Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 190 Advancing to the Divine Court

Chapter 190 Advancing to the Divine Court
"Boom! Boom! Boom"

Facing the first ray of sunlight, the ancient copper bell echoed in the sky above the Imperial Capital City. It was powerful, loud and long-lasting, and could be heard for thousands of miles around.

The defenders of the palace pushed open the vermilion palace gate.

The courtiers who had been waiting early lined up neatly and went to the emperor's palace. On this day of great joy, there were not many smiles on the faces of the people, but they looked dignified.

After being promoted to Shenting, it means that Nie Feng may turn his back on him at any time!

It is a blessing?

or curse?
"I hope His Majesty is sure!"

Jia Xu walked at the place before the exam, looked at the altar that had been set up, and secretly worried.

"Haha, after today, the Great Qin Dynasty will belong to this general!"

Nie Feng walked in the ranks of generals, with a smile on his lips, thinking that he would soon be able to get rid of the shackles of the Dao Oath, he was extremely happy.


He wants to be an emperor, a god-emperor!

Before being restrained by the Divine Court of Light, he could only restrain his nature and shrink in the "Shenming Pass" for tens of thousands of years. Now that he is free of restraints, his heart has begun to agitate.

After entering the emperor's palace, the officials found that Qin Wudao had already sat on the imperial chair, closing his eyes and recuperating.

After all the ministers looked at each other, they didn't dare to make a sound, and stood upright and waited.

The sun is gradually rising!

Yuan Tiangang counted his fingers, walked to the center of the hall, bowed his hands and said: "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come!"

Qin Wudao opened his eyes, glanced at everyone in the hall with majestic eyes, and said slowly: "Today, you are promoted to Shenting, and you are all loyal ministers of Daqin. After the country is successfully promoted, you must stand behind me as soon as possible!"

When many ministers heard this, their expressions changed slightly!
"Let's go!"

Qin Wudao stood up and walked out of the hall. When he passed the gate of the emperor's hall and the sun shone on him, the nine-clawed golden dragon embroidered on the emperor's robe seemed to come alive, exuding infinite coercion.

Along the red carpet, Qin Wudao walked towards the school field.

On both sides of the carpet, there were palace ladies and eunuchs, all kneeling on the ground.

Walking along the carpet, Qin Wudao led all civil and military officials to the school grounds.

The vast school grounds were full of people at the moment, and the eunuchs and maids on both sides of the red carpet had also turned into elite soldiers, wearing armor, with firm eyes, revealing a strong evil spirit, as if they wanted to slaughter the world.

Behind the soldiers, there were guests invited by the imperial court, about 10,000+ people, who looked at Qin Wudao adoringly.

In the center of the school yard, an altar is built with 99 steps. On the altar, a bronze tripod is placed.

Ding, a symbol of full strength!

Inherently aspire to the top of the world this statement!

"See Your Majesty!"

When Qin Wudao walked to the bottom of the altar, everyone respected and saluted, even Nie Feng did the same. On such an important occasion, no one dared to do anything wrong.

"Everyone, please get up!"

Qin Wudao raised his hands slightly, and everyone stood up.

At this time, Li Si took a step forward, took out a booklet, and read aloud with a solemn expression: "Since the formation of heaven and earth, each clan has been born, and all clans have established a country, and explore the way to protect the clan!"

"The heaven and the earth are long, and the times are reincarnated. The ancient sages discovered luck, established the gods, greatly enhanced the national strength, and marked the beginning of the revival of the human race!"

"Today, the Great Qin Empire honors the will of the heavens and downloads the hearts of the people. Based on a territory of hundreds of millions of miles and hundreds of millions of warriors, a grand ceremony for the promotion of the gods is held. The emperor of the Great Qin is invited to go to the altar and accept the test of the will of heaven and earth!"

It is a big event to be promoted to Shenting, and it needs to gather luck.

And luck comes from heaven and earth, from everything, a flower, a grass, a tree and a leaf, may be luck, so to advance to Shenting, one must pass the assessment of heaven and earth.

Only when the assessment is successful can the cauldron fire be ignited and the luck of the gods gathered!

But if it fails, under the coercion of heaven and earth, it will be paralyzed at least, or even killed at worst!

Qin Wudao turned around and walked towards the altar. As soon as his front foot stepped on a step, he felt a pressure coming down from the sky.

The pressure of the steps is that the higher the pressure, the heavier the pressure.

The pressure at the beginning can be endured by ordinary people with strong willpower, Qin Wudao is of course no problem, he climbed [-] steps in a row without taking a breath.

When he took a step on No.30, the pressure increased sharply, almost sending Qin Wudao flying.

Once it is bounced off, the end will be extremely miserable, it will be crushed into scum by the pressure permeating the air, and there will be no bones left.

"National Luck Blessing!"

At the critical juncture, Qin Wudao roared secretly, mobilizing the national destiny of the Great Qin Empire. A mysterious power blessed him, and he immediately felt the pressure reduced a lot.

Ten more steps to climb, and the pressure builds up again!
With previous experience, Qin Wudao calmly shouted: "Blessings from all people!"

The public opinion of hundreds of millions of people was supported on Qin Wudao, and in an instant, it seemed that all the pressure disappeared without a trace.

For a country, the most basic foundation of governance is not only the land, but also the support of the people.

Where the people want, the country will prosper and prosper!
If the people's hearts are against each other, sooner or later it will go into decline!
Public opinion is also an important assessment!

Soon, Qin Wudao came to the [-]th floor. At this time, the power of public opinion could no longer hold on.

"The power of all armies, blessing!"

Qin Wudao looked serious, and shouted in a deep voice.

The strength of tens of millions of troops rushed towards the altar, forming an invisible protective layer outside Qin Wudao's body, isolating the coercion.

Just like that, Qin Wudao came to the No.90 floor!
Only the last nine steps are needed to reach the altar.

"The power of the strong, bless!"

Qin Wudao gritted his teeth and insisted.

The blessing of the National Games represents the territory!
Blessing by all people means whether you are loved by the people!

The strength of a thousand armies represents the military strength of a country!

The final power of the strong is to measure the top combat power of a country. After all, this is a world where the strong are respected.

The stronger these four forces are, the easier it is to ascend the altar.

The world trembled.

A powerful force emanating from Nie Feng fell on the altar, and the power of a second-level saint spread out, eliminating all pressure.

Ever since, Qin Wudao walked up to the altar with ease!
"It seems that Daqin's background is not bad!"

Standing on the altar, you can have a panoramic view of the imperial capital, and the magnificent scenery makes Qin Wudao open his arms and embrace the world.

He climbed up to the altar, except for a little difficulty when he climbed up to the 31st floor, the rest went relatively smoothly.

"What are the ink blots doing! Hurry up and move on to the next step!"

Under the altar, Nie Feng clenched his sword in his right hand, a little impatient.

"It's time to ignite the cauldron fire, otherwise some people are in a hurry!"

Qin Wudao could clearly see the change in Nie Feng's expression, revealing a sneer, his aura circulated, condensed a ball of imperial fire in his palm, and threw it at the copper tripod!

A cluster of golden flames several feet high burned blazingly in the copper tripod, emitting a dazzling light.

A trace of luck emerged from the flames and merged into the sky above the Imperial Capital City, and as time went by, more and more.

In a short while, a vast sea of ​​luck was formed in the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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