All People Casting Soldiers: Create a Resurrection Armor at the beginning

Chapter 420 Bringing a Wife to Zhang Family!When do you get married and have kids?

Chapter 420 Bringing the Wife Home!When do you get married and have kids?

"Congratulations, congratulations both of you!"

"I wish a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Tan Hanmo and others congratulated Wei Ran and Ji Li and sent blessings.

When they came, they didn't know the reason for Wei Ran's treat, so they didn't prepare special gifts, so they could only quickly find some good things from the space ring and give them to them.

These treasures of heaven, material and earth, or encapsulating magical weapons, are actually of no help to Wei Ran today.

But it was a wish from others, and Wei Ran accepted it.

Some of the teachers of the Shenbing Academy didn’t have a particularly good relationship with Wei Ran, and they didn’t intend to give expensive gifts at first, but seeing that there were no bargains in the things everyone brought out, they could only reluctantly take out their wealth to give to Wei Ran. Of course.

Originally, they felt a little heartbroken.

But then when they saw the table full of Faxiang Realm, Heaven and Earth Realm, and even the delicacy cooked by monster ingredients in the Dao Realm.

After taking only one bite, their cultivation base has been greatly improved, and there is no teacher who feels distressed anymore.

It feels like this gift is worth it.

Of course, with their cultivation bases at the Divine Sea Realm or Core Condensation Realm, eating such a high level of monster meat, even if the monster meat was processed by Wei Ran, almost all the monster essence and blood power were eliminated.

Most people can eat some.

But I can only eat some.

It is simply impossible to let them feast on it.

"good to eat……"

"Oh, it's a pity that I'll be full after a few bites..."

"Ji Li, I didn't expect you to have such cooking skills. I didn't know it before!"


After everyone ate a few mouthfuls of food, they were basically overwhelmed and couldn't eat any more.

Even Ji Li, who was under special care by Wei Ran, could only eat a few more bites than them.

In the end, Wei Ran ate the most of the sumptuous dishes on the table, followed by Yang Yunchao, and then Tan Hanmo and other master craftsmen with the cultivation of the Holy Soul Realm.

It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

Everyone bid farewell and left.

Under some people's booing, Ji Li also drank a lot of spiritual wine, her pretty face turned red, "Wei...Wei Ran...I'm going back too..."

"Why are you going back?"

Wei Ran asked with a smile.

Before she came back, she had been living here.

Of course, if the two of them were not together, it would be really hard for her to stay any longer.

But now that the two of them are together, it can be regarded as an official announcement in Shenbingyuan, so there is no need for Ji Li to leave.

"Oh, yes..."

"I forgot that I am Mrs. Wei now..."

Hearing Wei Ran's words, Ji Li's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

Her big eyes were bent into a crescent shape, full of deep happiness and excitement.

"Hey, I've been waiting for this day for a long time, Xiao Wei, don't even think about running away tonight..."

Ji Li giggled, rubbed her hands, and walked slowly towards Wei Ran.

Wei Ran: "?"

He thought he would let Ji Li stay.

She will be shy, and then agree with hesitation.

Or it's an embarrassing rejection, and I don't want to have a relationship so soon...

In the end, Ji Li wasn't embarrassed at all, but seemed to want to push herself back?

"Come, follow me into the house!"

Ji Li gently grasped the corner of Wei Ran's clothes with her small hands, and muttered.

When Wei Ran saw this, of course he would not show timidity and was unwilling.

He picked Ji Li up in his arms and strode towards his room.


Ji Li was thrown on the bed by Wei Ran, and she let out an exclamation, and the next second, Wei Ran rushed towards her...


two hours later.

Ji Li was satisfied and fell asleep.

Wei Ran held her in his arms with one hand, and with a faint smile on his face, he played with a few interspatial rings at the same time.

Some of these space rings were obtained after Yinheng's relatively powerful monster clan was killed by him.

Another one is Yinheng's own.

And he only had time to deal with Yinheng before, and then returned to Blue Star along the light curtain.

After that, he chatted with Tan Hanmo and the others, cooking with Ji Li, and didn't have much time to check the spoils.

Ji Li is now asleep.

He finally had time to check out the trophies.

"Wow, there are quite a lot of materials for casting soldiers..."

"There are also these treasures of heaven and earth, the red sky grass of the Phoenix path, and the flowers of the six calamities, all of which are of great help to the improvement of cultivation..."

After some inspection, Wei Ran felt very satisfied and pleasantly surprised.

Originally on the horned dragon star, he obtained a lot of quasi-dao soldier and dao-soldier-level soldier-casting materials from the hands of "Zhe".

Later, in the abyss, they walked with Yu Linglong and the others, and harvested some treasures and holy-level materials.

But these materials for casting soldiers are too high-level, and in Wei Ran's current state, they can't be used at all.

Instead, it was the materials for casting soldiers that he had collected from Yinheng and his subordinates, as well as his treasury.

It is simply too rich, not only mythical-level soldier-casting materials, but also heaven-level soldier-casting materials, and many holy-level soldier-casting materials.

In this way, Wei Ran reckons that if he is strong enough, he can completely upgrade the Wushuang Sword Box from the mythical level to the quasi-daoist level.

As for the Taoist level, it cannot be cast by humans.

It often takes the shattering of an era and the collapse of the rules of heaven and earth. Only by relying on countless people to compete for the rules of heaven and earth to smelt them among potential quasi-dao soldiers can they have a chance to be promoted to a Dao soldier.

And the former treasure "Tao" of the Tao clan, even if it was split into nine weapons, each of them is still of the Dao soldier level.

It is conceivable how powerful the Tao Clan was back then.

The strongest clan in the heavens is not a lie at all.

"The Taoist soldiers are still too far away from me...Let's find a way to improve my cultivation first..."

Wei Ran shook his head slightly, and quickly dispelled the thought of promoting Wushuang Sword Box to Dao Soldier.

Then, he glanced sideways at Ji Li, who was sleeping peacefully, and leaned over to kiss her pretty face.

Wei Ran got off the bed lightly and walked to another practice room.

From the space ring, he took out all kinds of treasures that are most helpful to the cultivation of the Dharma Realm.

Start taking practice.

The night passed quietly.

With the help of Wei Ran taking a large amount of various natural treasures.

The cultivation base has been successfully promoted from the early stage of the Faxiang Realm to the middle stage of the Faxiang Realm.

Although it is said that Wei Ran was promoted from the peak of the Holy Soul Realm to the early stage of the Faxiang Realm, it has not been a long time.

But he has accumulated enough background.

In addition, he took all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures yesterday, so his promotion from the early stage to the middle stage of the Faxiang Realm was a matter of course.

"After my cultivation base has been promoted to the middle stage, I seem to be able to forge another life soldier..."

Wei Ran slowly opened his eyes and whispered to himself.

It is not possible to cast Mingjing soldiers casually. Some practitioners still have no chance to forge Mingjing soldiers from the early stages of the Faxiang Realm to the Heaven and Earth Realm.

And some people, after casting one piece of Life Soldier, have no chance to cast the second one.

Only a relatively small number of people have the opportunity to cast the second life Jingbing.

Wei Ran was also surprised by this. He originally thought that he had a chance to forge the second life Jingbing, but he thought it might be after the peak of the Faxiang Realm.

I didn't expect to have a chance just after breaking through to the middle stage of Faxiang Realm...

"When you have time, let's cast Mingjing soldiers..."

Wei Ran whispered softly.

Then, he opened the door of the closed training room and walked out.

He just checked the time, it was only seven o'clock in the morning.

Ji Li had a lot of trouble last night, so she probably hasn't woken up yet.

Wei Ran wants to lie down again, pretending that he didn't leave last night.

However, when he opened the door, he smelled a fragrance.

It's coming from the kitchen.

Wei Ran scanned his consciousness and found that Ji Li had already woken up and combed a woman's hair in a bun.

"Honey, you're up..."

In the kitchen, Ji Li's charming voice sounded.

She heard the sound of the door opening, so she guessed that Wei Ran had finished training.

"En." Wei Ran replied with a warm heart, and immediately walked to the kitchen.

Ji Li was busy making breakfast, and said: "Just wait a little longer, breakfast will be ready soon..."

Wei Ran nodded, and then asked: "I went to practice last night, do you feel unwell?"

Ji Li looked back at him with a smile, shook her head and said: "It's nothing, I know you have a lot of things to do, and you have to work hard to cultivate. I'm very satisfied that you were able to accompany me for so long last night..."

Wei Ran was silent for a while, then walked behind Ji Li, put his arms around Ji Li's slender waist, "Mr. Ji, you are so kind..."

"I'll have nothing to do someday, let's go on a trip together..."

Ji Li smiled lightly, and patted Wei Ran's palm away, telling him not to make trouble, "Let's talk about it when you are free..."

Although Wei Ran has just come back from outside, he still doesn't have much time.

First of all, you can't let go of your cultivation.

His current cultivation in the middle stage of the Faxiang Realm is nothing in the big universe.

The second is that the soldiers are in his hands. Although he has basically cut off all kinds of aura and clues when he comes back this time, it is normally difficult for foreign races to find them.

But no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents.

It would be too dangerous if they were discovered by a foreign race.

Therefore, in addition to his cultivation, he had to find a way to restore the strength of the soldiers, and retrieve the remaining columns, arrays and other nine Taoist soldiers.

Therefore, he still has a lot of things to do.

"Well, taking you on a trip may not be possible in the near future, but I'm going to go home later and take you with me. Are you going?"

Wei Ran let go of Ji Li's slender waist, and then asked.

"Go home..."

When Ji Li heard this, her voice suddenly became a little erratic.

The two of them just confirmed their relationship yesterday, and they are going to see their parents today.

This made Ji Li feel a little caught off guard, worried and nervous.

Because she didn't know if Wei Ran's parents would accept her.

Do you feel that you are not worthy of their son and want to tear them apart...

"Will your parents... want to see me?"

Ji Li asked softly.

She wanted to say, will your parents accept me?But when the words came to his lips, he changed his words again.

Wei Ran also guessed what Ji Li was thinking, and said, "Why don't you want to? Although they haven't urged me to find a partner, I can see that they actually want to urge me to find a partner..."

"They must be very happy when I take you home later." Wei Ran laughed.

"That's good..." Ji Li breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

Then, they quickly ate breakfast.

Wei Ran took Ji Li out of the villa, and went to talk to Tan Hanmo and Yang Yunchao, otherwise it would not be too good to leave Shenbingyuan without even saying hello.

Although Ji Li's cultivation base is not particularly high, he also has a cultivation base of the condensed core state, and his recovery ability is still very strong.

It's not like there will be no way to walk.

"Do you want to go home? Well, it should be so..."

Hearing this, Tan Hanmo nodded and said.

Immediately, Wei Ran and Ji Li took a flying black soldier to Jiangzhou City.

This flying black soldier did not belong to Ji Li.

It was a flying black weapon that Wei Ran harvested from Yinheng's trophies.

The level is Heaven-level Xuanbing.


Almost only took 1 minute.

He returned to Jiangzhou City from the capital.

This 1 minute was mainly spent on determining the map.

Otherwise, a few seconds would be enough for such a small distance.


Now that the old house of the Wei family has been transformed into the former residence of Wei Shen, a group of people looked up at the black flying black soldiers in the sky with excited expressions.

When Wei Ran returned to Blue Star yesterday, although he was not in a hurry to go home, he borrowed his mobile phone to inform his family that he was safe.

Just before going home, he also notified his grandfather and parents that he would be back in about a minute.

Therefore, even though Wei Ran told them not to come out to pick him up, but because of his special status, all the family members came out to meet him.

"This flying mysterious weapon should belong to Wei Ran, right?"

"Wei Ran is finally going home, but I'm so worried..."

Wei Ran's second uncle, second aunt, and others all discussed excitedly in low voices.


The hatch of the Flying Xuanbing opened, and Wei Ran immediately walked out with Ji Li.

The two of them walked in the air and soon fell to the ground.

"Brother, sister-in-law!"

"Brother, sister-in-law!"

Wei Xingchen, Wei Xiaodong, Wei Xiaoxi and other cousins ​​of Wei Ran greeted Wei Ran and Ji Li sweetly when they saw Wei Ran and Ji Li appear.

Wei Ran wanted to bring Ji Li home, of course it was impossible to bring her here without telling the family in advance.

So they all knew that Ji Li would come.

"Well, it's so cute, you guys, thank you...this is a gift for you..."

Ji Li was a little nervous, but felt relaxed when Wei Xingchen and the others addressed them.

Then, she took out some gifts prepared in advance and gave them to Wei Xingchen, Wei Xiaodong, and Wei Xiaoxi.

Then he gave the prepared gifts to Mr. Wei, Wei He, and Xu Li.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, this is my heart..."

Ji Li handed the gift to the old man and the others, and said in a respectful tone.

I was still a little nervous.

"Okay... good boy..."

"He's so handsome, he's a perfect match for our Wei Ran..."

"Xiao Ran has already told us about you, girl, you don't have to be nervous..."

There was no situation where Ji Li imagined that the blood would give her a face. Both Wei Zhongzheng and Wei Ran's parents accepted her presents and smiled happily.

Then, Xu Li spoke surprisingly, touched Ji Li's hand, and asked, "Xiao Li, when are you and Xiao Ran going to get married? And then have children?"

"While parents are still young and can still take care of your children, you'd better not delay too long..."

When Xu Li said this, Ji Li's pretty face turned red.

They had just decided to be together, why did they suddenly want a child?
(End of this chapter)

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