Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 1427 Surrender to Great Qin

Chapter 1427 Surrender to Great Qin
Three days later, the empress and Tianyi came to a universe on the border of Daqin. They said they had come to Daqin, but they were actually not far from Tianhe universe.

There is no way, the territory of the Great Qin Yun Dynasty is too vast.

Ten thousand universes!

Almost all the low-level universes around the Tianhe universe have been occupied.

"This Great Qin Yunchao actually applied the power of dimensionality to space wormholes?"

Led by Tianyi, the Empress came to a white building and said in shock when she sensed the power of majestic dimensions and space and time.

The power of dimension!

The Tianhe royal family also has a way to cultivate the power of dimensions!
However, due to the limitations of the development of the Tianhe royal family, the power of the dimension is only used for the cultivation of warriors, and it has not been fully utilized.

In terms of the degree of civilization development, the Tianhe royal family is not as good as the Great Qin Yun Dynasty.

"Looks like it's time for the Tianhe Royal Family to make a change!"

The Empress murmured to herself.

Whether it is the Great Qin Yunchao or the Nihility Clan, they all disclose the methods of cultivating the power of dimensions, but what about the Tianhe Royal Clan?

Not only did not make it public, but also chose to block it!

She remembered that in the first battle between Tianhe Universe and Wankong Universe 200 billion years ago, Wankong Universe was still weaker than Tianhe Universe.

But now?

Under the leadership of the Wukong Clan, Wankong Universe has flourished and embraced all rivers and races. It has already surpassed Tianhe Universe and is far behind.

Leaving aside the Nihility Clan, let's just talk about the Great Qin Yunchao.

The Great Qin Yunchao was able to occupy tens of thousands of universes in just a dozen years. Doesn't it have something to do with the public practice method?
In the long run, to block advanced cultivation methods is to rest on our laurels!
One advantage, one hundred disadvantages!
After a long time, the only advantage will become a disadvantage!
"Let's go!"

The empress shook her head, put aside the thoughts in her mind, and walked into the dimensional wormhole.

Tianyi followed behind her like a shadow.

After the two left, about two hours later, a woman in a black robe and a black mask also took the dimensional wormhole to the mysterious universe.

"Black mask! Could it be her?"

After the woman disappeared, a deep voice sounded outside the dimensional wormhole, with a hint of doubt, but more of vigilance.

In the void invisible to ordinary people, five men in black stood, covering their faces.

They are members of the 'Dark Guard'.

Among them, a member of the 'Dark Guard' held a paintbrush, and with a few strokes, he outlined the figure and appearance of the masked woman.

Then, take out a token and send the message.

And the token in his hand has a lot of background, it is a 'dark net' connector, which can transmit information beyond thousands of universes.

After doing all this, the five members of the 'Dark Guard' continued to stare at the passing crowd.

In a way.

Dimensional wormholes are a double-edged sword!

While promoting convenient transportation, it also increases potential safety hazards!
Some people with bad intentions will take the dimensional wormhole to the imperial capital, just like the previous Yangshi.

Their task is to prevent suspicious persons from entering the territory of Daqin, so as to prevent the assassination of the king from happening again.

Not only this dimensional wormhole, but other dimensional wormholes are followed by members of the three major intelligence agencies.

"finally come!"

In the gloomy and dark room of the dark guard headquarters in Kyushu, Jia Xu holds a portrait in his hand and shows a sneer.

The faint candlelight danced and shone on his face, making him look extremely strange, ferocious, and vicious!
During the court meeting, the Yang envoy assassinated Qin Wudao.

become a thorn in his heart.

Difficult to pull out.

After the Great Court Meeting ended, he personally investigated the Wansha Temple and found that the Yang Envoy and the Yin Envoy were a pair of lovers who had a very good relationship.

Now the Yang Envoy is dead.

Is there any reason for the Yin envoy not to take revenge?

Therefore, he mobilized a large number of members of the "Dark Guard" and laid a net to wait for the Yin Envoy to come to his door.

"It is rumored that the yin envoys are stronger than the yang envoys, and they cannot be apprehended with only the 'dark guards'. It seems that they have to go to the palace!"

Jia Xu squinted slightly, and a cold force spewed out from the palm of his hand, shattering the portrait, stood up slowly, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

Under the light, his shadow was stretched very, very long!

After he left, all the candles in the hall were extinguished.

Only a few wisps of blue smoke floated.

Transform into various shapes, just like ghosts!


Two days have passed.

In the imperial study, Qin Wudao was dealing with official business.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, Xiao He walked in quickly, bowed his hands and said: "The Empress of Tianhe Universe is here, she is outside the palace, do you want to summon me?"


If there are other people here, they will definitely be surprised.

That is the Lord of Tianhe Universe!

To go to any low-level universe, you need the existence of the Lord of the Universe kneeling to greet you, but you need to be summoned when you arrive at the Great Qin Yun Dynasty.

"Please come in!"

Qin Wudao raised his head and showed a smile, as if he was not surprised by the arrival of Empress Tianhe.

Xiao He nodded, turned and left.


The empress and Tianyi came outside the imperial study, but only the empress entered the imperial study.

Qin Wudao looked at the empress, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

To be honest, Empress Tianhe is definitely a woman that is hard to find in the world. Not only does she have an astonishing ancient and modern appearance, but she also reveals a hint of domineering and nobility.

"I don't know what the so-called empress came to Daqin!"

Soon, Qin Wudao returned to normal and asked with a smile.

He doesn't care much about female sex.

Otherwise, the harem would not know that Mr. Yuxue was alone.

"I want to form an alliance with Daqin!"

The empress cut to the chase and said, "I am going to attack the Wankong universe. After that, the Tianhe royal family and the Daqin Yunchao will divide the Wankong universe equally. What does Emperor Qin think?"

On the imperial chair, Qin Wudao quietly looked at the empress, tapped his fingers on the armrest, and did not speak.

Attack the Wankong universe.

Really think that the intelligence agency of the Great Qin Yunchao is a display!
"Emperor Qin."

The Empress frowned slightly.

Facing Qin Wudao's gaze, she had a feeling of being seen through, which made her very uncomfortable.

"I think since it's an alliance, it's better to be honest. The life of the Tianhe royal family is not easy!"

Qin Wudao raised his hand, interrupted the Empress, and said in a deep voice.

The empress was silent.

"The betrayal of the Shangguan family, the invasion of the Wuwu clan, and the breaking of the powerful Tianhan country, under these circumstances, the Tianhe royal family still has the ability to invade the Wankong universe?" Qin Wudao asked plainly.

"how do you know?"

The Empress was shocked.

Has the intelligence power of the Great Qin Yunchao penetrated into the Tianhe universe?
In other words, Daqin has already set his sights on Tianhe Universe?

Thinking of Daqin's occupation of [-] low-level universes, the empress already had the answer in her heart, and she couldn't help showing bitterness.

"I can help the Tianhe royal family tide over the difficulties!"

Qin Wudao didn't know what the empress was thinking, so he said with a smile.

"What price will the universe have to pay that day?"

The empress stared and asked in a deep voice.


There is no good thing like a pie in the sky in this world!
"Surrender to Great Qin!"

Qin Wudao said without haste.


The empress did not refuse, but looked at Qin Wudao suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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