The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 915 Yan Nanfei's strength, the temptation of someone

Chapter 915 Yan Nanfei's strength, the temptation of someone
Tingzhou area

Tianyan Pagoda.

Yan Nanfei stood on the top of the pagoda with his hands behind his back, his eyes were looking at Tianyan Lake not far away.

As Gong Ziyu's stand-in in his previous life, he had fame and fortune in the world, and the temptation made him obsessed.

Reappearing in this world, his mentality changed.

Of course, there is still fame and power in my heart.

If a warrior does not pursue fame, fortune and power, he cannot be called a warrior.

The rivers and lakes are Vanity Fair.

Dominance is the ultimate goal in the hearts of some warriors.

There was a sound of footsteps in the pavilion.

A figure walked into the pavilion.

The person who came was a charming and charming woman.

The woman was wearing a light blue silk dress that moved with the wind, perfectly outlining her curvaceous figure, her face was glamorous, her eyes were like water waves, and her red lips were seductive.

Yan Nanfei turned around and looked at the person coming.

"Liu Chunyan from the Bliss Palace of my slave family, what do you call your Excellency?"

"Yan Nanfei, the new July hall master of the Azure Dragon Society, did the Bliss Palace send you here?"

After Lian Chengbi left, Yan Nanfei became the new Hall Master of Qiyue.

While speaking, a breath appeared on his body, and this breath directly enveloped Liu Chunyan.

In Yan Nanfei's heart, Liu Chunyan's status was too low.

"Master Yan, don't get me wrong, I'm just here to lead the way!"

Under Yan Nanfei's breath, Liu Chunyan's whole body bent down, revealing a pitiful expression.

"What an incomprehensible person!"

He complained like this in his heart.

Anyway, he is also a charming person.

This Yan Nanfei didn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

"It's you who want to see us, not us who want to see him. If he doesn't come, then I will leave first!"

Now is the time to gather forces from all sides.

He won't waste time here.

"Master Yan, wait, I'll notify you right away!"

Liu Chunyan did not expect that Yan Nanfei would not go to meet people with her at all, so he could only speak.

when speaking.

The person slowly came to the pavilion, raised his hand, and a firework appeared.

"Hall Master Yan, please wait for a while!"

"At this time, Hall Master Yan can do other things."

While speaking, his body slowly moved in front of Yan Nanfei, with a charming look on his face: "There is no one else here, Hall Master Yan can do whatever he wants."

The words are full of teasing.

Yan Nanfei's eyes turned cold.

"Master Yan, don't get me wrong, I just want to help Master Yan rub his shoulders!"

Liu Chunyan said.

But when she was talking, Yan Nanfei suddenly stretched out his palm and grabbed the other party's throat.

"Appointment to meet us, not from the Palace of Bliss, tell me who the other party is?"

Yan Nanfei's tone was stern.

Liu Chunyan, who was grabbed by Yan Nanfei's throat, wanted to struggle and use the energy in her body.

But a terrifying force appeared in Yan Nanfei's palm.

It made it hard for her to breathe.

The infuriating energy in my body couldn't move for a while.

His face flushed.

want to speak.

Yan Nanfei loosened his hands a little, and looked at him coldly.

"I don't know either, I just received a notice from the Palace Master to come here!"

Liu Chunyan gasped and said.

"I don't know, so what's the use of keeping you?"

When Yan Nanfei heard the words, a killing intent appeared on his body, and there was also a sense of domineering in the killing intent.

Yan Nanfei replaced Gong Ziyu, so he can be said to be the overlord of one party, and he is even the number one person on the celebrity list.

The momentum is not ordinary.

Liu Chunyan in front of him trembled under this aura.

"It is rumored that the hall masters of the Azure Dragon Society are decisive and domineering people, and they are indeed!"

Jiangnan Lie's family, one of the twelve hall masters of the Qinglong Society, displayed extremely domineering means and strength.

"I really don't know! I'm just the person in charge of the Bliss Palace in the Tingzhou area."

Liu Chunyan said hastily.

Because Yan Nanfei exudes killing intent, she can perceive that the other party may kill her.

Yan Nanfei snorted coldly.

Withdraw the hand that pinched the opponent's neck.

The mind is spreading towards the surroundings.

His eyes were looking out of the pavilion.


A figure in a black robe appeared under the Tianyan Pagoda.

The opponent's whole body was wrapped in a black robe, and only the height of the opponent could be seen, but nothing else could be judged.

The other party seemed to sense Yan Nanfei's gaze on the pavilion, and raised his head to look at Yan Nanfei.

With a mask on his face, his exposed eyes revealed a strange color.


Looking at the figure that appeared, Yan Nanfei's eyes narrowed.

The opponent's breath is restrained, and he cannot perceive the opponent's strength.

The other party moved his footsteps, jumped, stepped on the outer floor of Tianyan Pagoda, and appeared in front of Yan Nanfei.


When he saw Yan Nanfei, the man in black robe said, "We are going to meet Li Chenzhou, who are you?"

cold tone,

He didn't look at Yan Nanfei.

"Three dragon heads, is it something you can see if you want?"

Yan Nanfei's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice.

The other party's tone was very proud.

He will not be used to each other.

Seeing what Yan Nanfei said, a strange energy appeared in the eyes of the visitor, and a terrifying aura appeared vaguely on his body,

This breath swept towards Yan Nanfei.

Yan Nanfei's eyes turned cold.

With a sudden step, his figure flashed, and he shot towards the opponent.


For an arrogant person, Yan Nanfei has to subdue him.


Seeing Yannan Feimoving, the black-robed man's eyes sank.

The figure retreated rapidly and fell towards the bottom of the tower.

Yan Nanfei rushed forward and moved after him.

The two of them fell towards the downstairs.

The man in black robe landed first,

At the moment of landing.

The black flames around the man in black rose with true energy, and he flew towards Yan Nan with a single step.

The palm was raised even more, and the black flames filled the palm, and he clenched into a fist, and punched out.

The black flame has a powerful destructive force, and cracks appear in the surrounding air under the black flame.

Yan Nanfei's figure was landing on the ground, and with a movement of his footsteps, his figure also stepped out instantly, and also punched out.

on the attic.

Liu Chunyan also jumped down.

Looking at the person who made the shot, a wry smile appeared on his face.

I didn't expect to just meet, but now they are fighting.

Keep a close eye on both sides of the battle.

The two fists collided.

A surge of terrifying black fiery qi rushed towards Yan Nanfei's body like a flood.

Yan Nanfei's heart turned cold.

There is no use of true energy to resist this fiery true energy.

Let this true energy go towards the body.

See this situation.

There was a sneer in the eyes of the man in black robe, and his vigor increased.

It was only when his energy entered Yan Nanfei's body.

Suddenly it seemed to be swallowed by something.

Disappeared in the blink of an eye.


But when he was surprised in his heart.

Yan Nanfei suddenly turned his fist into a claw, grabbing the opponent's fist.

At the same time, [Heaven and Earth Conquer Yin-Yang Great Compassion Fu] Zhongtian Jedi Destroys the Great Ziyang Hand.

In the Fu of the Great Compassion, the Great Heaven and Earth Exterminates the Great Qiankun Hand, which is divided into the Great Soul Searching Hand that grabs the vitality of all things, and the Great Ziyang Hand that refines external forces and dissolves all things.

(End of this chapter)

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