The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 989 Li Xunhuan, Great Elder of the Hall of Immortality

Chapter 989 Li Xunhuan, Great Elder of the Hall of Immortality

no response.

Just as Su Chen was about to step into the passage, a group of bats flew out of the passage.

Yuan Suiyun made a sound, and the bats that rushed out stopped in mid-air instantly, looking at Yuan Suiyun in horror.

"My lord, there was another person in this hall just now, who left with that Zi Hanyue.

"I sense it!"

"Judging from the hidden aura, that person is stronger than these two!"

When Su Chen spoke, he stepped into the passage, but then frowned slightly

There is a black robe not far away.

"It's really clever to find out so quickly!"

Su Chen looked at the black robe on the ground and said.

It seems that Zi Hanyue took off the black robe because she noticed that Su Chen had made a mark on her body.

"My lord, these bats of mine can find Zihanyue!"

Yuan Suiyun looked at the bat road in front of him.

"it is good!"

"Check it out, and see if there is a place where the treasure is stored!"

Although he has already got a stone tripod, but he has no other gains, Su Chen is not reconciled!
Yuan Suiyun can control bats, so he can know where the treasure in the secret vault is.

Yuan Suiyun waved his palm, and the group of bats returned to the passage in an instant.

The two walked along the passage.


In another place, the black robe on Zi Hanyue's body has been taken off, and she is wearing a long purple dress.

"Unexpectedly, I was still being watched by someone,"

Zi Hanyue said in a deep voice.

"But now that the people in Bulaotang are dead, do I have to go there alone?"

Her face was extremely serious.

As soon as he came in, he was watched.

It made her feel that the secret dragon cave is very dangerous today.

"Do you want to give up?"

At this time, a shadow emerged from the mountain wall.

"You've been following me?"

Zi Hanyue stared at the other party with her eyes fixed.

"How can we believe that you Hanyue Sect people? Let's go, we must reach there within the stipulated time!"

The visitor spoke.

Hearing the other party's words, Zi Hanyue had no choice but to get up, searched around, and walked towards a place

It's just that they didn't notice the bat hanging above their heads.

After leaving the passage, Su Chen looked at the cave extending in all directions in front of him.

"It seems that Zi Hanyue came here with a purpose, but I don't know why?"

Su Chen frowned slightly.

Continue to follow up.

The secret dragon cave is too big, and it is undoubtedly a fantasy to find it by yourself, so Su Chen didn't think about using the secret dragon cave for his own use.

The Milong Cave is not only a place where the Great Chu Dynasty stored treasures, but also a place where the Great Chu Dynasty stationed troops in response to changes.

This time with the bat as a guide, they slowed down so as not to be noticed.

at this time
In other places

Some Jianghu warriors looked at these passages and cursed.

"What kind of broken place is this!"

"What about the promised treasure? Why are they all of the same way?"

Scolding non-stop.


Those who followed were also yelling and cursing.

I wandered around for a long time and didn't see a treasure house.

Suddenly, in the darkness, sword lights appeared one after another. With the sword lights, blood gushed out, and several people in blood-colored figures came out from the darkness.

Looking at the blood flowing on the ground, several people couldn't help licking the corners of their mouths.

but quickly disappeared,

The blood began to erode and flow, and the bloody air permeated,

Not only here.

There are many places,

"Who are you, why are you attacking us?"

One person blocked the stabbing sword light with a long knife in his hand, and with a backhand blow, the long knife slashed at the opponent's body, but it only tore open the opponent's clothes, revealing the toad-like skin inside.

Cutting on the skin, the strength of the long knife was shattered.

The throat was pierced by the opponent's sword light.

A huge space, in the stone corridor,

Li Xunhuan and A Fei are walking forward.

"Brother, I didn't expect that there is a stone corridor here, but this stone corridor is a bit long, and there are countless exits around it. It may be difficult to find the center of the secret dragon cave!"

A Fei said solemnly.

"It's okay, just follow me!"

Li Xunhuan looked calm, recently he merged with the heart of nothingness, and has a strong perception of space.

Although he is inside the mountain, he can still grasp the surrounding situation.

The two moved on.


Suddenly Ah Fei moved beside him.

The long sword in his hand flashed past.

A bloody light floated out from the darkness.

The two stepped forward, and there was a man in a blood-colored robe lying on the ground with blood flowing from his throat.

A Fei just drew his sword.

A sword cut the opponent's throat.

"Blood robe, isn't this the person who came in with us?"

When Ah Fei was speaking, the long sword in his hand picked up the opponent's robe.

Under the robe, the opponent's body was like a toad's skin, but it looked a little hideous.

"Some of their skins are like beasts?"

Ah Fei looked at the other party's brow and frowned slightly.

"These people should be from Bulaodang. This is the case of taking that beast's blood. It seems that the opening of the secret dragon cave is done by Bulaodang!"

"Contact the Lord? See what's going on with him?"

Li Xunhuan said,

Soon, A Fei and Yuan Suiyun finished communicating.

"Brother, the master also met these people, but the master's follower is Zi Hanyue from the Hanyue sect."

"The original manager can control the bats in the secret cave. The bats can guide us to meet the Lord. Do we want to meet the Lord?"

"Not for the time being, the master is very strong, he can handle it, let's rush to the center of the secret cave first."

Li Xunhuan said.

Having said that, move on,

At the end of the stone corridor is a stone platform, the stone platform is not high, about five feet.

On the stone platform, there is a huge stone gate, and two figures stand in front of the stone gate.

The two figures were looking at the stone gate, and did not push the stone gate,

As if aware of Li Xunhuan and A Fei, they turned around and looked at them,

Sensing the other party's gaze, Li Xunhuan didn't care and continued walking.

A Fei, who was following him, had a solemn expression, holding the hilt of the sword in his right hand, as if he would draw out the sword at any time.

The old man in the opponent gave him a very dangerous feeling.

The two stepped onto the stone platform, Li Xun Huan didn't look at them, but looked at Shimen.

Shimen reveals a very heavy feeling.

"Aren't you two going in?"

Li Xunhuan looked at the two people not far away and said.

"Your Excellency, if you want to enter, you can enter, but this is one of the five gates of the Secret Dragon Cave, and there should be something in it!"

The old man looked at Shimen and said.

And also reminded.

"It seems that the old man knows this secret dragon cave very well!"

Li Xun Huan looked at the old man, then turned around and slowly pushed the stone door in front of him open.

The thick stone door was slowly pushed open with the ear-piercing sound of stone grinding, and with the opening of the stone door, a breath that seemed to have been dusty for a long time rushed over.

Behind the stone gate, it was pitch black, without any light, that kind of darkness made people feel a little dreadful.

Li Xun Huan's eyes moved slightly.

He focused his eyes on the front, and did not pay attention to the situation behind the stone gate, because in front of him, a burly figure in armor was standing, with a long knife stuck in the ground under his hands.

The old man who was not far away looked at this figure in armor, and his originally gloomy expression suddenly radiated a bright light.

(End of this chapter)

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