Chapter 416 Killing Yinheng!

A gloomy palace made entirely of the bones of various creatures.

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared in front of the palace.

There was no disturbance.

As if it was there.


A moment later, a green-gold metal box drilled out of it.

Then two people walked out of it.

It was the soldier, Wei Ran, and Yang Yunchao who wanted to pack up a wave of materials before leaving.

"What a big palace!"

Wei Ran walked out from the teleportation light curtain, and at a glance saw the palace of white bones towering into the sky like a sky.

The first impression is that this palace is too magnificent.

Then, he felt that the place was too gloomy, and there was a special cold air surging.

I don't know if it's because of the special material of the White Bone Palace or the environmental problems here.

"Is this Yinheng's palace?"

Wei Ran asked the soldiers.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an unusual sense of excitement.

As if back in the burrow, he accidentally slaughtered a little centipede, which provoked Yinheng's avatar to come and kill him.

It can be said that he tried his best at that time, and almost died in the burrow before he got rid of Yinheng's clone.

But now, although his cultivation has only reached the Faxiang Realm from the Holy Soul Realm, it doesn't seem to have improved much.

But in this trip, the soldiers will create relatively fair conditions for themselves, and Wei Ran feels his blood boil instantly.

He wanted to slaughter this damn centipede spirit again.

It was because of this thing that he caught himself in the Yaozu galaxy.

Although he didn't encounter any particularly serious danger during this period, living in this environment still made him very worried.

I'm afraid that if it is exposed suddenly one day, it will be chased and killed by the monster clan crazily.

But he also had to thank Yinheng, if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have been able to restore the arsenal of divine weapons so quickly, and he had also found another Taoist "Zhe".

"Well, yes, it is now cultivating in this bone palace..."

The soldier replied.

"Then what should we do? Shall we go straight in?"

Wei Ran looked sideways at the soldier and asked softly.

Although he was a little impatient and wanted to fight Yinheng, he also felt that the palace was rather strange, and he didn't really want to go in and fight Yinheng.

"You don't need to go in, just lead it out!"

The soldier floated around Wei Ran, his whole body exuding a hazy light.

Immediately afterwards, the void trembled, the profound energy rolled up, and then a huge spear of profound energy was condensed out.

He blasted towards the palace of bones in front of him with a bang!


As the soldiers condensed, the profound energy spears blatantly pierced towards the White Bone Palace, and in an instant, the billowing and strong bones surged, like raging waves crashing on the shore, and they rushed towards the profound energy spears!

This is the White Bone Palace's own counterattack when it senses an enemy attack.

However, today's soldiers can be said to be one moment at a time and another moment at a time. Although its strength has not returned to its peak, it is still sixty to seventy percent.

Therefore, even if it is just the mysterious spear that it condenses casually, it still contains a terrifying power that can shake the heavens and the earth.

With a sound of "poof", the spear seemed to have pierced through a layer of protective film, directly causing the turbulent layers of sinister bones to recede and collapse.

Then the unstoppable spearhead blatantly bombarded the palace of bones.

"Bang bang bang..."

It was like the sound of fireworks exploding one after another.

The palace of white bones standing in front of you immediately had endless bones collapsing and destroying, so that although the palace of white bones was not directly destroyed and collapsed, it was still falling and sinking.



Just at this moment, an earth-shattering noise sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a huge centipede with a length of ten thousand zhang suddenly charged up from the crumbling bone palace and roared angrily.

"It's you kid!"

"How brave!"

This extremely huge, silvery centipede essence is exactly Yinheng.

As soon as he stopped practicing, he rushed up from the dilapidated and collapsed palace, and saw Wei Ran who was thousands of miles away at a glance.

It can be said that Yinheng hated Wei Ran to the bone. Before that, he did not hesitate to spend a huge price to borrow a karmic fishing rod, just to fish him out of Blue Star.

It's just that it failed in the end, and Wei Ran was still allowed to escape.

This made Yinheng angry for several days.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long.

Wei Ran, a human kid, jumped up to him on his own initiative.

This could not help causing Yinheng's murderous intent to explode.


Yinheng let out a few hoarse and strange sounds, and then vibrated the transparent wings like cicada wings on his back, split the sky, and rushed towards Wei Ran directly!


At the same time, Yinheng didn't want any more accidents to happen, and all kinds of mysterious weapons appeared on its thousand arms at the same time.

The worst ones are mythical soldiers.

Among them, the heavenly soldiers and holy soldiers accounted for the majority.

Only three profound weapons have reached the Supreme Treasure level matching its Supreme Realm.

Yinheng decided to fight the lion against the rabbit, and tried his best to kill Wei Ran with one blow, so that no accidents would happen again.


"how is this possible?!"

But when Yinheng quickly approached Wei Ran, he suddenly found out in panic that his cultivation had dropped crazily.

In just a split second, its cultivation base fell from the Supreme Realm to the Compassionate Dao Realm, and before it could adapt, its cultivation base fell to the Heaven and Earth Realm again.

Immediately afterwards, before it had time to react, its cultivation level plummeted again.

It has become the pinnacle of the Faxiang Realm.

Until then, its cultivation barely stopped falling crazily.

But it is only slowly declining, and it seems that in another hour or two, its cultivation base will fall from the peak of the Faxiang Realm to the late stage of the Faxiang Realm...

"This kid is playing tricks?!"

Yinheng was shocked and angry in his heart, it was hard to accept that his cultivation had plummeted so much all at once.

For a moment, he thought that although his cultivation base had fallen to the peak of the Faxiang Realm, it was still very easy to kill Wei Ran at the early stage of the Faxiang Realm.

After all, the environment they are in now is no longer a crypt battlefield, and there is no strong suppression of high-level powerhouses.

At the same time, it didn't come as a clone. It has three treasure-level profound weapons and hundreds of holy weapons.

It is actually very easy to crush a human being in the early stages of the Faxiang Realm.


It just came up with this idea.

Quickly snuffed out by it.

Because although this is not a burrow, it is its territory.

It is the ruler of this planet, and even hundreds of nearby planets.

But its cultivation was suddenly suppressed out of thin air. It was hard to imagine who was leading all of this.

If it didn't run away quickly, it still wanted to crush and kill Wei Ran.

It is estimated that even if Wei Ran can be successfully killed, he will die here.

Compared with an ant like Wei Ran, its life is of course more precious.

How could it die with Wei Ran in order to kill Wei Ran?

Thoughts were spinning like this, Yinheng's figure galloping towards Wei Ran suddenly stopped abruptly in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, it turned its direction directly, intending to escape from this planet.

"Can you escape?!"

However, how could Wei Ran let Yinheng escape?

With a sneer, he directly activated the Sha Sword Formation, arousing the endless Sha Qi, turning it into a sword across the sky, and slamming at Yinheng.

As for Yinheng, it may be because of his cultivation base that suddenly plummeted from the Supreme Realm to the Faxiang Realm, which was too sudden and made him feel uncomfortable.

It doesn't run particularly fast.

In an instant, he was overtaken by the Disha Sword Formation.


The Earth Fiend Sword Formation came blatantly, and Yinheng felt the killing intent erupting behind him, and he knew there was no way to escape.

They could only grit their teeth, turned around resolutely, and waved the Xuanbing in their hands together.


In an instant, the sun was shining, and the void was broken.

The law of endless avenues has been shattered.

Yinheng shook the Disha sword formation hard, and the countless mysterious soldiers in his hands were instantly shattered into slag.

Even he himself couldn't help spitting out a large mouthful of silvery blood.

"how is this possible?!"

Yinheng's eyes widened, it was really hard to imagine that Wei Ran, a mere human kid in the early stage of Faxiang Realm, only used mysterious weapons of mythical level.

And the number of mythical weapons in his hand is directly more than 600 pieces, how could he not beat Wei Ran?
However, when the mysterious soldiers of the two sides clashed, none of Wei Ran's 72 sword soldiers were broken, and at least more than 400 pieces of his mythical magic soldiers were broken.

Even the Heavenly Soldiers were broken a lot.At least hundreds of pieces.

"Is this really a mythical weapon?"

"It's still the mysterious soldier who controls the sword soldier, whose level is already unimaginably high?"

Yinheng thought in horror.


But at this time, before the Disha Sword Formation could stop, it attacked Yinheng again.

The power is not lost to the previous one.

Seeing this, Yinheng gritted his teeth, and directly mobilized the Yaoyuan, detonating the heavenly soldiers and even the holy soldiers in his hand.

I want to use this to kill a way out!



The Earth Fiend Sword Formation clashed with the Heavenly Might aroused by the Xuanbing.

In the end, it was natural that the Earth Sha Sword Formation was defeated.

Those mouthfuls of mythical-level magic weapons became dimmed.


Seeing this, Wei Ran hurriedly put all these divine swords back into the sword box, and let the sword box warm them up so that they can recover sooner.

Fortunately, most of the attacks that Yinheng detonated just now were offset by the sword array.

When the sword array couldn't hold on, the aftermath of the battle was not much left.

Therefore, no irreparable losses were caused to these sword soldiers!
"go with!"

Wei Ran took back the 72 sword soldiers who formed the Disha Sword Formation. Seeing Yinheng fleeing wildly, he directly raised his hand and moved forward.

"Clang clang..."

The 36 divine swords that were not damaged in the sword case rushed out in an instant.

Formed the Tiangang Sword Formation, aroused the mysterious killing spirit of Tiangang, and slashed towards Yinheng again!

The power of the Tiangang Sword Formation is quite large, although it is slightly weaker than the Disha Sword Formation due to the number of sword soldiers.

But at this moment, Wei Ran manipulated the Tiangang sword formation more precisely, the power of the sword was condensed into one point, and the lethality of the explosion was beyond imagination.


A sword quickly pierced Yinheng's fleeing body.

In an instant, the sky was filled with silver blood.

Yinheng's body was stiff, the pain was unbearable, its eyes widened, it was unimaginable that he would be injured.

Or was it hit hard by the weaker sword array than before?

"call out!!"

At this moment, suddenly, a sharp arrow that detonated the sky struck, the sky thundered, and the wind blew wildly.

Terrifying arrows one after another, like a storm, rushed towards Yinheng in an instant.



Yinheng fought desperately to resist, and even detonated the three strongest treasure-level mysterious weapons in his hands just to survive.

But unfortunately, these arrows are so terrifying that they seem to form an army. A single arrow is not very powerful at all, but when thousands of arrows are shot, all the power is concentrated, and the destructive power is simply beyond All imaginations.



In the end, the silver body exploded, and the sky was filled with silver blood.

Yinheng lost to Wei Ran and was finally shot alive.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

Wei Ran panted heavily, feeling like he was about to collapse.

He quickly put the 36 sword soldiers back into the sword box, then lay down on the ground regardless of his image, and began to rest.

"You... how did you do this?"

Yang Yunchao, who watched the whole battle from the sidelines, was so stunned that his eyeballs would explode. It wasn't until Wei Ran shot Yin Heng, and after lying down to rest, he managed to recover and asked Wei Ran in disbelief.

If it is said that with the help of soldiers, Yinheng's cultivation has been suppressed from the Supreme Realm to the Faxiang Realm, Wei Ranneng and Yinheng are evenly matched.

It's hard for him to imagine.

After all, even if Yinheng's cultivation base is suppressed, the mysterious soldiers in his hands are actually much stronger than Wei Ran, and the number is also large.

However, Wei Ran, relying on his more than 100 mythical level sword soldiers and not particularly strong Mingjing soldiers, finally suppressed Yinheng to the point where he was unable to resist.

If the results of this battle are spread, it is estimated that no foreigner will believe it.

Even though he saw Wei Ran beheading Yinheng with his own eyes, he still doubted what he just saw.

Wei Ran took a short rest and felt that he had recovered a lot.

After all, he has special supernatural powers, and he recovers very quickly under the sun's rays.

Wei Ran chuckled, and explained to Yang Yunchao: "Under normal circumstances, I really shouldn't be able to defeat that centipede, but after seeing 'Zhen''s attack before, I feel as if I have learned something!"

"That's why when I used the two sword arrays and fired tens of thousands of arrows, I used the previous 'array' method!"

"Unexpectedly, the effect is unexpectedly good!"

When Yang Yunchao heard this, his pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

The way of "array"?

Just now, when the soldiers fought against the demon lord and the Demon Sealing Tower, the soldiers turned into endless soldiers, and then used the "array" to fight together, successfully forcing the demon lord and the others back?
Yang Yunchao also saw this scene at that time, but only felt shock and terror.

It is impossible to learn anything from it.

And Wei Ran...

He only saw the way of "array" once, and he learned the formation of troops from it, which made his combat power soared so much?
Is this still human?
(End of this chapter)

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