All People Casting Soldiers: Create a Resurrection Armor at the beginning

Chapter 439 Time goes by!A tragic ending that is difficult to rewrite!

It has been more than five years, almost six years since the soldiers left and he was promoted to the master level.

But there is still no news about the soldiers and the formation of them.

"Where did they go?"

Wei Ran walked in the center of the universe, frowning and whispering.

A few years ago, when he was still in the Supreme Realm, he guessed that the soldiers might be hiding in a corner, trying to restore the "Tao" with all their strength.

But with the increase in his current cultivation base, after becoming one of the few masters in the world, Wei Ran's understanding of the rules has become more and more profound.

He could clearly perceive that soldiers were no longer in this world.

Of course, it is also possible that even if he has the strength of the dominator realm, compared with the soldiers of the Dao realm, his strength is still not enough, so he cannot perceive it.

Just like demon lords and demon lords, they couldn't find soldiers at all before that.

But Wei Ran felt that he was still different from the demon lord and the demon lord.

After all, he has been with the soldiers for a long time, and their aura has long been tied to each other. If the soldiers are still in this universe, with his current cultivation base, it is impossible not to sense them.

"Then let's check again..."

Wei Ran's eyes narrowed, and he said in a low voice.

When he was in the Emperor's Realm, he tried to find out the whereabouts of the soldiers with the help of the Emperor's Mirror.

But maybe it was because his cultivation was not good, or maybe the Emperor Mirror alone was not enough, so he failed in the end.

But now, his cultivation base is higher than before, and he also has two more Taoist soldiers in his hand, maybe...

Now he can find out the whereabouts of the soldiers?
Wei Ran is not sure, but wants to try.


Thinking in this way, Wei Ran tried his best to activate the Emperor Mirror.

Suddenly, a blurred light and shadow condensed on the smooth mirror surface.

Can't see clearly.

This is a rare situation with the Emperor Mirror. When Wei Ran was still in the Supreme Realm, he used the Emperor Mirror to spy on the Demon Lord and they had no problem, and he could see them very clearly.

But now he is spying on the movement of the soldiers, but he has been vague and unable to see clearly.

Wei Ran was mentally prepared for this, but he was not depressed. While continuing to urge the Emperor Mirror with all his strength, he held the Human Emperor's pen and sketched on the Emperor's Book to deepen his impression and aura of the soldiers.


Wei Ran's behavior seems to be really effective.

The picture on the Emperor Mirror suddenly became slightly clearer.

I saw a blur of light floating on a river full of vicissitudes and ancient meanings intertwined with runes.


Seeing the light, Wei Ran's eyes lit up immediately.

That is the light manifested by the soldiers.

Although it looks vague, but he has been with soldiers day and night, so he can't be mistaken.

Unexpectedly, he really succeeded.

"here it is……"


Wei Ran stared at the mirror surface of the Emperor's Mirror, looked at the very strange river, and frowned.


At this moment, a brilliant golden rotating light curtain suddenly condensed in front of Wei Ran.

This scene is so familiar.

When Wei Ran ran around with the soldiers, the soldiers used this light curtain to lead him away.


Seeing this, Wei Ran took a few deep breaths, knowing that the soldier was letting him pass, he didn't hesitate too much, and immediately stepped into the light curtain.

"Wow wow..."

As Wei Ran plunged into this golden light curtain, unlike his previous star teleportation, he only felt the world spinning for a while, the Milky Way tilted, and the universe changed positions. The whole person lost the concept of time and space.

This is incredible.

After all, Wei Ran's current cultivation is at the Dominant Realm.

It is the highest state that a living being can achieve.

If you want to advance to the top, you will be in a realm that no one has been able to enter.

But a person with his cultivation base, after entering this light curtain, lost all perception after being tortured, just like a mortal.

It is hard to imagine where the soldiers took him.

"Wow wow..."

I don't know how long it has been.

Wei Ran felt that his whole body was so uncomfortable that he was going to die.

He finally felt that the upside-down sense of space-time confusion was over.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a world of twilight.

Ahead is a slowly flowing river, and in front of the river, there is a faint light floating.

It was the scene that Wei Ran watched from the Emperor's Mirror.

"This is where?"

Wei Ran couldn't help frowning and asked in a low voice.


The twilight light trembled slightly, and then replied: "The years are long."

The voice seemed a little strange, but at the same time vaguely familiar, it contained a sense of great truth, which made Wei Ran feel deafened.

Wei Ran was shocked when he heard the words, the years are long.

Here is the long river of time?

No wonder, no wonder he felt so uncomfortable when he was brought over by soldiers. With the strength of his master, he couldn't bear it.

Wei Ran vaguely remembers that the Tao divided into Pro, has been in the long river of time, and it can come in the past and the future.

So it's hard to find this Daobing.

It seems that the soldiers also went all the way back to here in order to merge into the Tao.

It's no wonder that he has been unable to perceive the clues of the soldiers in that universe.

Because they are really not in that universe anymore.

"you succeeded?"

Thinking back on these things, Wei Ran felt that the soldier's voice was very strange, but still vaguely familiar, so he asked.

"Well, I am no longer a soldier, we have synthesized 'Tao'."

The faint light floating in front of the long river of time whispered.

The tone was calm, but there was a hint of helplessness.

It is completely different from its original high-spirited appearance.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Wei Ran asked in surprise, "Aren't you happy that you succeeded?"

"Tao" replied: "It's not because you are unhappy, but because you know more, you will feel pain, because you are powerless to change all this..."

Hearing the words of "Tao", Wei Ran frowned tightly and asked, "Is something going to happen?"

"Dao" sighed softly, and said slowly: "You can come and see for yourself..."

While speaking, Wei Ran felt his body lighten up.

It quickly floated to the vicinity of the light group transformed by "Tao".

"Wow wow..."

As Wei Ran approached, water droplets splashed and slid down from the starting point of the long river of time.

But for Wei Ran who was approaching, he saw the rise and fall of countless races and all kinds of epic elegy from the little splashes of water.

This is the past that once happened, and it collapses and flows into silence with the long river of time.

This shocked Wei Ran a lot.

Because the destruction and prosperity of those races included the human race.

He saw the demise of the human race and the reason, but this has already happened, and he has no power to change it.

This really made Wei Ran feel powerless after reading it.

And at this time, at the end of the long river of time, another drop of water was splashed by the river in the rush.


This drop of water instantly transformed into countless cruel pictures.

"Bang bang..."


I saw that the universe was exhausted, the rules of heaven and earth were in disorder, countless planets were collapsing, and a large number of creatures were dying.

Under the effect of a terrifying power of rules, the power of Xuan Bing disappeared.

People can no longer borrow Xuanbing to practice.

Xuanbing is decaying.

Even Xuanbing began to devour the master in order to survive, absorbing the blood and soul of living beings to replenish themselves.

Hope to survive this catastrophe.

This is a cruel picture of the parasitic beings burned into charcoal.

And the demon masters, demon masters, god masters and other patriarchs, in order to survive themselves, are actually sacrificing hundreds of millions of souls of their own clan. They would rather cut off the luck connection with the clan, and their cultivation level will drop, rather than being dragged to death ...

This scene is too cruel.

Seeing this, Wei Ran was dumbfounded. He never expected that the catastrophe that the soldiers kept talking about five years ago would be such a catastrophe?
Then, he also saw his "end" from this drop of water from the future.

He didn't want to sacrifice or sever the connection with the human race, he always wanted to protect the human race.

It's a pity that under such a catastrophe, although he has the strength to dominate the realm, he is powerless to change anything.

In the end, Wei Ran became the first Dominant Realm expert to die under the catastrophe.

And his death also caused the family to be buried and turned into a speck of dust in history.

"I am dead?"

"The human race is also destroyed?"

After watching the picture of the future in this corner, Wei Ran was stunned and murmured in a low voice.

The tone was still unbelievable.

And so he died.

"So, can you feel how I feel now?"

The voice of "Tao" sounded, and the tone still sounded calm, but if you listen carefully, you can feel that it is a kind of numbness.

"I have been staying here since I became a 'Tao' again. I have imagined a lot and made many changes, but the result still cannot be changed..."

"We're screwed!"

"Whether it is a living being or a mysterious weapon, it will eventually be destroyed, and no one can change it..."

The tone of "Tao" is full of numbness and despair.

Before it returned to the "Tao", it still had illusions about everything, and felt that when it returned to the Tao, it would still be the strongest Dao soldier, and the catastrophe it sensed was nothing, it could resisted.

But after it makes Lin, array, column, etc. all return, they will reunite into "Tao".

It stood on the banks of the long river of time again, watching the cruel future, the scene of the destruction of life.

It tried hard to rewrite the ending, but nothing worked.

After going on like this for many years, until Wei Ran found it, it still couldn't find a way to survive.

This makes Tao even more pessimistic.

"Is it true that everything cannot be rewritten?"

Wei Ran listened to the murmur of "Dao", his eyes kept flickering, and he said to himself.

Just seeing his sad future scene, Wei Ran's Dao heart was also greatly shocked.

Do you feel that you have finally reached this stage in cultivation, and you just died like this?
He is not reconciled!
But how could Wei Ran be willing to accept such an ending?

He still wants to struggle to change.

So, Wei Ran stood by the river of time and began to meditate on whether his subsequent changes would lead to future changes?

For example, the destruction of him and the human race this time was because he had always wanted to save the human race, which led to him becoming the first dominator of death.


If he also chooses to sever his relationship with the human race like other demon lords and demon lords, what will be his result?


A drop of water from the wave splashed upwards, making Wei Ran see the future he had changed.

In the not-too-distant future, the world has undergone major changes, mysterious soldiers have devoured spirits, and the universe has come to an end.

In order to protect himself, Wei Ran gave up his relationship with the human race.

He is regarded as the ruler with the most unstable foundation. Because of the cut with the human race, his cultivation has dropped to the human emperor's realm.

But he also avoided the tragic outcome of the first wave of deaths.

Succeeded successfully!
The first Dominator Realm to die became the Demon Lord!

But he didn't live on for long, because he had a grudge with the Lord Buddha not long ago, which led to him being approached by the Lord Buddha to liquidate him. Inadvertently, he was affected by other catastrophes, and finally fell!

"It's useless, let's try again..."

Wei Ran frowned, and immediately reopened the future.

This time, he still broke up with the human race first, but instead of getting up, he ran to the Lord Buddha to settle the matter.

Under the great calamity of heaven and earth, it is obviously difficult for the Lord Buddha to be alone. In the end, under his plot, the first master to die this time became the Lord Buddha.

And Wei Ran didn't get up again until after plotting against Lord Buddha.

After the demise of the human race, Wei Ran's Heavenly Emperor Mirror, Earth Emperor's Book and Human Emperor's Pen suddenly rioted and turned against his master!
Wei Ran never thought that such a thing would happen.

Caught off guard, he died anyway.

"Dead again... this is too difficult..."

Wei Ran sighed.

Then, he reopened it again.

The previous selection remains the same.

First he broke up with the human race, then plotted against the Lord Buddha, and then he chose to destroy the Three Emperors Taoist soldiers.

In this way, Xuan Bing should not be able to plot against him, right?
This time the experiment was a success.

Wei Ran really fought to the end.

The universe became a dry ruin, and many creatures perished.

But he survived to the end, wandering in the universe, but it was difficult to find a second living being.

The world is so desolate and cold, he can't find anyone to chat with.

In the end, Wei Ran fell to the Emperor Realm because of his cultivation, and he had a life limit. After a long time, he still died...

"This ending doesn't make any sense..."

After watching this corner of the future, Wei Ran shook his head and sighed.

He frowned tightly, and began to think of ways to break the situation.

He can't really separate from the human race, so his cultivation will definitely drop. Secondly, destroying the Three Emperors' Dao soldiers will also make him lose a lot of self-protection ability?
But if these three Taoist soldiers are not destroyed, he will be very dangerous in the future.



Wei Ran suddenly thought of something.

In the future, it seems that Xuanbing will devour the Lord and riot in order to survive because of the reversal of the rules of heaven and earth.

Even the Taoist soldiers of the Three Emperors seemed to be no exception.


Wei Ran's first Life Soldier, the Chaos Divine Light fused with the Wushuang sword box, does not seem to have such a situation?

And in the last derivation, the reason why he survived to the end seems to have something to do with that chaotic divine light?
"Could it be that the point of breaking the game lies in this fateful soldier?"

Wei Ran's eyes lit up slightly, as if he had found some hope, and he couldn't wait to start trying.

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