The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 911 Frozen, shattered, the banner of iron and blood comes out

Chapter 911 Frozen, shattered, the banner of iron and blood comes out

The cold air swept across, and a layer of ice appeared in the surrounding space.

A layer of frost also appeared on Yao Yue's body in front of him.

at this moment.

Huaping's footsteps moved, his body shot violently, turned into a black lightning bolt, appeared in front of Yaoyue, raised his palm, and attacked Yaoyue with his palm.


Huapingsheng's voice was cold and harsh, and his eyes were dark.

He first sealed Yaoyue with the cold air, and then struck out like lightning to kill him.

But when his palm was about to approach Yaoyue, the frost covering Yaoyue's body disappeared in an instant.


A cold voice appeared in Huapingsheng's ears.

Accompanied by sound.

A terrifying chill erupted from Yaoyue's body in an instant.

Huaping's outstretched palm was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

Seeing this, Huaping's complexion changed drastically, and his figure retreated rapidly.

The figure fell, but his arms were frozen, and he temporarily lost consciousness.

"This cold air!"

He looked at Yaoyue in front of him in horror.

"Ice Phoenix, Sky Crack!"

At this horrified moment, Yaoyue made a move and probed the palm, and the protruding palm turned into a huge ice-cold phoenix claw, tearing everything apart, and appeared in front of Huapingsheng.

Seeing this, Huapingsheng took a picture with the other palm,

But when his palm collided with Yaoyue's palm, a terrifying chill instantly poured into his body from his arm.

In the blink of an eye.

Huapingsheng's entire body was frozen in ice.

At the moment when Huaping was frozen by ice.

Yaoyue's outstretched palm was grabbed again, and her big hand fell on the opponent's head with condensed true energy.

Influx of terror

The whole body of the frozen screen shattered and turned into ice cubes that fell to the ground.

Yaoyue glanced at the ice on the ground, and left in a blink of an eye.

After Yue Yue left.

A figure appeared.

Looking at the scattered ice cubes on the ground, he grabbed one with his palm.

In a blink of an eye, his palm was covered with a layer of ice, and he quickly threw away the ice cube in his hand, and the energy in his body circulated to drive away the cold air.

"What a terrifying cold!"

Glancing at the direction where Yaoyue left, the person who appeared had an extremely solemn expression.

Then hide in the mountains.

at this time
The mountain gate of Dafeng Temple.

Gu Shentong, Tie Zhongtang, Shangguan Jinhong, Bai Choufei, Jing Wuming and others appeared.

"Who are you?"

When the monks in the mountain gate saw Gu Shentong and the others, they said sharply.

Jing Wuming, who was beside Shangguan Jin Hong, made a move, and the long sword in his hand split the opponent in half.

"Kill!" Jing Wuming went in first.

Jing Wuming's sword is very fast.

The monks in Dafeng Temple were not given a chance to use their mobile phones at all.

"Who dares to break into my Dafeng Temple!"

A low roar came out, and then a burly monk appeared, followed by a dozen or so monks holding iron bars.

He looked at Jing Wuming fiercely.

"Pay a call on Master Tianmi, and invite Master Tianmi to show up!"

Jing Wuming said in a cold voice.

"You can see the Venerable Master, kill him!"

The burly monk grabbed the long stick in his hand and killed Jing Wuming.

At this moment, a golden light appeared between his throats.

Before he could attack the burly monk, his throat was broken, his head hung down, and then he fell to the ground.

The people behind him looked shocked, and their footsteps couldn't help but pause.
At this time, Jing Wuming had already entered it,

Chi Chi Chi

The sword energy was everywhere, and all the people who stopped in their steps were killed by the sword light.


"court death!"

Just then.

Five figures rushed out of the hall.

The head is an old monk wearing a golden cassock, who is the abbot of Dafeng Temple, Zen Master Duyan, and the four people beside him are the heads of the four courtyards of Dafeng Temple.

"People from [Tianya Pavilion], you wantonly broke into our Dafeng Temple, are you trying to make an enemy of our [Tantra]?"

Chan Master Shou Duyan spoke.

The sound is loud and shocking everywhere.

"This Dafeng Temple was given to us by the Tianjian Division [Tianya Pavilion]. We just came here today to take down the Dafeng Temple."

"Master Tianmi slaughtered the Seventh Prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty. You should help us take down Master Tianmi."

Gu Shentong stepped forward and spoke.

"What, Master Tianmi killed the Seventh Prince, that's impossible!"

Some ordinary monks in the monastery were not controlled by Gu Tianhun. When they heard the news, their expressions became horrified.

His eyes couldn't help but look towards the person next to him.

"Don't you believe it?"

"Otherwise, why would the Tianjian Division close the mountain?"

Gu Shentong continued.

"Tianya Pavilion, you are talking nonsense here! Slandering Master Tianmi, I will kill you!"

Beside Chan Master Duyan, a monk rushed out,

A terrifying look erupted from his body.

Divine momentum, a fuzzy golden palm.

The figure soars into the air, and the whole person feels like a Buddha, and the palm of his hand is clapped out.

A huge golden handprint burst out, enveloping Gu Shentong.

The golden handprint is like a mountain.

With brilliant Tianwei.

"Since he doesn't appear, then kill him until he appears!"

Beside Gu Shentong, Tie Zhongtang stepped out, and behind him was a bloody, bloody banner.

With a terrifying evil spirit in the blood, it rushed to the sky, forming a blood-colored banner.

flag appears
The blood is surging, and the evil spirit is overwhelming.

The golden palm print that fell was instantly shattered under this blood energy.

The expression of the person who made the move changed.

"Golden body saves the Buddha, Vajra's indestructible palm!"

A huge roar came from the opponent's mouth.

His body exploded with zhenqi, like the sun, trying to disperse the bloody aura.

But amidst the blood, a sound of dragon chant suddenly appeared.

Cover each other's growls.

"The iron-blooded dragon soul shakes all directions!"

Tie Zhongtang let out a low cry, his body flew into the air, and with a wave of the bloody banner in his hand, it instantly enveloped the monk who shot.

The monk who made the move only felt as if his body had entered the sea of ​​blood, and the golden qi in his body was completely shattered by the blood qi.

At the moment when the true energy was shattered.

A huge suction force appeared, and the blood in his body rushed towards Tie Zhongtang's banner like a tide in a blink of an eye.

The monk let out a scream

Then a pile of bones fell to the ground.

He was full of vigor and vitality, and his flesh and blood were all swallowed by Tie Zhongtang's iron blood banner.

seeing this,

The square became extremely quiet, and the monks looked at Tie Zhongtang in horror.

Tie Zhongtang held the banner of iron and blood, and looked at the remaining Chan Master Duyan with cold eyes.

"That flag is probably a spiritual weapon!"

The host of Dafeng Temple saw this scene, his eyes were full of fear.

"I come!"

Next to Zen Master Duyan, the presiding officer of Dafeng, a thin old man appeared in front of Tie Zhongtang in a flash.

As soon as he appeared, a terrifying flame burst out from his body.

Under the true energy of the flame, streaks of light appeared in the cassock on his body.

It can be seen that the cassock on his body is unusual!
"Buddha body, golden flame glass!"

The skinny old man who appeared gave a low cry, he grabbed the cassock in his hands, and then walked towards Tie Zhongtang like a flowing cloud and iron sleeves.
Three shifts first, at least two shifts before [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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