The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 918 The fortune is surging, the strength is improving, Huangfu Yunsheng suddenly appears

Chapter 918 The fortune is surging, the strength is improving, Huangfu Yunsheng suddenly appears
Heaven Fantasy Sect,

In a courtyard.

Li Chenzhou sat on the gazebo in the courtyard.

Seeing the secret letter from Yan Nanfei, the light in his eyes flickered.

"It seems that it is correct to enter the North-South Canal Basin. Let me see who you are."

Li Chenzhou's tone was flat.

Shred the letter.

At this moment.

A figure walked in from the small courtyard.

It was Huan Lanyun, the suzerain of the Tianhuan Sect.

"I've seen the three dragon heads!"

Huan Lanyun saluted Li Chenzhou.

After sending out the invitation, Li Chenzhou lived in the backyard of the Tianhuan Sect.

Even if someone saw it, they would only think that Li Chenzhou was a guest invited by the Heavenly Illusion Sect.

"Have all the members of the twelve sects come?"

Li Chenzhou said.

"Only the two nearby Changhe Sect and Xinyilou sect leaders have not arrived, but the other ten sects have already arrived, and I arranged them in the front yard.

"Among the ten sects, eight major sects are headed by teachers, and the other two sects are headed by grand elders who come to retreat."

The magic blue cloud said.

"Is that so? Can the people from Changhezong and Xinyilou arrive tomorrow?"

"Already on the way, we will arrive tomorrow!"

Magic Blue Cloud said.

"it is good!"

Li Chenzhou nodded.

"One more thing is that Luo Junshi from the Huayuan area came to visit me and asked me to meet at the foot of the mountain tonight."

The magic blue cloud said.

"Luo Junshi is the Huayuan area, the master of Heitian Yaya, how could he come to pay a visit at this time, and I want to see you at the foot of the mountain."

"Shouldn't he come to the mountain to have a talk?"

"Are you an old friend with him?"

Li Chenzhou looked at Huan Lanyun and said.

"Sanlongshou, I know him well, but we are not old friends."

"Although Luo Junshi is the Lord of Heitian Yaya, he is actually one of the generals under King Liewu."

"I got the news that King Liewu is summoning the leaders of the Huayuan region to go to the Palace of Liewu for a talk. I'm afraid there will be a big move."

"At this time Luo Jun really wants to see me. I guess he is coming this time, I am afraid that King Lie Wu sent him here, and he wants to subdue our Heavenly Illusion Sect!"

"Thus allowing his forces to enter the Tingzhou area."

Magic Blue Cloud said.

Speaking of this, his face is a little bitter.

[Blue Dragon Club] I came to the Tingzhou area to find them, the Heavenly Illusion Sect.

This King Lie Wu also wants to start with their Tianhuan sect.

Is this all about embarrassing women?

Are women easy to bully?
"I'll go with you tonight to see what he wants to do?"

Li Chenzhou said.

Now Wudu Boy has started to deal with King Liewu.

It is a grasshopper that can't jump for a long time.

"Thank you, Three Dragon Heads!"

Huan Lanyun hurriedly thanked him.

She came here because she wanted Li Chenzhou to send someone to go with her.

Today, Huanzong has surrendered to Li Chenzhou.

She couldn't handle it, so of course she had to ask Li Chenzhou for instructions, but she didn't expect Li Chenzhou to decide to go in person.

"I'll entertain the people from the Twelve Sects first, and I'll come back in the evening."

Huan Lanyun saluted and left.

another place

Inside a courtyard in Su City.

Su Chen sat cross-legged, and his whole body was full of qi and blood.

After Gu Shentong and the others took down Dafeng Temple.

Su Chen received a terrifying fortune.

Fate made him feel as if he had received strong medicine.

It's as if the body has entered the fire of heaven and earth.

So he began to enter the state of latent cultivation.

Fortunately, he didn't intend to leave Sioux City, so he bought a house with a secret room.

If it was in the inn, I am afraid that what happened to him would be spread quickly.

The fortune of Dafengji Temple,

More than any previous one.

The coming is fierce, and there are many more, so the refining time will be longer.


At this moment, a terrifying heat wave emanated from his whole body, and a mighty aura was constantly circulating in his body.

The dragon-shaped light spot in the dantian became brighter and brighter,

When the light is bright and bright.

It also fed back an overwhelming force, which made his dantian expand again, and his physical strength continued to strengthen,

While strengthening his physical body, some of his physical body skills are also rapidly improving, and he is vaguely about to reach the state of perfection.

Just his present physical body.

Generally, those with strong divine power and coercive divine power will not have any influence on him at all.

Some powerful people, under his fist, may have their power collapsed.

Coupled with his vast sea-like dantian.

Su Chen felt that he could even fight against the top powerhouses.

time flies,

The air flow on Su Chen's body kept disappearing.

Sitting there, his whole body exuded a mighty abyss-like aura.

Of course, this breath is also gradually restrained.

Then the breath became normal.

If Su Chen doesn't do anything, many people may think that he is just an ordinary celestial warrior.

Open your eyes.

With a simple grip of the palm, the air explodes directly.

"It's really cool!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Stand up.

Get out of the secret room.

Yuan Suiyun was standing outside the secret room.

Seeing Su Chen walk out.

"My lord, all the classics of Dafeng Temple are already in the back room of the house, and I have specially vacated a few rooms."

After Gu Shentong and the others captured Dafeng Temple, they began to trade with Yuan Suiyun.

Some classics and treasures were brought over.

"Okay, I'll go take a look!"

Su Chen nodded.

"Just now there is news from Li Longshou that Bliss Palace is helping Dugu to meet them for me."

"Dugu wants us [Blue Dragon Club] to give up entering the North-South Canal Basin for me."

"The person who came was very powerful. The person who came forward was beheaded by Yan Nanfei. Yan Nanfei secretly got the news that the person who came here was so powerful that he was provoked by others."

"It seems that Dugu hopes for me that the people behind him will show up to support him and fight against us [Blue Dragon Society]."

The original follow the cloud.

"Dugu is the person behind me, do you know who it is?"

Su Chen asked.

"There is no news, but Yan Nanfei can see from the situation of the fight, the opponent should be very powerful!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Let Li Chenzhou deal with the matter of the North-South Canal, we just need to understand."

"By the way, the situation of Li Yimei's mother that you were asked to investigate, how is the investigation going?"

Li Yimei's mother is related to Tianyin Eighteen Palaces, and Su Chen really wants to know what's going on.

"There is very little news. Li Yimei's father was just a very ordinary person before, and once he brought back an injured woman!"

"That woman is Li Yimei's mother. After the woman was injured, she followed her father all the time. Later, the Li family made a fortune, and Li Yimei was born soon after."

"However, Li Yimei's mother died of dystocia when she gave birth to Li Yimei!"

"There's very little news, nothing useful!"

The original follow the cloud.

"It seems that I left with the help of dystocia!"

Su Chen said.

The two walked while talking, and after a while, they came to the backyard.

another place

Royal Family,

a backyard

Huangfu Tiance was drinking wine with Xie Xiaofeng.

"Brother Xie, thank you for the Huangfu family's affairs this time!"

"In the future, if you have anything to do, I, Huangfu Tiance, will definitely lead the Huangfu family to help you!"

Huangfu Tiance took a gulp of wine.

"It's just a matter of convenience. I don't know what Huangfu brother will plan in the future. I'm afraid the concubine will not stop here when she plans for Huangfu's family."

Xie Xiaofeng said.

"The Huangfu family has suffered a great loss this time, and now they can only rest and recuperate!"

Huangfu Tiance said with a sigh
"Huangfu Tiance, you dare to collude with [Blue Dragon Club] Xie Xiaofeng to seek the position of head of the Huangfu family,"

At this moment, a low voice came from outside the courtyard,

Hear the sound.

Huangfu Tiance's expression changed.

Because this voice was the voice of Huangfu Yunsheng, the former head of the Huangfu family.

(End of this chapter)

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