Chapter 993 Lei Zhu, someone else's wedding dress

at this time
In the depths of this secret dragon cave.

In a palace full of energy, a figure in a blood-colored robe is sitting cross-legged in the center of the palace.

Surrounding energy kept pouring into his body.

Suddenly the man in the scarlet robe opened his eyes.

"Lu Daoyuan, is he dead?"

The bloody figure opened his eyes and murmured.

"It seems that there is a strong person here. When I absorb the energy here, I must taste the blood of this person."

A blood-devouring light appeared from the corner of the blood-colored figure's mouth,

Then began to continue to absorb the energy in the palace.

the other side.

Su Chen got a letter from Li Xunhuan.

"The Great Elder of the Immortal Hall is really unlucky to die at the hands of Li Xun Huan."

"However, the Great Elder knows this palace so well, it seems that the people in the Bulaotang are here to lay out the layout,"

"You said, what are they planning?"

Su Chen thought to himself.

"My lord, those blood-clothed men in Bulaotang are killing wildly."

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice.

"Crazy killing, what do they mean? Could it be that opening this secret dragon cave is just to kill some Jianghu warriors, it shouldn't, it should have a purpose."

Su Chen said in a deep voice,

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yuan Suiyun's expression suddenly changed.

"My lord, they may be collecting blood. The wounds of the murderers are huge, the blood is flowing everywhere, and the smell of blood is permeating!"

Yuan Suiyun said in a deep voice,


"It seems that there is a big move!"

Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

"How many places can control bats inspect today?"

Su Chen then asked.

"This secret cave is very large, and we can only explore one corner, but can the lord remember that when we entered the stone gate, there were five figures heading towards five different directions?"

"The purpose of these five people should be clear. They should be people from the old hall. What must they be doing? The subordinates should investigate one place first, and they should be able to quickly know their purpose!"

Yuan Suiyun said.

"it is good!"

Su Chen nodded.

"Where is Zi Hanyue now?"

Su Chen asked.

"In front of us, we have passed through a dark passage, and they came to a stone gate, which should be one of the five stone gates mentioned by Li Longshou earlier!"

The original follow the cloud.

"Come on, let's go see what the other party wants to do?"

Su Chen said.

In front of a stone gate.

Zi Hanyue and the other person looked at Shimen.

"The stone gate needs to be opened as soon as possible. We will take away the contents. Otherwise, the time will be delayed, and other people may come and something will happen."

The man in black beside Zi Hanyue spoke.

"You just push the door, I will control the puppet!"

Zi Hanyue opened the mouth and said.

The man directly pushed open the stone door, behind which stood a huge doll.

Seeing the puppet, Zi Hanyue showed joy on her face, her palms quickly formed seals, and a rune was condensed in her hand. With the appearance of the rune, beads of sweat flowed from her forehead,

The rune appeared and quickly moved towards the puppet.

In a blink of an eye, it merged into the doll.

"Okay, I can control him now!"

Zi Hanyue wiped the sweat from her forehead and said.

The person beside him entered the stone gate with a vigilant expression, and when he found that the puppet was not moving, his eyes showed joy.

Then he said to a brocade box placed in the hall: "This brocade box should contain a thunder bead, so I took it away. As for the others, you can take away what you see."

The man in black looked at Zi Hanyue and said.

Zi Hanyue walked towards an ordinary wooden box.

Opening the wooden box, a happy expression appeared on his face.

There are three scrolls in the wooden box, and the scrolls are intact. Because they have not been opened, the contents of the scrolls are not clear.

Zi Hanyue took out a cloth bag from her arms and wrapped the scroll.

At this time, the man in black also opened the brocade box.

Inside the brocade box, there was only one bead that looked like a rock, which was a bit different from the thunder bead he mentioned.

But the man in black looked at the bead with a look of excitement on his face.

Quickly cover the box.

"Let's go when we get the stuff!"

Humanity in black.

Zi Hanyue nodded.

The two walked forward.

It was just when they were about to reach Shimen.

Suddenly the puppet standing at the door suddenly turned around, and slapped the long knife in his hand.

The man in black going forward never expected this to be the case.

His energy exploded.

However, when the long knife slapped the other party's body, the gas gang was shattered, and the whole body flew upside down and hit the wall in the palace.

Holding the brocade box in his hand, he also flew up.

Zi Hanyue grabbed it in her hand.


The man in black who hit the wall spat out a mouthful of blood, looking at Zi Hanyue.

want to move the body.

The upper body was completely shattered, and he couldn't get up at all. The reason why he didn't die immediately was mainly because the true energy in his body was circulating to maintain his breath.

"You shot at me?"

The man in black roared angrily.


He spat out another mouthful of blood, this time spewing out a lot of broken internal organs.

"My Hanyue Sect also wants this thunder bead. As long as we have this thunder bead, our Hanyue Sect can get rid of Xue Pingsheng's control, and I, the Hanyue Sect, can also participate in your plan."

"You, just relying on your Hanyue Sect to want to join the game, you really want to die."

Hearing Zi Hanyue's words, the man in black said sharply.

"Hmph, my Hanyue Sect has already won another secret cave, and its strength is stronger than you imagined. Why can't I enter the game?"

"Idiots are dreaming, I'm dead, you won't be able to get out of this secret dragon cave today, I'll wait for you below."

After speaking, the man in black lost his breath.

Zi Hanyue didn't look at each other.

Take the brocade box and walk out of the stone gate.

It's just that when she walked out of the stone gate, she was taken aback.

Two figures appeared in front of her.

"Hand over the things!"

Su Chen looked at the other party and said in a cold voice.

Seeing this, Zi Hanyue moved, wanting to enter the stone gate.

But his figure was blocked by Yuan Suiyun.

"Don't do unnecessary actions, you may die because of it."

A deep voice sounded from Su Chen's ear.

Zi Hanyue's eyes moved slightly, she tried to control the puppet inside the stone gate, but the puppet didn't move.

"The control runes are only useful within the Shimen, and we must find a way to introduce them into the Shimen."

"You don't have to try to lead us into Shimen, you should be able to control the puppet inside Shimen, but you can't do it outside, right?"

When Zi Hanyue was thinking, Su Chen said.


Immediately, Zi Hanyue's expression changed.

Looking at Su Chen, she suddenly raised her palm, and a black energy condensed in her palm.

Soon a black spear appeared.

The spear showed a sharp color, and also carried a gloomy black flame.


She stabbed out with the spear in her hand, the speed had reached a terrifying level, and she was approaching Su Chen in a blink of an eye.

She wanted to pierce Su Chen's body with a spear.

escape from here.

It's just that her idea was good, but when her spear approached Su Chen, Su Chen raised his palm, a black iron palm, and slapped it directly, and the spear formed by the true energy was directly shattered by this palm.

Then Su Chen moved, and in a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Zi Hanyue.

Shot out.

The palm slapped the opponent's chest, and Zi Hanyue was sent flying by the palm, and fell to the ground, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

A pain in the chest.

Can't help but look at her chest!

On her full chest, there is a palm printed.

"You! Despicable, rascal!"


A mouthful of blood spurted out,

At this moment, Su Chen came to her.

Inhale with the palm of your hand, and grab the opponent's throat with your palm.

"Although the hand feels good just now, if you don't hand over the method of controlling the puppet, I will crush your throat,"

Su Chen saw the rune that Zi Hanyue had just cast, and controlled the puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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