The owner of the golden wind and drizzle at the beginning shocked the world with a knife

Chapter 996 The military giant will die in his life, and everyone else will die too.

Chapter 996 The military giant will die in his life, and everyone else will die too.

when they speak.

A figure fell down, it was the red figure who blocked the man in black from Tianjiansi earlier.

It is also Ning Yan, the eldest disciple of the evil mad Ning Yuanheng.

"See Master!"

"Master just came out of the Heavenly Superintendent, so he must need to replenish Qi and blood. This disciple has already found a stronghold of the Heavenly Supervisor outside the city!"

"It should be able to help Master recover some blood."

Ning Yan bowed and saluted.

"The headquarters of the Tianjian Division has just been taken over by the [Qinglonghui]. I am afraid that the defenses in various locations are now very strict. We should be on the safe side for the time being."

On the side, the smoke is like a jade road.

"Ruyu, you are too careful. Now that the other great venerables are gathered in the imperial city, they are not in the stronghold at all. There are only some assistants. This is an opportunity for us."

"Master has been imprisoned by them for such a long time, he should be rewarded!"

Ning Yan, who was wearing a red robe, spoke.

"There's no rush to replenish Qi and blood, we still have important things to do now."

"Ning Yan, go and see if you can get in touch with [Blue Dragon Club], I want to get in touch with people from [Blue Dragon Club],"

Ning Yuanheng opened his mouth and said,

Knowing that Xue Pingsheng, the director of the Tianjian Division, was possessed by the evil spirit of the demon leader, he is now thinking of revenge.

To kill the devil.

"[Blue Dragon Club]?"

Hearing Ning Yuanheng's words, Ning Yan said, "Master, although there are people from the [Qinglong Club] in the capital, they haven't found out where their stronghold is. If you want to contact them, you may need to send a message to Jiangnan! !"

"I'll get in touch there right away, and ask people to get in touch with people from the [Blue Dragon Club], and see if I can get someone from the [Blue Dragon Club] in the capital to contact us."

Na Ning Yan said.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Let's go to my teacher friend, the head of the village on the 36th road of Qiumang Mountain outside the capital city!!"

Evil Madness Ningyuan Hengdao,


The three quickly left.

in the palace,

Tianjian Division.

In addition to Murong Qingchen, there are seven people standing, these seven people, five men and two women, are the remaining seven venerables of the Tianjian Division.

Murong Qingchen looked at the news that came back in front of him, his eyes fixed.

"Ning Yuanheng, the evil madman back then? He was rescued by Yan Ruyu."

Murong Qingchen said in a deep voice.

"Boss, we want to arrest the evil madman Ning Yuanheng immediately. Only three people have escaped since the establishment of our Heavenly Supervisory Prison, including this Ning Yuanheng."

"The first two have been killed, and this Ning Yuanheng can't let him leave the boundary of the capital alive."

One person spoke under Murong Qingchen.

The speaker was tall and strong, wearing a black-gold robe, with a resolute face and a sense of danger on his body.

Ranked first among the seven venerables, Zuo Tianchan.

"Your Highness, leave this matter to me, and I will definitely kill that evil man!"

After Zuo Tianchan finished speaking, one of the two women spoke.

The woman is tall and slender, wearing a red dress, her skin is crystal clear, as if made of crystal, her speaking lips are like burning flames, full of passion and temptation.

The body is blazing like fire, but there is a kind of mourning in the eyes, which makes people feel pity from heaven when they see it.

Among the seven venerables, Gu Xiaoyan ranks second in strength.

"It's important to hunt down the evil man, but you must first find the whereabouts of the other party, and then encircle and suppress him, killing him in one fell swoop,"

"However, Xie Kuang has been imprisoned by our Heavenly Superintendent for many years, and now if he escapes, he will definitely take revenge on our Heavenly Superintendent."

"He didn't dare to do anything in the city, so he might attack the stronghold outside the city, and now the [Qinglonghui] is also eyeing it, so in order to prevent accidents, you return to the stronghold now, if there is an emergency, you can directly use the Tiansha Destroyer .”

Murong Qingchen said.

"Follow Your Highness's order!"

Seven people saluted.

Knowing the urgency of the situation, he left quickly.

"Father, why did you let things become like this?"

Murong Qingchen shook his head and sighed.

The rivers and lakes are out of control, if the evil man escapes from the supervisor's prison today, it will be a blow to the reputation of the supervisor.

She was worried in her heart, fearing that if the people from the [Blue Dragon Society] did not arrive, there would be a battle.

"At this time, Xie Kuang escaped from the Tianjian Division!"

"Is it planned, or is there another purpose?"

Murong Qingchen thought in her heart.

"Has there been a reply from Su Shao Longshou?"

Murong Qingchen spoke to the people beside him.

Murong Qingchen's letter has been sent out. According to the time, she should have received a response from Su Chen,

"Boss, the secret dragon cave outside Su City was opened and poured into many rivers and lakes. Su Shaolong's first dragon may have entered the secret dragon cave."

The man in black beside her spoke.

"Entered the secret dragon cave?"

Hearing this, Murong Qingchen's expression froze slightly.

Recently, Xue Pingsheng suddenly retreated and delegated a lot of power, which caught Murong Qingchen by surprise.

I have been busy with the affairs of the Tianjian Division.

"Master, I got the news that the First Prince and the Fifteenth Prince may have entered the Secret Dragon Cave!"

The man in black beside her said.

"You said that the First Prince and the Fifteenth Prince entered the Secret Dragon Cave?"

"It's not easy to open the secret dragon cave. How did my elder brother enter the secret dragon cave?"

Murong Qingchen frowned slightly.

"My subordinates have received news that there is an imitation middle-grade spirit-level weapon Lei Yi in this secret dragon cave."

The person beside him continued to speak.

"Imitation Thunder Clothes!"

Murong Qingchen's pupils shrank suddenly.

As a royal family, after taking charge of the Tianjian Division, she knew a lot of things.

Normally speaking, the Thunder Clothes is the armor of the Thunder Emperor who founded this world. It can imitate the Thunder Clothes and even reach the middle-grade spirit level, which shows how precious this Thunder Clothes is.

If such a thundercloth is obtained, it may be able to use the power of the Shattered Realm to resist the thunder and lightning that erupts from the Tianmen.

"If it's a middle-grade Thunder Clothes, it will indeed allow him to venture in!"

"You order people to pay attention to the movement over there, and try your best to find the whereabouts of Xie Kuang!"

Murong Qingchen ordered.

Now she is in charge of the Tianjian Division.

Xie Kuang escaped from Tianjiansi's prison, and she must find a way to kill or capture him, so as to restore some of Tianjiansi's reputation.


After the person beside him saluted, he quickly disappeared.

Not long after the men in black left,

A figure came in from the outside, it was Xue Pingsheng's attendant.

"I have seen Your Highness!"

The visitor bowed and saluted.

"Gu Yan, do you come here because Director Xue has something to order?"

Murong said lightly.

"Your Highness, Director Xue heard that Xie Kuang escaped from the prison. According to what the Master knows about Xie Kuang, he should go to his friend Sun Shilong. The Secretary hopes that His Highness will send someone to investigate. If it is confirmed, the old Secretary wants to Take action to arrest this person yourself."

The visitor spoke.

Hearing what the visitor said, Murong Qingchen frowned slightly.

Xue Pingsheng seldom took action, but now he personally dealt with Xie Kuang.

"If you get any news about the evil madness here, you will immediately inform the old boss!"

Murong Qingchen thought for a moment and then said.

Although I don't know what Xue Pingsheng wants to do?But Xue Pingsheng was willing to act personally, and she would not disagree.

"Thank you, Master!"

The visitor thanked him, did not stay here, and exited the palace,

The purpose of his coming here is to take over the evil madness.

This is the last step in Xue Pingsheng's calculation.

[Blue Dragon Club] comers cannot fight in the capital, so he has to give [Blue Dragon Club] a chance outside the city.

Xue Pingsheng arranged all the calculations.

at this time
Royal Palace
Under the ground, Emperor Zhou was sitting cross-legged in one place, with no breath fluctuations in his body at this moment, and his expression was calm.

"Emperor, Xie Kuang escaped from the prison and left the capital, and about Ling Cheng's death, some news was arranged by Director Xue. I'm afraid it will be known by His Highness Qingchen within this day, Director Xue?"

Eunuch Cai, one of the three eunuchs in the imperial palace beside Emperor Zhou, said softly.

"You secretly inform, Beiyueshan, come to see me!"

Emperor Zhou said.

Hearing that Eunuch Cai’s expression changed, Beiyueshan, one of the three giants of the military,

One of the strongest personal forces under Emperor Zhou.

"Your Majesty, you!"

"I will die in my life, but other people cannot leave the capital alive."

Emperor Zhou said,

(End of this chapter)

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