Chapter 1356 Kill
Faint Lord!

These two words, like two thunderbolts, reverberated in the hall and fell into the ears of everyone, their livers and gallbladders were about to burst.

The peaceful void began to be infinitely distorted, producing countless visions, there were wind, rain, thunder and lightning, there were soldiers attacking the heavens, the universe was reversed, and the world was destroyed.
When the mortal emperor got angry, he buried millions of corpses and bled for thousands of miles.

What's more, the master of fortune in the world of martial arts is enough to destroy the universe and restart the universe.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!"

"Your Majesty, forgive me."

The faces of more than six hundred lords of civilization were pale, and they kowtowed continuously.

They are afraid!

They smell the crisis of death, and even the crisis of civilization!

"When the ancestor of the demon clan came, you thought that Daqin would be defeated, so you directly took refuge in the ancestor of the demon clan, and wanted to attack Daqin in turn!"

"Now that Daqin has won, you regret it, but have you ever thought that you shouldn't have the heart to harm Daqin at the beginning, even if you just stood on the sidelines and watched, you would not end up where you are now!"

Qin Wudao stood up, with an angry face, and said coldly: "If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences, even if this consequences, you have to pay your life!"

As soon as this word comes out.

More than six hundred lords of civilization collapsed to the ground, their faces ashen, completely desperate!

"Where are the terracotta warriors, take them down and execute them!"

Qin Wudao waved his hands and ordered in a cold voice.

The void collapsed, and two hundred and one terrifying breaths came out.

After a few breaths, the shattered void healed, and the more than [-] lords of civilization also disappeared.

Seeing this scene, those masters of civilization who chose to wait and see all felt shivers down their backs, and they were full of gratitude. Fortunately, they didn't do everything right back then.

"Everyone, Daqin is preparing to unify the mysterious universe, and we need your cooperation!"

After dealing with the lords of civilization who turned back, Qin Wudao felt much better. He sat back on the imperial chair and said to the lords of civilization.

"Willing to serve His Majesty!"

The Lord of Immortal Jade and others replied.

"After you go back, immediately mobilize the army and sweep the surrounding world. After the Great Qin unifies the Xuan Universe, I will reward you for your merits!" Qin Wudao said with a smile.

Rewards for meritorious deeds!

Hearing these four words, the eyes of all the lords of civilization brightened, especially the lords of civilization who had been neutral before, made up their minds to seize the opportunity to obtain the privilege of racial autonomy.

A surge of majestic fighting intent erupted from their bodies, heading straight to the sky, causing the surrounding avenues to fall, and all spells were wiped out.

In the distant starry sky, many stars were affected and crumbling.

Two hours later, the court meeting ended.

After the masters of the major civilizations received the Law of the Rule Realm, they left the heavens and worlds non-stop, returned to their respective civilizations, and prepared to mobilize the army to annex the surrounding worlds.

At this time, Qin Wudao also returned to the imperial study. He was not doing official business, but counting system rewards.

After the lords of the major neutral civilizations surrendered, he received a total of [-] system rewards and got a lot of good things.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, occupying the wind and lotus world, sign in and reward a terracotta warrior, do you want to summon?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, occupying the world of ten thousand knives, signing in rewards a volume of "Yongle Dadian", do you want to use it?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, occupying the Berserker Realm, sign-in rewards"

Qin Wudao sat on the imperial chair, listening to the system prompt with delight, the corners of his mouth turned up, he was overjoyed.

In the end, after statistics, he got one hundred terracotta warriors and horses, three hundred volumes of "Yongle Dadian", two Wenxin and two godheads. As for other things, they were all ordinary things.

These two Wenxin are 'Huansha Wenxin' and 'Mietu Wenxin' respectively!
As for the godheads, they are 'left general godhead' and 'right general godhead'!
"Who should I give it to?"

Qin Wudao looked at Wenxin and Shenge, stroked his chin, and fell into deep thought.

From the names of Wen Xin and Shen Ge, he had no idea who the corresponding ministers were, so he had no choice but to turn to the system for help.

"System, who should use these literary hearts and godheads?"

"Ding, Jia Xu can fuse with 'Huansha Wenxin', Li Ru can fuse with 'Mietu Wenxin', Dian Wei can fuse with 'Left General Godhead', Xu Chu can fuse 'You General Godhead'!"

After listening to the system's prompt, Qin Wudao fell silent.

Jia Xu!

Li Ru!

Dian Wei!

Xu Chu!

These four ministers can be regarded as the early courtiers of Daqin, and they made great contributions to the rise of Daqin.

However, as the Great Qin became stronger, they did not have a suitable inheritance and were gradually left behind, so that the abilities of the 'Dark Guards' and 'Abyss Guards' could not keep up with the development speed of Great Qin.

Well now, with some of these literary hearts and godheads, they will soon become the first-class powerhouses in Daqin.

"System, bestow 'Huan Sha Wen Xin' on Jia Xu, 'Mie Tu Wen Xin' on Li Ru, 'Zuo General Godhead' on Dian Wei, and 'Right General Godhead' on Xu Chu!"

Thinking about what happened in the past, Qin Wudao ordered with a smile.

Memories are good!

It is also valuable!
But the more beautiful thing is that a group of brothers in the past can still walk together hand in hand, and the more valuable thing is that through everyone's struggle, Daqin Yunchao has become stronger and stronger.

In the future, none of the brothers who have struggled together will be left behind!

Not one!

The void in front of Qin Wudao shattered, opening four gaps, and four crystals covered with Dao patterns flew out, revealing the power of detachment, and broke through the air.

The sky and the earth are roaring, and the wind and clouds are changing!
In the east of the imperial capital, boundless murderous aura emerged, turning into a sea of ​​blood, tumbling, burying countless corpses, beating countless dead souls.

That murderous aura, that evil aura, that aura of death made the hearts of countless creatures tremble!
In the sea of ​​blood, a figure completely condensed with murderous aura emerged. He was wearing a blood-colored robe, with a warm smile on his face, stirring up the world.

His name is Jia Xu, and he uses tricks to kill indiscriminately to protect the stability of the four realms of the Great Qin Dynasty!

at the same time.

In the west of the imperial capital city, immeasurable evil spirits surged, condensing a phantom, wearing a blue robe, with a sinister complexion, making people look at each other, as if falling into a cold cave.

Minister Li Ru, willing to slaughter the world for His Majesty, even if you remain infamous for eternity, what are you afraid of?

the other side.

From the north and south of the imperial capital, a general wearing armor and holding a weapon walked out at the same time.

They are tall and tall, with firm faces and piercing eyes. They scan their surroundings, and they can spot any disturbance immediately.

They stand with soldiers, like two barriers that cannot be jumped over, blocking all enemies.

The last general Dianwei!

The final general Xu Chu!

Swear to protect His Majesty to the death!

On this day, Da Qin had four more invincible powerhouses.

In addition, the hidden power of Daqin has also increased. First, the strength of the Twelve Golden Men has successfully broken through to the late stage of the regular state. .

The second is the defense strength of the Great Wall, which can resist the attack of the strong in the mid-stage of the Creation Realm.

Finally, the terracotta warriors and horses, whose strength has increased again, have reached the late stage of the Dao Realm, and after the formation of the army, they can face the peak fighters of the Rule Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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