The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 940 5 poisonous substances were collected in the bag, and the second hand appeared

Chapter 940 Five poisonous substances, in the pocket, appear behind
Looking at the crazy face of Wudu Boy.

The Wan Poison Immortal's face became ferocious.

He is known as the Immortal of Ten Thousand Poisons, and he is extremely proficient in using poison.

Now the five poisonous boys are so rampant in front of him, shouting loudly.

How he is not angry.

The Wan Poison Immortal appeared not far from the Five Poison Boys.

Turning his palm, a strange aura appeared in his palm.

In an instant, he left his palm and went towards the Five Poison Boy.

The five-poison boy stood there without moving, allowing the poisonous gas to enter his body,

He is a drop of blood that obtained the Enan poisonous body, and any poison that enters his body will become his nourishment.

Increase his cultivation base.

Of course, recently he has also found a lot of poisons and researched them.

For the time being, no poison has been found that can kill him.

That's why he let Wan Poison Immortal attack him so presumptuously.

After the poisonous gas entered the body, it quickly moved towards the heart of the five-du boy,

It's just that the blood in Wudu Boy's body began to change, instantly devouring the poisonous gas, and then turning it into nourishment, gathering towards his dantian.


Sensing the disappearance of his poison gas, the expression of the Wan Poison Immortal changed.

All kinds of poisons appeared continuously in the palm.

All went towards the Five Poison Boys.

But it didn't work.

"Your body, the body of ten thousand poisons!"

The Wan Poison Immortal looked at the Five Poison Boy and said.


The Five Poison Boy shook his head.

Then he looked at the other party and said, "Don't tell me you only have this bit of poison on your body, then you really let me down!"

The five-poison boy also wanted to use the opponent's poison to improve his strength.

But I didn't expect that the person known as the Immortal of Ten Thousand Poisons would only have this bit of poison.


The Wan Poison Immortal's eyes were ferocious.

A colorful spider crawled out of his hand.

Seeing that spider, the Five Poison Boy's eyes froze, and there was a desire in his blood, eager to devour that colorful spider.

In the eyes of the Five Poison Boys.

Once again, a colorful centipede, a colorful butterfly, a colorful toad, and a pitch-black scorpion crawled out of Wandu Xianweng's hands.

These five poisons appear as soon as they appear.

The Wan Poison Immortal had a solemn look on his face.

There was a low groan in his mouth.

The five poisons instantly turned into five rays of light and went towards the five poison boys.

Extremely fast
In the blink of an eye, it landed on the Five Poison Boy.

The moment it landed on Wudu Boy, it was as if invisible.

In an instant, he entered the clothes of the five poisonous boys.

"This is the five immortals that the old man has raised for a long time. I think you can bear it, but you can't bear it!"

The Wan Poison Immortal had a ferocious look on his face.


The five poisonous insects that entered the clothes of the five-du boy suddenly became smaller and attached to the blood vessels of the five-du boy.

Want to absorb the blood in the body of the Five Poison Boys.

The five-poison boy controlled the blood in his body and poured it into the five poisonous insects.

when the blood enters their body.

The five poisonous insects sent out bursts of crazy joy.

"These five poisonous insects are not easy!"

The Five Poison Boy's eyes narrowed slightly.

A wave of mental power gushed out to communicate with them.

And stimulate the blood in the body to form a series of runes.

These runes entered the bodies of the five poisonous insects and surfaced on them.

Runes appear.

A sense of closeness appeared in the heart of Wudu Boy.

"It's done!"

The five poison boys were overjoyed.

Start to control the five poisonous insects, and the five poisonous insects began to respond after receiving the order.

At this moment!
The expression of the Wan Poison Immortal on the platform changed.

He felt that he was cut off from the five poisonous insects.

An anxious look appeared on his face.

Looking at the standing Wudu boy, his figure suddenly flew into the air, and he slapped towards the Wudu boy.

If you can't poison the opponent, then kill the opponent.

The aura of the Five Poison Boy is relatively weak.

He can kill opponents with one palm.

After beheading the opponent, he can take back the five poisonous insects.

just then

Suddenly a piano sound appeared.

With the sound of the piano, a silver light suddenly appeared.

The silver light pierced through the opponent's palm.

The Wan Poison Immortal let out a scream.

The figure retreated rapidly.

But just when he stepped back.


Five beams of light burst out from the body of the Five Poison Boy, and instantly entered the body of the Wan Poison Immortal.

And this time.

Wang Xuemei, who was holding the Tianmoqin, landed in the courtyard.

It was she who made the move just now, piercing the palm of the Wan Poison Immortal with the strings.

"how can that be?"

The Wan Poison Immortal looked at the Five Poison Boy and growled.

But when he growled, his body turned deep red.

I couldn't speak for a while.

He wanted to force out the five poisonous insects that had entered his body.

Just in this moment.

The crimson was gone.

With the disappearance of crimson, there is still blood on his body,

The blood in his body was instantly sucked dry by the five poisonous insects.

The body fell to the ground.

no breath,

Then five poisonous insects emerged from his body.

"Those are the five poisonous insects on the body of the Wan Poison Immortal!"

Seeing this scene, the people watching the battle looked shocked,

The five-poison boy waved his hand and grabbed it.

The five poisonous insects flew back to the five poison boy's hands, and then disappeared into his sleeves.

"King Lie Wu, the person you hired is not good at poisoning!"


"But I also want to thank him for sending me these five good babies!"

Wudu boy looked at Lie Wu kingly.

"Five Poison Boy, your poison is strong, but do you think you can take down this king with this kind of poison skill?"

"How delusional!"

King Lie Wu gave a low shout,

While he was drinking low.

A figure came out from the darkness.

The person who came was an old man in a black robe.

A strange air flow appeared around the old man, these air currents circulated continuously, as if repelling foreign objects, his face was cold and stern, revealing a sense of killing.

It wasn't just this old man who appeared.

On the other side, another middle-aged man with a burly figure and bronze skin appeared.

Take a walk.

A wave of terror erupted on him.

"Five Poison Boys, your poison is strong, but do you think that this king has been unprepared for such a long time? Their own strength is not ordinary, and together with the poison-avoiding beads that this king found for them, they can guarantee their own Unaffected by poison for a period of time!"

"You underestimate this king too much, underestimate this king, today this king will take your heads and send them to Su Chen."

King Liewu looked at the Five Poison Boys and said with a cold look.


When King Liewu spoke, he stepped on the ground,

Suddenly, he grabbed the five-poison boy with his palm

"If you don't show up, you can't be found, and if you show up, you will die!"

He raised his palm and grabbed the five-poison boy, the energy in his hand was flowing, exuding a terrifying and sharp aura,

Only when he moves.

Suddenly a terrifying sword energy appeared.

As soon as the sword qi appeared, it directly locked on King Liewu.

King Liewu's expression changed, his figure paused, and his eyes looked towards one place.

Holding the long sword Yan Shisan came out from the dark.

"Stop him, I'll kill the Five Poison Boy!"

King Lie Wu spoke to the old man in black robe.

The old man wanted to move.

But a figure appeared on the top of the house.

He was tall and burly, looking at the black-robed old man with violent and sharp aura, and a small arrow made of energy appeared on his arm.

The little arrow was targeting the old man in black robe.

The person who appeared was Yuan Shisanxian.

(End of this chapter)

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