The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 979 Jiang Yuyan, Controlling the Heart of the Demon Sect

Chapter 979 Jiang Yuyan, Controlling the Heart of the Demon Sect
The Mysterious Dragon Cave opened outside Sucheng, and quickly spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River, and then covered the entire rivers and lakes of Dazhou.

Some Jianghu warriors quickly came to Su City.

The news of the four dragon heads beheading Yuan Tianhuan from the [Blue Dragon Club] also spread, but it was covered up by the news of the Mystic Dragon Cave.

Not many people care.

Jianghu warriors sometimes care about their own interests.

In the house.

Su Chen frowned slightly.

"Have you found out who opened the first door of the Secret Dragon Cave?"

Su Chen was a little curious as to who opened the first door of the Secret Dragon Cave.

"It has been found out that it is obvious that the Jinyuan in the city exploded the mountain, and the secret dragon cave was blown out, but it was arranged by Yuanhetang, a Chinese medicine merchant in the city!"

"This Yuanhetang has been in Sucheng for more than ten years, and he is one of the well-known wealthy businessmen in the city. His subordinates searched for his details, but they failed to find out."

The original follow the cloud.

"Well, it's interesting. It seems that this person's identity is not simple."

"However, he did help me by doing this. Originally, I planned to release the secret dragon cave to stir up the Jiangnan rivers and lakes."

"Just what is his purpose in doing this?"

Su Chen couldn't help frowning.

He didn't believe that the other party opened the first door of the Secret Dragon Cave without purpose.

"For the time being, there is no action there. After the explosion of the mountain, no one was sent to investigate, and there was no follow-up action."

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"It seems that the picture is not small!"

"If that's the case, then we'll just wait. By the way, have you checked with the Devil's Palace?"

The other party did not move, and it can be seen that the picture is not small.

Su Chen is not in a hurry to know the other party's purpose now.

It is rumored that there are five doors in the secret dragon cave, and there are four other doors. It will take a while to break through.

He is not interested in doing this matter, let someone who is interested do it.

On my side, I just need to pay attention to when the secret door will open.

Then you can enter.

"The Devil's Head Palace has been inspected. It is very luxurious. There are many books and secret books in it. My lord, I can move there when I have time." Yuan Suiyun said.

"Transfer all the books back, give Ling Luoshi the devil's head palace, and let him sit in Sucheng!"

"With his ability, he should be able to find out some underground institutions that we don't know for the time being."

Su Chen pondered for a moment and then said.

"Subordinate, inform Hall Master Ling Luoshi of this matter."

"My lord, Li Longshou and the others didn't enter the city, they chose a residence not far from the secret dragon cave."

The original follow the cloud.

"Well, with Li Longshou over there and the Mystic Dragon Cave, we don't have to worry about it."

"Did something happen elsewhere?"

Su Chen then asked.

"There's news from the South China Sea region that Deputy Pavilion Master Yan has personally visited the General's palace, threatening Dugu to be me and let him participate in their plan."

"Ling Cheng, the deputy head of the Tianjian Division previously appointed by the capital, returned to the palace. The eldest prince, the twelfth prince, and the fifteenth prince have left the capital some time ago. According to estimates, they should already be on the border of Jiangnan."

The original follow the cloud.

"Jiangnan is a bit chaotic now. The three princes have come here to suppress the Jiangnan martial arts. What do they rely on?"

Su Chen frowned slightly, a little curious, what kind of means did these three princes use to frighten the martial arts in the south of the Yangtze River.

"Find them, keep an eye on them!"

Su Chen ordered.

At this time, a servant came from a distance.

"Master, there are two people who have brought something, saying that they are in the hall as they told you before."

The servant spoke.

"Did you say who it was?"

Su Chen asked.

"One is Mr. Sima, and the other is Mr. Lei."

"It's really fast, but I don't know what they sent? Let them be placed in the hall first, and I will disappear."

Su Chen ordered.


The servant quickly withdrew.

"Come on, let's go see what the other party has prepared for me?"

Su Chen and Yuan Suiyun headed out of the hall.

At this time, Su Chen glanced at the orange lottery card in his mind, plus the accumulation of the past two days.

Today there are seven orange draw cards.

Draw a wave first, and draw all seven orange draw cards.

[Get a snow spirit fruit, get 30 years of internal strength, exclusive character Lian Xing, get two tokens of disciples of the outer door of the Nine Cold Palace above Tianmen, exclusive characters, invite the moon and Lian Xing, get the artistic conception of the magic knife, exclusive character Bai Tian Yu, obtained the top-level weapon Heavenly Blood Sword, the exclusive character Bai Tianyu, obtained a drop of the blood of the undead dragon, and the exclusive character Leng Huishan. 】

The snow spirit fruit comes from the snowy area above Tianmen, a relatively rare fruit that has the effect of treating disabilities and rejuvenating people. Women can increase their appearance and their own strength when taking it.

Lian Xing's left hand and left foot are disabled, and with this snow spirit fruit, Lian Xing can fully recover.

I don't know if eating snow spirit fruit Lianxing, Yanrong has invited Yuemei.

Coupled with 30 years of internal strength, Lian Xing's strength will inevitably go further.

As for the two Nine Cold Palace Tokens, are they paving the way for the two of them to enter the Heavenly Gate?

I haven't gone up yet, and I have already arranged a lot of back-ups.

In the future, once I go up, there will be people with me everywhere I go.

Thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

The artistic conception of the magic knife behind is a kind of artistic conception of the way of the sword.

Bai Baiyu was nicknamed the invincible magic sword, with the artistic conception of the magic sword, plus the weapon-level weapon, the Heavenly Blood Sword, Bai Baiyu's strength must not be simple.

The blood of the undead dragon, Leng Huishan himself has condensed the blood of the undead dragon, but there is only a trace, this blood can help him improve the blood of the undead dragon to a greater extent.

"The harvest is not bad!"

Su Chen said in his heart.

When Su Chen came to the hall, there were two boxes in the hall.

One has Sima written on it, and the other has Lei written on it.

Just when Su Chen was thinking about opening the two boxes.

A figure came in from outside.

Jiang Yuyan, who was wearing a lavender dress, came in from the outside.

A scent of roses wafted from his body, and he had just bathed.

A head of long hair hangs down behind her, and her face is charming, but also full of coldness.

His eyes are like the bright stars in the sky, a kind of distance, but also a kind of coldness, and the imposing manner on his body is out of the dust, and there is also a sense of domineering.

"I have seen the Lord!"

Jiang Yuyan saluted Su Chen.

"The title is going to change, I'm just the head of the Azure Dragon Club, sit down!"

Su Chen called Jiang Yuyan to sit down.

"How about this person in contact with the Demon Sect Concubine?"

Su Chen asked.

"The person is very unusual, but her foundation is damaged, and her strength can no longer be improved,"

"I'm going to take this opportunity to take down the magic gate!"

"The background of the Demon Sect is not simple, and Tianfei Yan Ruxue wants to revive the Demon Head, which is strange."

"Investigate one by one, it's better to take down the magic gate directly!"

Jiang Yuyan said.

"The matter of the Demon Sect is up to you to handle it!"

Su Chen nodded.

The Demon Sect has some foundations, and if he wins it, his luck may grow a little longer.

good thing.

"My lord, just wait for my good news, and I will take down the magic gate in the shortest possible time."

Killing intent flashed in Jiang Yuyan's eyes.

This kind of thing is too simple, just gather people together and kill those who refuse to accept it.

Those who are convinced on the outside but dissatisfied on the inside can just get a little poison from the five poison boys and control it directly.

(End of this chapter)

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