The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 966 Leng Huishan, Immortal Dragon Bloodline, 4 Great Ambassadors, Extreme Spring Sorrow

Chapter 966 Leng Huishan, the blood of the undead dragon, the four chief ambassadors, and the sorrow of spring
Sioux City.

Within a courtyard.

Yuan Tianhuan, the Head of Fusi Division of Jiangnan Township, was in the hall. He arrived in Sucheng earlier than Li Xunhuan.

In front of him was Qin Beiming in black. Qin Beiming's face was a little pale, and his breath was unstable.

"Have you found the whereabouts of Concubine Tian?"

Yuan Tianhuan looked at Qin Beiming and said softly.

"Master, the concubine Tian's foothold was in Wanrong Street, South City, Sucheng, but the concubine Tian must have known the news that I was arrested by the Zhenfusi. I think Concubine Tian must not be in Sucheng now. among."

Qin Beiming said.

"According to the information, Tianfei has not left the boundary of Su City. If she is not in the city, then she is outside the city."

"I hope you find Concubine Tian!"

Yuan Tianhuan looked at Qin Beiming and said.

"The subordinates must do their best to find out the whereabouts of Tianfei Yan Ruxue!"

Qin Beiming said immediately.

"Then go do it!"

Yuan Tianhuan glanced at Qin Bei Mingdao.

Hearing this, Qin Beiming was taken aback, he didn't expect Yuan Tianhuan to ask him to find Concubine Tian.


Qin Beiming asked involuntarily.

"Yes, I believe you will be able to find out the whereabouts of Concubine Tian, ​​so go!"

Yuan Tianhuan waved his hands.

Qin Beiming bowed and exited the hall. As he walked out of the hall, his eyes were fixed.

"Yuan Tianhuan is still testing me, otherwise, he won't let me go alone to investigate the whereabouts of Concubine Tian. He just wants to use me as bait!"

Qin Beiming thought to himself and walked out of the courtyard.

in the hall.

Yuan Tianhuan looked at Qin Beiming who left with a sneer on his face, but he never believed in Qin Beiming.

Turning around, he came to a side hall,

Open the underground secret room in the house and enter a passage.

The passage was pitch black, and no light could be seen clearly, but Yuan Tianhuan didn't pay any attention to it, and kept moving forward. After a while, a figure appeared at the entrance of the passage.

Walking out of the passage, it is also a remote courtyard.

in the courtyard,

A figure in a black robe and a person wearing a bamboo hat are standing in it.

"You came a little late!"

The visitor looked at Yuan Tianhuan and said.

"Tell me, where is Concubine Tian now? And what are the arrangements for Director Xue?"

Yuan Tianhuan looked at the person coming, didn't pay attention to the other person's words, but spoke.

"Concubine Tian is just outside the city, in an underground secret room in the West Mountain."

"But Tianfei is not in a hurry, you have other tasks here."

The visitor spoke.

"Any other tasks? Tell me about it?"

Yuan Tianhuan frowned slightly and said.

"Concubine Tian wants to kill Su Chen, so you take people there secretly. If Concubine Tian doesn't kill Su Chen, you kill Su Chen secretly."

The visitor spoke.

"Kill Su Chen? And help Tianfei kill Su Chen?"

Hearing what the visitor said, Yuan Tianhuan frowned slightly.

"This is Master Xue's order. The [Azure Dragon Association] is too strong now. If the head of the [Azure Dragon Association]'s young dragon is killed by the concubine of the Demon Sect, I believe it will make the [Azure Dragon Association] lose its momentum, and it will also make the [Azure Dragon Association] lose its reputation." The Azure Dragon Society will fight against the remnants of the Demon Sect."

The person came and said.

"I can't take action on this matter. Once I take action, the flaws will be exposed. I'm afraid [Qinglonghui] will take action against me, Jiangnan Zhenfusi. The risk is too great!"

"I think it's Jiangnan Tianjian who took the initiative in this matter. The four chief ambassadors in Jiangnan, among them, Ji Chunchou, hasn't shown up before? He can take action!"

"His strength is not weaker than the old man!"

Yuan Tianhuan said.

"Are you going to disobey Master Xue's order?"

Hearing Yuan Tianhuan's words, the visitor's eyes narrowed, and he said in a cold voice.


Just as the other party was speaking, Yuan Tianhuan snorted coldly, and a breath appeared from his body, which instantly pressed on the visitor.


The hat of the visitor was directly shattered, and his body was also bent.

The one who showed her face was beside the concubine Tian, ​​Director Zhao, the head of the Demon Sect.

"Yuan Tianhuan, you!"

Manager Zhao's face was angry, and his body exploded with strength, but he couldn't resist Yuan Tianhuan's breath suppression at all.

"I didn't expect it to be you. Director Xue is really powerful. He can actually control the chief internal officer of the Demon Sect."

Yuan Tianhuan looked at Mr. Zhao and said.

"Yuan Tianhuan, you are disobeying Chief Xue's order."

Manager Zhao said with all his might.

"Xue Pingsheng, his orders can't order me. I obey his orders because I have to do some duties, but I don't have to do some duties. I won't obey his orders!"

"This matter can only be taken care of by your Heavenly Superintendent and the Four Chief Envoys!"

"I won't get involved, just give me Tianfei's address tomorrow before Li Xunhuan arrives!"

After speaking, Yuan Tianhuan turned and left.

Looking at Yuan Tianhuan who left, Manager Zhao's face looked ferocious.

"Damn Yuan Tianhuan, I will find a chance for revenge!"

Manager Zhao said harshly.

"Let me do the killing of Su Chen!"

At this moment, a deep voice came from the corner.

A figure appeared.

It was the four chief envoys wearing masks and black robes, who was the Ji Chunchou that Yuan Tianhuan had just mentioned.

"President Ji, you take action?"

Manager Zhao seemed humane.

"Director Xue already expected that Yuan Tianhuan would not make a move, so he notified me in advance!"

The visitor looked at Mr. Zhao.

"That would be extremely troublesome!"

"This is the shooting location. Go to the three-way intersection in Jinling City. According to the time when Su Chen left, he still has half an hour to arrive here!"

"I have other arrangements, so I will leave first!"

Director Zhao said.

"it is good!"

Ji Chunchou, who was wearing a black robe and a mask, nodded.

outside the city
Su Chen's carriage didn't drive fast, he was mainly cooperating with Concubine Tian, ​​he didn't really want to leave Su City,

On the carriage, Su Chen was reading a book.

This is collected from the black market Beixuanming and Liewu Wangfu,

This is the book selected by Yuan Suiyun based on Su Chen's situation, and it can help Su Chen get the most rewards,

Turning pages is fast.

During this period of time when he was out of the city, Su Chen has already obtained 2 orange lottery cards.

[The host's subordinate Leng Huishan stepped into the sea to concentrate, condensed into a trace of the blood of the immortal dragon, and rewarded 2 orange lottery cards. 】

"I didn't expect that Leng Huishan would step into the sea without making a sound, concentrating, and condense the blood of the undead dragon!"

"Could it be that Ling Luoshi's appearance provoked Leng Huishan!"

"After all, Leng Huishan was killed by Ling Luoshi back then!"

Su Chen thought in his heart.

"My lord, we still have half an hour to arrive at the three-way intersection to Jinling City, which is the place we agreed with Tianfei!"

The original followed the cloud to open the way.

"I hope this Concubine Tian is a reputable person. If not, there will be many more corpses today!"

Su Chen muttered in his mouth.

Then continue to read the book.

Although it is small, but accumulated, he will have more lottery cards.

Go to Jinling City Sancha intersection
There is a wine shop, where many warriors who travel to and from the rivers and lakes drink freely.

The second floor of the restaurant.

Concubine Tian was standing by the window.

"Director Zhao hasn't come back yet?"

Concubine Tian said to Ying Wuxie beside her.

"Director Zhao personally went to confirm the information of Su Chen's carriage, and he should be back soon!"

Ying Wuxie at the side spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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