The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 944 Qiao Feng Contacts the Realm of Transformation, the Three Realms of the Realm, and the R

Chapter 944 Qiao Feng Contacts the Transformation Domain, the Three Realms of the Domain, and the Realm System Above the Heavenly Gate
Jinling City

Inside the inn
Li Hanqiu appeared in Qiao Feng's room,

"Liu Boyuan sent an invitation, let us go to his manor tonight, what do you think of this matter?"

Li Hanqiu said.

Now Li Xunhuan of [Blue Dragon Club] has been transferred away from Jinling City.

It made Li Hanqiu feel that things were unusual.

Liu Boyuan must have made preparations, they might be in danger then.

"Are you worried?"

"You don't need to worry, in front of me, no one can hurt you!"

Qiao Feng said.

The tone is flat, but there is a sense of disdain for the world in the eyes.

"I know your strength is strong, but if you concentrate more than the sea here, the gate of heaven will surely appear!"

"If the Tianmen appears, either break the Tianmen and stay there, or step on the Tianmen and leave. My injury has not recovered, and it is not worth going to the Tianmen now!"

Li Hanqiu said.

"My strength has reached shattering, and I am now realizing the transformation realm you mentioned above shattering!"

Qiao Feng said

Hearing Qiao Feng's words, Li Hanqiu was taken aback.

She didn't expect that Qiao Feng had already started to transform into a domain.

Although she knew that Qiao Feng was strong, she never thought that Qiao Feng had reached this point.

"You actually started to transform the domain, much faster than I thought. Transforming the domain is a stage in the three realms of the domain."

Li Hanqiu said at this time.

"Three realms of the domain?"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng was startled.

Li Hanqiu mentioned Huayu before, but he didn't talk about this realm in detail.

So I was a little surprised to hear the three realms of the domain.

Above heaven and man, that is the realm.

"The domain has three realms, the transformation realm, the imaginary realm, and the real realm."

"The realm of transformation is the condensing of divine power into a realm, the realm of virtuality is the condensing of virtual scenes in the realm, and after the virtual scene is realization, that is, stepping into the realm of the real realm. These three realms are divided into four stages. Success, Dacheng, peak!"

"Above the three realms of the domain are the six barriers of the true self, and the nine levels of the supreme."

"After the supreme, it is the emperor's realm, and after the emperor's realm, it is detachment."

"Above the Tianmen, no one has stepped into this realm, whether it is human race or other races."

Li Hanqiu said.

"Your original strength?"

Qiao Feng asked.

"My previous strength was in the virtual realm, but there is still a long way to go before stepping into the real realm!"

"My aptitude is much worse than yours. If you can enter Tianmen and Zongmen, you will definitely be able to be reused!"

"Maybe you can step into the ranks of seed disciples in one step, and then you can compete for the number of true disciples!"

"If you can become a seed disciple, my revenge will be avenged!"

Li Hanqiu said.

"The gate of life and death? The strength of your enemy?"

Qiao Feng had been in contact with Li Hanqiu for a while, and knew that Li Hanqiu came from the Gate of Life and Death above the Gate of Heaven.

"I'm about to step into the real realm, but the real realm is not so easy to step into. I guess he won't step into the real realm before I return to Tianmen."

"After today, you will be the grave master of [Dead Man's Tomb], and I will be the deputy grave master."

Li Hanqiu said.

Qiao Feng's aptitude is too heaven-defying, beyond her reach.

She's going to take her chance now,

With Qiao Feng as the leader, it is her chance.

"You must be loyal to me!"

Qiao Feng looked at Li Hanqiu and said.


Li Hanqiu said without any hesitation.

"it is good!"

Qiao Feng nodded.

He is still not familiar with the gate of life and death above the gate of heaven, so he still needs to rely on Li Hanqiu.

During this period of time, I got along with Li Hanqiu.

Qiao Feng still recognized Li Hanqiu's character!

"But for the time being, you are still the owner of [Dead Man's Tomb]!"

Qiao Feng said.

He didn't know much about the evil sect, so he let Li Hanqiu handle it.


Li Hanqiu hurriedly said.

"Then let's go to Liu Boyuan's side!"

Li Hanqiu then said,

Qiao Feng intends to go here, and her strength is also there, so her previous worries are gone.

black market
Among the pavilions.

Bei Xuanming stood in front of Old Man Tianqin.

"Master, this incident is quite strange, if we participate in it, there may be something wrong!"

Bei Xuanming said in a deep voice.

"Didn't Li Xunhuan from the Azure Dragon Club leave Jinling City?"

"He's not in Jinling, is there anything else to worry about?"

The old man Tianqin said.

"It's because Li Xun Huan left that this disciple feels that things are not normal!"

Bei Xuanming said in a deep voice,

"Who is in charge of the black market in the [Blue Dragon Club] now?"

The old man Tianqin said.

"Seven Dragon Head Guards!"

Beixuan famous way.

"How's the strength?"

"The strength just stepped into the sea to concentrate?"

Bei Xuanming thought for a moment and then said.

"Just stepping into the sea and concentrating, with such strength, it's a bit weak."

"If he goes to trouble Liu Boyuan, he will be courting death!"

The old man Tianqin said.

"But I'm afraid, this is the smoke from the [Blue Dragon Association]."

"There are other masters, secretly in Jiangnan!"

Beixuan famous way.

"I've also read some information about the [Blue Dragon Club] in the past two days. Among the masters of the [Blue Dragon Club], only a few are extremely strong, and the rest are at most stronger in the same realm!"

"What's more, I went to help Liu Boyuan this time, and I only helped him deal with Yan Luodian, [Dead Man's Tomb], and [Blue Dragon Society], and I didn't participate in it either!"

The old man Tianqin said.

Hearing the words of the old man Tianqin,

Bei Xuanming frowned.

"Then how do the disciples deal with their thoughts on the black market?"

"The water in the black market is very deep. It's not what you think, but I talked with your uncle about this matter. Now that the world is changing, it's an opportunity!"

"If you can become the master of the black market, you will be able to practice your uncle's method of [Gathering God and Heavenly Luck]!"

"This is your chance too,"

The old man Tianqin said.

"What, you mean Master Master and his old man said so."

Hearing this Bei Xuanming's face showed joy.

"What about tonight's changes? If Liu Boyuan doesn't go well, it's impossible to use them to help you become the master of the black market!"

The old man Tianqin said.

"Let's go!"

When the old man Tianqin was talking, he stepped out of the pavilion,

Bei Xuanming followed behind the old man Tianqin.

His eyes were a little hot.

At this moment, in Liu Boyuan's courtyard

In a wing room in the backyard.

Liu Boyuan was standing in front of Elder Song.

"Elder Song, Li Xunhuan left the black market in Jinling, and now the black market is only controlled by Wei Zhuang, the head of the seven dragons."

"As long as you take down the other two evil sects, your subordinates will go straight to the stronghold of the black market [Qinglonghui], take them out of the stronghold in the black market first, and use this as an entrance to step into the black market!"

Liu Boyuan opened his mouth and said.

"Don't underestimate Wei Dongjun, the Lord of Yan Luo Palace, this person is not simple!"

"There is also the new owner of [Dead Man's Tomb]. She may be someone who descended from the Heavenly Gate, so don't be careless!"

Elder Song said.

"My subordinate understands!"

Liu Boyuan bowed and said,

"Become the master of the four evil sects and enter the black market, and I will help you apply for divine blood again!"

"At that time, your strength will definitely go further!"

Elder Song said.

"Thank you, Elder Song, for your cultivation. This subordinate swears allegiance to Elder Song to the death, and to Bu Laotang,"

Liu Boyuan said hastily.

Hearing Liu Boyuan's words, Elder Song smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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