this moment.

Qin Wudao's vision became colorful.

Countless 'spirits' flowed in his body, poured into the dantian along the hundreds of veins of the limbs, turned into a sledgehammer, and smashed towards the bottleneck of the three knowledge realms with hundreds of millions of force.

With a loud noise.

Qin Wudao successfully broke through the shackles and broke through the realm of three knowledges.

behind it.

The void is infinitely derived, and the past body is condensed. Wearing an emperor robe, the complexion is slightly immature, but it is also supremely majestic.

Three thousand hairs fluttered, evolving into the appearance of all spirits.

"This breaks through the Three Realms?"

Qin Wudao opened his eyes, looked at Renjun in front of him, couldn't help swallowing, extremely shocked.

According to the normal speed of cultivation, it would take decades for him to break through the three realms of knowledge, but now, he just tried to use the power of all spirits to cultivate, and he broke through the three realms of knowledge.

Moreover, the process of his breakthrough is very silky.

No bottlenecks were encountered.

"Try the art of creation of the human body!"

Qin Wudao took a deep breath, calmed down, slowly stretched out his right hand, and circulated the power of all spirits in the palm of his hand.

The human body is created by the original power of endless creatures.

Nature can also create spirits in reverse.

Qin Wudao first imagined the appearance of a flower in his mind, and then the light in his palm flickered, and a red flower grew out of thin air, charming and full of vitality.

Almost comparable to a fairy plant!
Qin Wudao put the red flower on the imperial case, turned his palm over, and created a pine tree.

"What a magical power of all spirits!"

Qin Wudao looked at Honghua and Xianzhi, and murmured to himself: "Martial arts are supernatural, and the power of all spirits can no longer be called martial arts, it should be called supernatural powers!"

"Now I use the power of all spirits to create plants, but I don't know if I can create them."

"How about living alive?"

Thinking of this, Qin Wudao's heart skipped a beat.

And try it out right away.

Because he didn't know the cost of creating creatures, Qin Wudao didn't dare to create dragons and phoenixes, but chose some weak species.

When he rubbed his fingertips, an ant appeared.

Putting it on the table, the ants continued to climb, and after a while, they crawled out of the imperial study.

"It's done!"

Qin Wudao's attention followed the ants all the time, and when he saw them alive and kicking, he was overjoyed and secretly excited.

in the next time.

Qin Wudao turned into the Creator and created many creatures, such as squirrels, parrots, tigers, and even dragons with extraordinary heels, and flew away on the clouds.

In the end, Qin Wudao began to try to create ancient alien species, but found that he could not create them.


Qin Wudao concluded a law, with his current cultivation, he could only create ordinary creatures, and the cultivation of these species could not exceed the Creation Realm.

The one with the highest cultivation level is Jiaolong, who has reached the peak of the Creation Realm.

The bloodline is comparable to that of an ordinary real dragon.

It is the limit of the power of all spirits.

"Next, it is."

Qin Wudao was tired from playing, so he set his eyes on 'Renjun's body', squeezed his hands, and released a wonderful energy, moving the heaven and the earth.


The majestic and majestic sound of the emperor resounded through the hall.

call out!
In the sea of ​​luck.

Jin Huanghuang's luck was tumbling, like the waves of the sea, bursting out a force of luck, falling into the eyebrows of 'Renjun's Body'.

After absorbing the power of luck, the "Renjunshen" with a sluggish face and numb eyes gradually became lively, as if a statue had come to life.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Like thousands of drums beating, the sound of a thunderous heart beating came from the body of the 'Ren Jun', echoed over the Imperial Capital City, and spread throughout the world of Kyushu.

Countless creatures paused in their hands, their faces showing shock.

They were surprised to find that the beating frequency of their own heart matched the sound very well, and resonated, drawing out the original power.

Every heart beat.

There is a trace of warmth emerging from the depths of the body.

It's like breaking the shackles and opening up unknown potentials.


On a certain giant mountain.

A black and white fierce tiger roared, and the blood in its body spurted out, showing the phenomenon of atavism.

There are also many weak creatures who have realized the leap of life origin.

And some relatively well-evolved creatures began to improve by leaps and bounds, surpassing hundreds of years of hard work, breaking through the realm, and exclaiming that the heavens came from heaven.

Qin Wudao, who is the closest to the 'Renjun's body', also gained huge benefits.

The cultivation base that has just broken through the early stage of the Three Knowledge Realm has now advanced to the middle stage of the Three Knowledge Realm, appearing in the body.

But he ignored the improvement of his cultivation base, and stared at the 'Renjun Body' with scorching eyes, as if he was looking at some rare treasure, or it could be said to be seeing a monster.

"My lord, why do you look like that?"

The 'Renjun Body' has been born with wisdom, his temperament has become more and more dusty, a few strands of black hair move without wind, his eyes are like stars, and he asked with a soft smile.


Qin Wudao looked up to the sky and shouted, and was hit hard.

He discovered that the newly awakened 'Renjun Body' actually possessed the peak cultivation base of the Three Knowledge Realms, and was only one step away from breaking through the Karma Realm.

"My lord, you and I are one body, you scolding me is equivalent to scolding yourself!"

'Renjunshen' said with a smile.

The corner of Qin Wudao's mouth twitched.


He is one with the 'human being'.

It's okay for 'Renjunshen' to say that, but why does he sound so awkward?

"Do you have a name?"

Qin Wudao no longer struggled with this question and asked.


'Renjunshen' replied.

Mr. Ren!

Then the other two inheritances are 'Earth Lord' and 'Heavenly Lord'?

Qin Wudao secretly speculated.

After the birth of Renjun Lingzhi, Qin Wudao and him studied the power of all spirits for a while, and finally figured out all the uses of the power of all spirits, mainly in three aspects.

First, draw the power of all spirits to practice.

When the chaos was first opened, the sky and the earth were the carriers, giving birth to all beings and all spirits, making them form a complete world. The power of all spirits is tangible, exists in all living beings, and comes from all spirits.

Qin Wudao is the king of the Great Qin, who can mobilize the power of all living beings in the Great Qin Dynasty.

The speed of cultivation is ten thousand times faster than before.

But there is a shortcoming. If the power of all spirits is excessively drawn to practice for a long time, it will cause certain damage to the creatures of the Great Qin Yun Dynasty.

Second, create all spirits!
By consuming one's own power and combining the original power of all spirits, creatures can be created.

If you practice to great success, you can create creatures in one universe or even countless universes, and you can even rub your innate spiritual seeds with your hands.

The creatures Qin Wudao created before can only be said to have just started.

Not worth mentioning.

Third, the body of immortality.

The power of all spirits comes from many creatures. As long as these creatures are not extinct, they will not fall and can be reborn infinitely.

Hearing this, Qin Wudao was not happy, but felt cold.

In the inheritance memory.

He really saw Renjun fall.

In other words, the unknown existence beyond those years wiped out all the races that united Renjun.

Qin Wudao took a deep breath.

Because that ancient existence extracted the original power of almost all creatures in the world
In other words, the unknown existence beyond the years has destroyed an era!
Erase all spirits!

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