperor Zhou can't sit still?"

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

Murong Tiannan is one of the four chief envoys of Tianjian Division Jiangnan.

Killed by Tianfei.

It's normal for Emperor Zhou to be unable to sit still.

"Anything else?"

"Liao Rushen sent the news that Dugu Wei has a strong control over the South China Sea area for me, and I suspect there is someone behind me to support me."

"They are preparing to take [Infernal Gate] to see if they can get close to Dugu for me."

Yuan Suiyun replied.

"Our strength in the South China Sea region is still far behind, and we need to increase it!"

Thinking of this, Su Chen glanced at the lottery card on his body.

Because of the emergence of trading platforms.

All kinds of ancient books and treasures were sent to Su Chen one after another.

Su Chen's lottery cards now reached 12.

Come first half!
Su Chen thought.

Just think about it.

[Get a Concentration Pill, get a Star Yuanjing exclusive character Murong Fu, get the exclusive character Shangguan Jinhong of the Kung Fu Wan Yan Tian Jue, get a Wan Yan Blood Pill, get the exclusive character Shangguan Jin Hong, get the exclusive character of Ye Kaiyi Xiao Siwu, Qiao Feng, the exclusive character who obtained a drop of the blood of the wild dragon. 】


Su Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

Look at the star crystal, a kind of crystal that is condensed after the death of a bloody star body. It can absorb a certain amount of star power, and with the help of a certain amount of star power, you can have a chance to obtain the star blood in the primordial crystal.

Wanyan Tianjue, a fire-attribute skill, combined with Wanyan Xuedan can condense a trace of Wanyan's blood and form a special bloodline.

Ye Kai is Li Xunhuan's disciple, and also the third person of the age in Gulong Jianghu, he is Li Xunhuan's disciple.

He was also someone Xiao Siwu wanted to kill all his life. Of course, Xiao Siwu's previous strength was nothing in front of Ye Kai.

Now instill all of Ye Kai's cultivation into Xiao Siwu.

Xiao Siwu's strength might be able to reach the top level of concentration in the sea.

Qualifications will inevitably be improved.

The last drop of the wild dragon's blood is the blood of the ancient wild dragon, which can stimulate the blood of the wild dragon to a certain extent, which can be said to greatly enhance Qiao Feng's aptitude.

6 remaining

Su Chen thought for a while, and took it out directly.

[Get the character Shen Lang, get a Concentration Pill, get the body of the madman, the exclusive character Yan Shisan, get the cold air of heaven and earth, and the exclusive character Ximen Chuuxue!Get a thousand-year-old blood ginseng, and get an exclusive character Wuhua, Heaven and Earth Buddha Heart]


Seeing this, Su Chen's eyes opened wide.

From the name, it is a remarkable thing,

There is also a character, Shen Lang.

Shen Lang is the first era creator in the ancient dragon world.

Su Chen didn't expect much from Shen Lang.

Because the strength of the characters that appear today has greatly increased, and they have obtained a lot of resources.

If Shen Lang could be drawn at the beginning, Su Chen would be happy, but now it is so-so.

Let's look at Shen Lang's introduction first.

Shen Lang: The character in [Wulin Outer History], the son of King Shen Tianjun of Kyushu, the father of A Fei, the martial arts talent is the best in the world, and he is also the invincible strongman in Gu Long's first decade.

Su Chen didn't pay much attention to these introductions, what he wanted to see was Shen Lang's strength.

When Su Chen saw the opponent's strength, his eyes were shocked.

Because Shen Lang's strength turned out to be in the half-step realm, and he also had [Qinglong Bloodline].

"This is the chosen one!"

That's all Su Chen could say.

Originally, he thought that Shen Lang was at most similar to Li Xun Huan, but he didn't expect that it was really special care, and he was so strong.

The body of madness, a physique that can be enchanted by demons.

The cold air of heaven and earth is a cold air condensed in the heaven and earth. After it is integrated into the body, the cold air of the sword can freeze everything.

Heaven and Earth Buddha Heart Those who have this Buddha heart practice Buddha for a long time, and have the posture of becoming a Buddha.

Monk Wuhua has the heart of Buddha in this world, I am afraid that people in the Buddhist sect will regard him as the master,

(End of this chapter)

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