The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 955 The Sword Demon Dugu seeks defeat, the Sword Master is the strongest

Chapter 955 The Sword Demon Dugu seeks defeat, the Sword Master is the strongest

At this time, outside the window, a thunder flashed suddenly, followed by thunder rumbling continuously between the sky and the earth.

"Thunder strikes, it seems that this day is not peaceful!"

Su Chen recovered and looked out the window.


The raindrops of beans fell from the sky, forming a torrential rain for a while.

Su Chen closed the window, returned to the bed, half-lyed on the bed, and looked at the lottery card on his body.

In one day, Su Chen only got 2 orange lottery cards.

"Getting a lottery card in this way is a bit rare!"

I sighed in my heart, but still drew the 2 orange lottery cards.

[Get the character Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai, get Guiguzi's skills, exclusive characters Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang. 】

"See this!"

Su Chen's pupils suddenly changed.

This time he actually got the sword demon Dugu Qiubai, which can be said to be the strongest master in Jin Yong's novels, only his name is heard, but his existence is not seen.

This time he got it.

Immediately check the strength of the sword demon Dugu Qiubai, half-step into the domain, possess the body of the sword demon, and fully explode the power of the sword demon body, the strength is comparable to the virtual realm.

Seeing this Su Chen, his eyes froze. Before Yan Kuangzi broke out with all his strength, he had a power comparable to that of the Void Realm.

The three realms of the domain, the domain of transformation, the domain of imaginary, and the domain of reality.

Full power burst directly to the second floor.

From this point of view, although Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai's current realm is half-step in the transformation realm, even if he doesn't break out with all his strength, I am afraid that the general transformation realm powerhouses will not be opponents.

"It's great, but in this world, there seems to be restrictions. Is this to let them go as soon as they come?"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

A character like Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai might feel uncomfortable in this world.

If they perceive the situation of this world after they are born, they will probably think of going to the gate of heaven.

As a strong martial artist, knowing that there are stronger people above Tianmen, he must want to step on Tianmen and leave.

However, Dugu Qiubai's strength should be the strongest existence among the top ten sword masters.

Then he looked at Guiguzi's skill, this time it was not passed to one person, but to two people, that is, half of one person.

If it is only passed on to one person, it may be possible for one of them to reach the realm of half-step transformation.

The field of transformation is one's own perception, not something that can be achieved with profound skills.

However, with half of Guiguzi's skill, the strength of the two of them has reached the broken level at most.

In this case, [Blue Dragon Club]'s strength in Jiangnan will go one step further.

"Going out of the city tomorrow? Let's see how Tianfei arranges it!"

Su Chen thought in his heart, closed his eyes, and began to rest.


A place in Jinling City, in an underground secret room.

Two figures are standing in it.

One is wearing a red robe and the other is wearing a brown robe.

Both had masks on their faces.

"Song Liang's side failed. The head of the [Blue Dragon Club] was in Jinling City, but he didn't show up!"

"The one who killed Song Liang was Li Wuxie, the strongest hall master of the [Blue Dragon Club]. This person triggered the thunder to kill Song Liang, and he was hit by the thunder. It is rumored that he was injured, but the specific situation is unknown." The man spoke.

"The Tingzhou area failed, and Jinling City also failed. The [Blue Dragon Club] has caused us a lot of losses!"

The man in the red robe spoke, his voice was a little low and hoarse, and it made people feel depressed when he spoke.

"However, they killed the old man Tianqin. They became enemies with Du Tianye. Du Tianye, who has been dormant in the black market for so many years, should have some background."

"Shall we make contact?"

"At this time, it's our chance. Together with him, we may be able to severely damage the [Blue Dragon Club]."

The man in the brown robe spoke.

"Our goal is to win the black market, so as to open up the entire black market in Jiangnan. Du Tianye is very ambitious at this time, and we must beware of him when we cooperate with him."

"This time, it's better to let him fight against [Blue Dragon Club], we will lose both, or when he is in a weak position, we will take action."

"Forcing him to join our Immortal Church, in that case, our interests will be maximized."

The man in the red robe said.

"Is that so?"

"Then I'll keep an eye on the black market, and if there's any problem, I'll let you know immediately!"

The man in the brown robe pondered for a moment before saying.

"Wait, among the four evil sects [Yan Luodian] and [Dead Man's Tomb], what is their current situation?"

When the man in the brown robe was about to leave, the man in the red robe asked,

Just now, the brown robe only mentioned [Qinglonghui] and did not mention [Yan Luodian] and [Dead Man's Tomb].

"From the feedback we got, these two forces should be close to the [Blue Dragon Society]. It is worth noting that Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Clan, is the deputy lord of the [Dead Man's Grave]. level."

The man in the brown robe spoke.

"Broken level?"

"With such strength, how can you get in touch with the [Blue Dragon Club]?"

"Pay attention to this Qiao Feng, if they leave Jinling City, please inform me, I will meet this Qiao Feng,"

"The beggar gang has a large number of people. If we subdue it, it will be very beneficial to us."

The man in the red robe said.

"I will help you pay attention to that Qiao Feng, and I will notify you as soon as there is news!"

After the man in the brown robe finished speaking, he turned and left.

The rest of the red-robed men didn't stay in the secret room any longer, they turned around and left as well.

black market.

[Blue Dragon Club] stronghold.

"As for the news about Du Amano, I wonder if some of you can provide it."

Wei Zhuang said to Li Hanqiu and Wei Dongjun.

"I don't know much about Du Tianye, so Dianzhu Wei should know more?"

Li Hanqiu shook his head. She fled here and knew very little about the affairs here. Wei Dongjun has been in charge of [Yan Luodian] for so many years and knows more than her.

"Du Tianye was a strong man of the older generation before Emperor Zhou became famous, and he founded the Jiangnan black market."

"At that time, he was known as the Lord of the Black Demon. He practiced a very powerful magic technique called the Black Demon Dafa. This technique is extremely overbearing. As long as he is covered by his black demon energy, he will be full of true energy, blood, and flesh. , will be devoured by the other party.”

"Other news, I don't know much!"

Wei Dongjun said in a deep voice.

Hearing Wei Dongjun's words, Wei Zhuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although there is very little information known, but the opponent's practice is so difficult, it can be seen that the opponent's strength must be terrifying.

"It seems that we have to find a way to force the other party out. Such a person is in the dark, which is very bad for us!"

"I'll go to see the head of the dragon first, and see the arrangement of the head of the dragon. Jinling City is fluctuating a bit now, so you might as well stay in my stronghold of [Blue Dragon Club]."

Wei Zhuang said.

Hearing Wei Zhuang's words, Wei Dongjun and Li Hanqiu's eyes lit up.

The people in the Bulaotang, I am afraid that not only Elder Song came, but there must be others.

And the black market also has Watanabe.

The strength of these people is terrifying.

They left the [Blue Dragon Club] stronghold, fearing that the other party would find them.

With their current strength, Qiao Feng is probably the only one who is not in great danger, so it is safest for them to be in the [Blue Dragon Club] stronghold.

"Then thank you Seven Dragon Heads!"

The two hurriedly thanked each other.

(End of this chapter)

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