Xuanhuan: Unparalleled Prince, Conquer the Heavens!

Chapter 1935 Disposal according to the law

After half an hour.

Jia Xu left the East Palace and disappeared into the night.

Qin Qian looked at Jia Xu's leaving figure, then looked at the full moon in the sky, and said softly: "Father is back!"

Wen Tianxiang was not surprised after hearing this.

If the secret guards dare to arrest members of the royal family, they must have Qin Wudao's approval. Otherwise, with Jia Xu's self-protective character, he will definitely not meddle in other people's affairs and embarrass the royal family.

He came today to remind Qin Qian not to interfere in this matter.

Just didn't expect it.

As soon as he arrived, Jia Xu came with the holy teachings and scolded Qin Gan for half a quarter of an hour.

In this case, there is no need for him to say anything.

"Your Highness, I will leave!"

Wen Tianxiang saluted Qin Qian, turned around and left the East Palace.

"Prime Minister, go slowly!"

Qin Qian personally sent Wen Tianxiang out of the East Palace.

He also knew Wen Tianxiang's purpose, so he was very grateful to Wen Tianxiang.

"The order!"

After returning to the main hall, Qin Qian ordered: "The East Palace is closed. Don't see anyone, especially the royal family, until Father comes back!"

The gate of the East Palace slowly closed.

In the palace, Qin Qian seemed to be fine, washing and resting.

Outside the palace, it was like boiling water, boiling completely. Especially the members of the royal family, everyone was in danger.

After a while, they saw many clan members being taken away.

Imperial Capital is huge.

But it's also small.

At dawn the next day, almost everyone knew about the secret guards arresting the royal family.

After they heard the news, they were all stunned, and many smart people immediately realized that this was a sign that Qin Wudao was about to return!

The Zongren Mansion was overcrowded at this time.

A prince, more than a dozen county princes, and many generals who controlled the country gathered.

Above everyone sat an old man with white hair and purple robes. He was Zongzheng of the Zongren Mansion. He was not very strong, but he had a very high seniority.

"Zong Zheng, the secret guards are acting recklessly. Today they dare to arrest this junior. If they dare to arrest the prince or you tomorrow, they must be severely punished!"

"That's right, little secret guards dare to do whatever they want. What are they? They're just dogs we raised. Now that things have turned upside down, they dare to bite their owners!"

"Zong Zheng, you are the talker of the Qin clan. Please give me some advice. My son has never suffered hardship since he was a child. Now he has been detained in the sky prison for two hours. Don't starve!"

The crowd said with indignation.

Zong Zheng was a little speechless. He was starving after catching two hours?

This is too expensive!

Qin Su Ming, who was sitting in the front row, said: "It is too much for the secret guards to arrest the royal disciples! I have learned about it and found that the people they arrested only made some minor mistakes. They just need to correct them. There is no need to go to the line!"

"Besides, how can a child not make mistakes?"

"Am I right?"

Qin Suming said with a smile: "I think that children who make mistakes should be taught by their elders. Why are the secret guards in charge of the royal family?"

"This is inappropriate both emotionally and rationally!"


Qin Su Ming said again: "I propose that the secret guards release the people and transfer the culprits from the sky prison to the water prison in the sect's mansion. How about that?"

Zong Zheng frowned slightly, the heavenly prison and the water prison were different.

The most essential difference is that the sky prison is for prisoners, while the water prison is for punishing clan members!
Entering the sky prison will result in a sentence.

And when you enter the water prison and admit your mistake, you can get out.

If it's a small thing.

He dared to speak out, and maybe the secret guard would let him go.

But now, the secret guards have arrested thousands of people.

From the sky of Kyushu to the place.

Spread across the country.

The situation is so serious.

If he goes to ask for someone again, wouldn’t that mean he’s a fool? "Ahem!"

Zong Zheng coughed out of habit and said helplessly: "Everyone, it's not that I don't care, but if the secret guards dare to arrest people, they probably got orders from His Majesty, and I can't do anything about it!"

The faces of many princes, princes, and generals darkened.

Feeling tremendous pressure.

Didn't they come to put pressure on Zong Zheng because they were afraid that Qin Wudao would come back?
Once Qin Wudao comes back, it will be too late!
"Zong Zheng, don't you want to protect the honor of the royal family? If today, the secret guards wantonly arrest the royal family, but the clan government does nothing, then tomorrow, will there be other agencies that will trample our royal family down?"

Qin Suming said in a deep voice.

"will not!"

Zong Zheng stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

"Is it because of Your Majesty?"

Qin Suming stood up and said: "With all due respect, you are wrong to think so. Your Majesty does not care about the royal family, he cares about the world!"

There was some resentment in his words.

Zong Zheng's face darkened and he said coldly: "Fifth Prince, be careful what you say!"

Qin Su Ming stopped talking.

"I remember you all!"

Zong Zheng became unusually serious and looked around the crowd, "Our royal family does not shine. It is because His Majesty is here that our royal family can be brilliant!"

"Think about it, if it weren't for His Majesty, would you be able to enjoy the glory and wealth you have today?"

"Think again, have you solved His Majesty's worries?"

"Finally, think about it, shouldn't you be arrested for the things some members of the royal family have done?"


Zong Zheng stood up, tossed his sleeves and left.

Leaving the crowd looking at each other.

Many people sighed secretly and left with complicated emotions.

But there were also a few people who stayed. They discussed for a while and decided to go to Prince Qin Qian. Because the Prince was benevolent and righteous, he would definitely not ignore death.

But when they arrived at the East Palace, they were rejected.

After inquiring, they found out that Qin Qian had been reprimanded by Qin Wudao.

Now I am shutting myself up and thinking about my mistakes!

This stumped everyone.

They gathered at Qin Su Ming's palace to discuss countermeasures.

Finally, I felt that there were two people who might be able to change Qin Wudao's decision.

They are Queen Yuxuejun.

There is also the Supreme Emperor Qin Zheng.

But these two people can't be met just because they want to.

Yu Xuejun is staying in the deep palace. Without the token, they cannot enter the harem. If they want to see Yuxue Jun, they need to report at all levels.

As for Qin Zheng, he nominally lives in the palace, but he often runs around, and the dragon never ends.

"How about this!"

Qin Su Ming thought for a moment and then ordered: "I will go find the father, and you go and ask to see the queen!"

After hearing this, everyone nodded.


Zongren Mansion.


The two were playing chess.

"Your Majesty, the fifth prince is probably looking for you all over the world. Do you want to meet him?" The person who spoke was Zong Zheng, holding a black chess piece.

Opposite, the Supreme Emperor Qin Zheng held a white chess piece and said in one word: "We must meet, but not yet. They have indeed passed through these years!"

"It's not easy for Lao Jiu to build this foundation. The royal family couldn't help, but it must not hold back!"

"Sometimes when I think about it, I feel very sorry for Xiaojiu!"

Qin Zheng felt a little ashamed and said, "As a father, I couldn't even help him!"

Zong Zheng asked: "So, Your Majesty, your decision is..."

Qin Zheng's eyes turned cold and he said:
"Deal with the law!"

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