All People Casting Soldiers: Create a Resurrection Armor at the beginning

Chapter 433 The danger of extermination?Approved by the Blue Stars!

Chapter 433 The danger of extermination?Approved by the Blue Stars!
"I've basically finished harvesting all the approved qi machines from the Armor Founder..."

"Now, we can start with ordinary practitioners and ordinary people..."

On this day, Wei Ran suspended the lecture on the design and casting of Xuanbing, because he already felt that no matter how much he continued to teach, he would not be able to gain much mysterious energy.

Then there is no need to do useless work.

And how to gain the approval of practitioners?
Wei Ran thought about it for a while, and felt that he could start with Xuanbing.

Many cultivators, because of their family conditions, originally had the aptitude for cultivation, but they were unable to practice because they had no money and could not afford to buy profound weapons, or they bought ordinary and excellent profound weapons, and their cultivation speed was very slow.

For these cultivators, Wei Ran can directly provide them with high-level Xuanbing, which will gain their gratitude and approval.

There are also some cultivators who are in a similar situation. Due to the conditions, they chose deviant natal Xuanbing, which made their cultivation path very difficult.

The future is limited.

For such cultivators, Wei Ran can help them reshape their natal Xuanbing into a Xuanbing suitable for them, and raise their level.

As for other cultivators who are not short of money and have high-level profound weapons, they can also consider making a move in terms of the suitability of profound weapons and the ability to comprehend powerful skills.

In this way, he can basically gain the approval of all practitioners.

In terms of time, it may take a long time.

"But it's okay. If it was me before, I guess it would be difficult to deal with the materials for casting soldiers. Now that there are Three Emperors soldiers, the materials for casting soldiers will be solved. As for it, I may be too busy..."

"It's not a big deal. After Tianhuangjing became a Daoist soldier, I just happen to be able to perform some avatar techniques..."

Wei Ran whispered to himself.

With a "swish", he compared the emperor's mirror and performed the clone technique.

In a short while, hundreds of Wei Ran came out of the room.


at the same time.

With Wei Ran's thoughts, the Heavenly Emperor's mirror compared the Renhuang's pen and the Dihuang's book, which were not Dao soldiers, and reflected many clones on them.

These avatars of Human Emperor's Pen and Earth Emperor's Book do not have all the abilities of the main body, but they also have a considerable part of their abilities.

They can't outline the treasure-level and holy soldier-level casting materials.

But for casting materials below the Heavenly Soldier level, it is still easy to shape them.

If it is a complete Xuanbing, it can also be reflected in the Emperor's Book, and transformed into a Xuanbing of the Heavenly Army level with the Human Emperor's pen.

Therefore, as long as Wei Ran reflects enough avatars, the Earth Emperor's Book and the Human Emperor's pen, he can help a large number of practitioners improve their natal Xuanbing in a short period of time even if the deity has not been dispatched.


Wei Ran said softly.


Each of his hundreds of avatars left with a human emperor pen and a local emperor book.


With the departure of these avatars.

Wei Ran moved again.

In the room, hundreds of his avatars, as well as the avatars of the Emperor's Book and Renhuang's Pen, quickly condensed.

After a while.

Wei Ran released a thousand clones of himself, and finally stopped continuing to mirror the clones.

It's not that he doesn't want to mirror his clone anymore.

But he can only go so far.

He is now the emperor, and the emperor mirror is a Taoist soldier, he can only push the emperor mirror to this point, and can't continue.

Unless he is promoted to the dominator realm, then he can activate the emperor's mirror and expand the number of projections of the avatar from one thousand to ten thousand.

And if he can be promoted from the Dominant Realm to the Dao Realm that has never been seen before, which is a level of Dao Soldiers, his avatar projections will reach as many as one hundred thousand.

Only in this way can the true power of Dao Soldiers be truly displayed.

"A thousand avatars are almost enough, just wait..."

Wei Ran said in a low voice.

"Then next, it's time to consider the approval of ordinary people..."

Wei Ran said with a twinkle in his eyes.

It is relatively easy to gain the approval of the soldier-caster and the cultivator. After all, they all have needs, and he can help them complete them.

For ordinary people, it is not so easy to handle.

Ordinary people just don't have the qualifications to practice, even if they are given Dao soldiers, they can't use it to practice.

It doesn't make much sense to give them Dao soldiers or not, and it doesn't make any sense to teach them how to design and forge and transform Xuan soldiers.

"If you want to gain the approval of ordinary people, you should reform the system..."

Wei Ran's eyes flickered a few times, and he said in a low voice.

In the current Blue Star, the caster has the highest status, followed by the cultivator.

After all, in the hundreds of years of changes in the world, the reason why Blue Star was able to resist the invasion of alien races and to block them in the burrow was because of the soldiers who forged the black soldiers and the practitioners who were not afraid of death. Desperately.

This is how it is now.

This also caused the status of the two to be too high. Ordinary people had no status at all in front of them.

Some ordinary people take this for granted, even if they are bullied by some bad-tempered practitioners, they will choose to swallow their anger.

And some ordinary people, of course, can't stand this situation, but even if there is a conflict, it is the fault of the practitioners, and most of them are partial to the practitioners.

These ordinary people must be complaining in their hearts.

But there is no way. In Blue Star, you are almost useless as an ordinary person. Only by breeding and giving birth to offspring with talents for cultivation or military casting can you have a chance to escape your fate.

Therefore, in order to gain the recognition of a larger number of ordinary people, there is no chance at all in terms of casting and cultivation. Reforming the system so that ordinary people can gain enough respect and dignity should be able to gain their approval.

"Directly reform the system so that cultivators and soldier-casters are not allowed to argue with ordinary people, and offenders are severely punished. Obviously, the effect is not great, and it is easy for practitioners and soldier-casters to remember themselves..."

"Then open up a city or country specifically, let ordinary people live there, and keep in touch with practitioners and soldiers-casting divisions, maybe this situation can be changed..."

Wei Ran murmured in a low voice.

He just thinks that this situation is very feasible, but he is not sure whether it will be successful.

If it doesn't work, then go to seek the opinions of ordinary people and see what else they need?
Next, Wei Ran left the practice room, went to the conference room, contacted Wang Shuai, and told him about the global conference he was going to hold.

After all, if he wants to change the system, he must not only change Daxia's system, but also carry out a comprehensive reform of Blue Star's system.

This requires negotiation with other countries.

two hours later.

The meeting proceeded successfully.

After communication, everyone had no reason to reject Wei Ran's proposal, and they passed it unanimously.

Then, news about the changes in this reform spread on the Internet.

Many ordinary people were cheering, feeling that such a day had finally come.

They can live less tremblingly.

But there are also some ordinary people who say that their homeland is hard to leave, and some are reluctant to leave their hometown.

I don't want to be separated from my family either.

For such ordinary people, it is obvious that there are cultivators or soldiers in the family.

Otherwise, if the whole family is ordinary people, they have no reason to worry about being separated from their family and never seeing each other again.

In this regard, Wei Ran quickly issued a statement that after the move, the house and neighbors can be the same as before. As for the family members of practitioners who are worried about not being able to see each other, there is nothing to worry about.

At that time, there will be a channel for cultivators or soldiers to come into the cities of ordinary people and reunite with their families.

And in this country exclusive to ordinary people, cultivators and soldier-casters will no longer be able to do whatever they want.

Once a practitioner acts recklessly, he will be punished directly if he is found.

It can even be considered in the later stage to set up restrictions on the country of ordinary people. Once a cultivator enters it, all cultivation bases will be directly suppressed, which is no different from that of ordinary people.

In this way, there is no need to worry. In this country of ordinary people, ordinary people accidentally offend practitioners, and this ordinary person is extremely narrow-minded.

I'd rather take the risk of being severely punished afterwards than mess with you ordinary people.

There would still be a risk of death.

After a few pieces of news were released, many ordinary people felt that they could accept it.

But there are also some ordinary people, after seeing the live broadcast of Wei Shen helping low-level cultivators transform Xuanbing, they also hope that Wei Shen can consider allowing ordinary people to practice?

This kind of ordinary people have always had ambitions, and they are not willing to become ordinary people. They also want to become powerful practitioners, so that they will not be afraid of being bullied.

In this regard, Wei Ran issued a statement saying that there was nothing he could do.

Without cultivation aptitude, it is impossible to cultivate, even he can't change this result.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be enough for him to directly order half of the avatars to change the cultivation aptitude for ordinary people?
Why bother to think of ways to reform the system so that ordinary people can also obtain safety and happiness?
Therefore, there is no way to get the approval of these people, and Wei Ran has no choice. He is destined to be unable to satisfy everyone's wishes, but as long as he can get the approval of most people, that is enough.

Time passed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, it is half a year.

During the past six months, Wei Ran has been very busy.

It is not only to help practitioners transform their natal Xuanbing, but also to use the Emperor Mirror to rebuild the houses of ordinary people in the land of no one.

Even after they move, they will not have any sense of alienation, and the neighbors will be the same as before.

And what Wei Ran had expected was that almost all those cultivators provided him with enough recognition and mysterious aura after receiving his help.

As for those ordinary people, not all of them recognized Wei Ran and provided him with that mysterious aura.

If all the ordinary people didn't provide him with it, Wei Ran might think that it might be that he couldn't get the mysterious aura from ordinary people.

But since some people have it and some don't, it explains the problem.

Even if I help them change the system and make their lives safer and happier, it is difficult to get their frank approval.

"What is the reason for this?"

Wei Ran speculates, thinking that maybe in their original living environment, they are not particularly dangerous, after all, they don't have to fight with alien beasts and alien races, so they think it's okay to change to a safer environment.

Just like the wages of ordinary people, if it is 200 yuan a month, you double it to 400 yuan a month for them, they will be happy for a while and feel very happy, but the wages have not increased much, and their desires have also increased. Still not happy in the end.

Will want more.

"Ordinary people are different from cultivators after all. Practitioners have spent their entire lives thinking about obtaining a high-level profound weapon that suits them, while ordinary people who cannot cultivate do not have such an unattainable desire, so naturally it is difficult to satisfy... "

After Wei Ran guessed that this was the reason, his eyes flashed and he paid attention.

So, in the next month's time.

All kinds of terrifying alien beasts and even alien races appeared one after another, wreaking havoc on the blue star.

Everyone panicked.

However, Zhao Shanhe, Liu Wu, Qin Xinghe, Shen Baiyi, and Jingwang, who are now in the Faxiang Realm, took action and slaughtered some alien beasts and alien races by luck. Most people still lost to these terrifying alien beasts and alien races. , suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, some comrades risked their lives to rescue them, so no casualties were caused.

Time passed day by day, and after these strange beasts broke through the cities where the cultivators lived but had moved away, they finally gradually moved closer to the cities where ordinary people lived.

Let these ordinary people feel the unprecedented fear of their lives.

But the strongest cultivators of Blue Star are not the opponents of these strange beasts, who can save them?

Finally, everyone thought of Wei Ran who left Blue Star to restore his original origin after helping practitioners improve their original Xuanbing.

Everyone shouted Wei Ran, Wei Shen, and hoped that he could come back in time and create a miracle.

Save their lives.

A few days passed, as the strange beasts gradually approached these cities, because there were strange beasts everywhere in the city, and people had nowhere to escape if they wanted to escape, people's attack on Wei Ranneng from the sky reached its peak.

Finally, when the terrible beasts are about to destroy these cities.

Wei Ran appeared under the attention of everyone.

With his usual sword array, he easily killed these alien beasts and alien races, and saved all the people.

It was also at this moment that Wei Ran's prestige and reputation reached its peak.

He has been recognized by almost everyone in the world.

However, it is a pity that even so, Wei Ran is still not enough to break through the bottleneck of the Emperor Realm and step into the Realm of Domination.

This is because there are still too few people.

The number of humans in Blue Star is only a few billion.

As for the powerful races such as the monster race, the demon race, and the god race, the number of their people is unknown, and the number of a single ordinary planet may reach as many as tens of billions.

Therefore, the recognition Wei Ran has obtained is still not enough to rank him as a patriarch...

"It still doesn't work, then..."

In the training room, Wei Ran frowned and whispered: "It's time to consider leaving Blue Star, go to other planets, find the same human beings, and get their approval..."

However, Wei Ran was still a little worried about whether the number of human races he could find was enough for him to reach the Domination Realm.

"If it really doesn't work, then everyone will be desperate to have a baby. As long as they have a baby, they will be given enough rewards, and they will use time to slowly increase the number of people..."

(End of this chapter)

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