Chapter 1379 Death of Hades
in the blink of an eye.

In the boundless universe, twelve golden finger prints appeared, and unparalleled divine power emerged, crushing a large starry sky, leaving twelve gaps.


Soon, the weaker seven regular realm peak warriors were locked by fingerprints and could not move.

They can only stand where they are, waiting for the fingerprints to fall.

Death followed.

At this moment, they are not noble warriors in the rule realm, but lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

After a muffled sound, seven clusters of blood mist appeared in the starry sky.

As a result, there are only five warriors at the top of the World Creation Realm, still fleeing desperately, using their body skills to the extreme, leaving behind countless phantoms.

But can you escape?



After the five breaths, there were three screams in succession from the depths of the Great Nether Universe, the voices were shrill and filled with endless fear.

Three Creation Realm elders from the Shangguan family were killed one by one.

So far, all members of the Shangguan family have died.

Only Protector Lin and Palace Master Zhao were left, still fleeing, but it was only a matter of time before they were killed by Fingerprint Town.

"Great Qin Yunchao, I admit it. From now on, the conflict between Wansha Palace and Daqin Yunchao will be wiped out!"

When life was at stake, Zhao Dianzhu also let go of his self-esteem and face, and begged for mercy loudly.

beg for mercy!

Although he was defeated, he was still the master of the branch hall of the Wansha Hall. If he died here, there was no doubt that Daqin Yunchao would definitely be on the black list of the Wansha Hall.

Once on the black list, Daqin will face endless pursuit.

Therefore, he is [-]% sure that Da Qin will let him go.

After all, no one wants to have another powerful enemy!
But he missed one point. The Great Qin Yunchao is a country with backbone. From the king to the common people, there is revenge for revenge and kindness for kindness.

If you want to kill, then I will kill you.

"Emperor Qin, the Hall of Ten Thousand Kills is powerful, and we must take revenge. If we can take the opportunity to resolve the conflict, for us, there will be no disadvantages at all!"

Mu Zhen walked up to Qin Wudao and said in a deep voice.

The more enemies Daqin has, the less chance he has of defeating the Tianhe Universe Xianbao Pavilion branch.

"You said that the Wansha Palace will take revenge, so if I let him go, he won't take revenge?"

Qin Wudao said expressionlessly.

Repay grievances with virtue!
Daqin couldn't do this kind of thing.

It's almost like killing everything.

Mu Zhen was silent. Based on his understanding of Wansha Palace, even if Palace Master Zhao wanted to calm down the matter, the other high-level officials would not agree.

In the final analysis, the Great Qin Yunchao is just a low-level cosmic force.

Can't get on the stage.

Identity determines status!

Strength determines the negotiating qualifications!

For now, regardless of status or strength, Daqin Yunchao is unable to have an equal dialogue with the Wansha Palace, and he is not even qualified for dialogue.

Of course, he couldn't say these words.

Avoid being hated.

"Death is imminent, so much to say!"

In the starry sky battlefield, Liu Che didn't wait for Qin Wudao's order, and directly manipulated the fingerprints, falling to a certain empty starry sky.

The starry sky was wiped out.

In the aftermath of destruction, a figure flew out, holding a pipe in his hand.

This person is none other than Palace Master Zhao.

It's just that at this time, he has lost his vitality.


Just after Palace Master Zhao died, in less than two breaths, a desperate wail came from the universe farther away.

Everyone hurriedly looked and found that Protector Lin was nailed to the void by a fingerprint, his body was broken, and only his soul was left, still struggling in pain.

But as time goes by, the soul is fading until it disappears.

Just like that, another six World Creation Realm warriors fell outside the Xuan Universe forever.

The supreme coercion dissipated, but the kneeling warriors in the surrounding universe did not dare to stand up. They stared blankly at Liu Che, full of admiration, fear, and envy.
"I am the Lord of Great Qin, and after five years, I will expand the surrounding universe!"

"Anyone who surrenders to Great Qin will be given preferential treatment!"

"Those who resist in the corner will be killed without mercy!"

"However, except for the Great Underworld Universe."

At this time, Qin Wudao's majestic and domineering voice came out from the mysterious universe, echoed in the surrounding universe, produced waves of echoes, and fell into the ears of countless warriors.

Suddenly, the overlord of the surrounding universe felt a chill in his heart.

It's like being drained of all power.

Sit down on the ground.

Daqin wants to expand, how can they resist?

Can't resist at all!

The two sides are not rivals of the same magnitude.

Because the Tianhe universe blocked the regular realm skills, the strongest universes around the Xuan universe only reached the peak of the Dao realm, and they didn't even have a regular realm.

And what about the Great Qin Yunchao?

It has been able to easily suppress and kill the warriors of the World Creation Realm!

"Get ready to drop the book!"

In the sky universe, in the central world, Lord Changkong, the ruler of this universe, looked around at the surrounding courtiers and said sadly.

The whole hall was silent.

All the courtiers, no matter whether they were Sangong Jiuqing or ordinary officials, were all in a trance.

The sky civilization that has existed for 180 billion years has not escaped the fate of extinction!

"As ordered!"

After a while, the Minister of Rites came out and replied bitterly.

"Don't be too sad, at least we still have a chance to surrender, and the Great Underworld doesn't even have a chance to surrender!"

Speaking of this, Lord Changkong showed a gloating smile.

"Your Majesty, why is this?"

The Minister of Rites asked puzzledly.

"Do you still remember the last time the strongmen of the Wansha Palace attacked the Great Qin Yunchao?"

Lord Changkong said with a smile: "At that time, Mingzun was preparing to send troops to the Xuanyu universe. After the war ended, Daqin Yunchao won and ordered the troops to retreat!"

"This is really courting death!"

After hearing this, Minister of Rites shook his head speechlessly.

Even if you want to occupy the mysterious universe, you have to wait until the end of the war before dispatching troops!
Impatient not only can't eat hot tofu, but also may lose your life.

Great universe.

"My dear friends, what shall we do next?"

Mingzun sat on the imperial chair, his face ashen, and asked with fear.

Below, all civil and military officials lowered their heads and said nothing.

They can't do anything either!

The enemy this time is too powerful, it is not an opponent at all, and there is no chance of winning at all.

"Your Majesty, Daqin Yunchao already knows about our dispatch of troops, and he probably won't let us go, so we should make plans early!"

After a while, the prime minister took a step forward and said in a deep voice.

"What am I going to do?"

Mingzun's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly.

The prime minister didn't speak, but his eyes gradually turned cold.

"Prime Minister, it's already this time, so don't keep it up!"

Mingzun didn't notice the change in the prime minister's eyes, or he took the prime minister's words as the last straw.

"Your Majesty, you are the one who gave the order to attack the Xuan Universe, so you need to be responsible for this matter. For the sake of everyone, I would like to use your Majesty's head!"

At this time, the Taiwei in armor took a step forward and said in a cold voice.

As soon as this word comes out.

Mingzun was furious and was about to pull out the Emperor Sword.

But someone was faster than Mingzun. When Mingzun was about to take action, the prime minister and the Taiwei flew up to the ninth emperor step from two different directions.

The power of the three peaks of the Dao Realm filled the hall.

Next, there was a sound of fighting.

But during this process, neither civil servants, military generals, nor royal family members helped Mingzun, and stood watching from a distance.

Soon, Mingzun, who had one against two, was defeated by the Prime Minister and the Taiwei, fell down the steps, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Your Majesty, offended!"

The Taiwei stepped forward with his sword in hand, and when he was only five steps away from Mingzun, he bowed deeply and held up the sword in his hand.

"It seems that you have all discussed it!"

Mingzun looked around, took a deep look at the royal family members, and smiled sadly: "In that case, I will help you all!"

After all, he took the battle sword from the Taiwei's hand and killed himself!

He knew that he would not survive today.

Do something wrong.

There is always a price to pay.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Taiwei held Mingzun's head and flew in the direction of Xuanyu.

"Hopefully, we can survive this calamity!"

The prime minister looked at the figure of the Taiwei going away, and prayed in a low voice.

He can accept the status of a minister of subjugation.

But I don't want to die!
Killing the culprit Mingzun to eliminate Daqin Yunchao's anger was the only feasible way he could think of.

(End of this chapter)

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