Chapter 246
Half an hour later, the foreign race, who was full of wine and food, threw down dozens of white bones, and left contentedly, with a strong breath, and his strength had increased a lot in recent times.

Tianjiao of the Zixiao sect, who was vomited in the dark, followed far behind, his face pale!

Obviously, the previous behavior of the foreign race made them extremely disgusted.

After a while, the figures of the three came to the battlefield ruins.

"Your Majesty, these are human corpses with tooth marks on them, most of which were brutally swallowed by aliens!"

Wu Ming checked it and said angrily.

Qin Wudao stepped forward, knelt down to investigate, and frowned slightly. Carefully, he found that there were traces of sharp soldiers on many of the bones, and there were also sword marks on the surrounding battlefields.

"Someone has formed an alliance with a foreign race!"

Qin Wudao stood up and said firmly.

Foreign races are not good at using weapons. Judging from the remains of the battlefield, there must be many human races participating, but I don't know where they are.

"No way!"

Wu Ming was slightly surprised that there was an unresolvable blood feud between the human race and the foreign race in the Eastern Continent.

Who dares to take the risk of being criticized by the world and spurned by hundreds of millions of people, and join forces with other races?
"Let's go, be careful next time!"

Qin Wudao didn't explain, and continued to walk towards the mountain in the center of the secret realm.

After they left, there was another sound of intensive footsteps, and Wei Wuyang led a team and appeared beside the corpse with a dignified expression.

"Someone has colluded with a foreign race!"

After examining the bones, Wei Wuyang came to the correct conclusion.

"Who dares to collude with a foreign race? Could it be Qin Wudao?"

A disciple of the Holy Land asked, with an angry expression on his face, because among the dead Tianjiao, three were his senior brothers, and they had a good relationship, and they often discussed martial arts together.

And because he was hunting Qin Wudao, his primary target of suspicion was locked on Qin Wudao!

"No, there are only three of them. Among them, Qin Wudao and Wu Ming used swords, Feng Yangzhi used sticks, and there is still saber energy left at the scene, the murderer is someone else!"

Wei Wuyang shook his head and said.

As a swordsman who understands the meaning of the sword, he is very sensitive to the sword energy, and the sword energy lingering at the scene is also mixed with the sword energy.

"The murderer can only be Zixiaozong!"

The disciple of the Holy Land pondered for a moment, and said with certainty.

The only enemies of the Qilin Holy Land, other than the alien races, are the Zixiao Sect. Even if the other forces are dissatisfied with the Holy Land, they dare not kill them secretly.

Wei Wuyang remained silent, neither objecting nor approving.

"Go, go back and report this news to the Holy Son!"

The Holy Land disciple waved his hand.

He thought that it was necessary to change the strategy of the battle. It was really unreasonable for someone to dare to challenge the authority of the Holy Land.

The team of more than forty people returned in the same way.

Qin Wudao, who was walking ahead, didn't know that because of the actions of Zixiaozong and the Ice Emperor Bear Clan, a fierce battle was lost.

The killing in the forest is still going on!

After hunting down a small team, the Ice Emperor Bear Clan and Zixiaozong's self-confidence increased greatly. After searching for two hours, they found another team from the Qilin Holy Land.

Xiong Wang and Ge Yufeng decided on the spot to encircle and hunt!

After a quarter of an hour of fighting, 41 corpses were lying on the ground. The Ice Emperor Bear Clan grabbed the corpses and ate them, bloody to the extreme.

This time, the Zixiao Sect disciple did not leave, but stood by the side with his right hand on the weapon, his eyes full of anger.

Ge Yufeng turned his back to everyone, as if he didn't see what the aliens were doing.

Boom boom boom.
A beam of light shot straight into the sky.

After devouring the essence of human flesh and blood, many alien races broke through their cultivation bases, even Xiong Wang successfully broke through to the middle stage of the Holy Realm.


Xiong Wang's face was full of joy, the energy obtained by devouring the Tianjiao of the human race far exceeded his expectations. If he devoured another hundred people, he might be able to break through to the late stage of the Holy Realm.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously looked at Ge Yufeng, a ray of heat flashed in his red eyes, if he swallowed all the people of Zixiaozong...

However, after seeing the battle sword on Ge Yufeng's back, he dismissed this idea.

This is an imperial weapon!
Even if he breaks through to the middle stage of the Holy Realm, he is not completely sure.

Moreover, the two sides are allies of each other, and he still needs to rely on the influence of the Zixiao Sect to restrain the Tianjiao of the Qilin Holy Land.

It's hard to stand alone!


"How courageous to form an alliance with a foreign race!"

On a stone, after listening to his disciple's report, Shen Youlin showed Senhan's murderous aura and was furious, deeply ashamed of Ge Yufeng's actions.

As a human race, it is a shame for the scum of the human race to actually join forces with other races!

"Holy Son, what shall we do?"

The disciple asked respectfully.

"Holy...Holy Son, something is wrong!"

At this time, a panicked voice came, and another team returned. The Holy Land Disciple Hui, who was walking in the front, reported: "My subordinates found 41 corpses three hundred miles to the east. Judging from the remaining remains, they are Wang Hai. The team led by the senior brother!"

Shen Youlin's body shook, and his murderous intent exploded!
Wang Hai is his entourage. He has served around since he was very young, and occupies a very high position in his heart.

"Here's an order to give up the pursuit of Qin Wudao, and gather together immediately to avenge the dead brothers!"

Shen Youlin ordered in a deep voice.

Full of anger erupted, and behind him, a blood-colored unicorn was condensed, billowing with evil aura, making this dark night glow red.

"As ordered!"

Everyone bowed and saluted.

One of them pulled the fuze of the signal flare, and shot out a beam of light, which exploded in the sky, forming a unicorn, and shot out several beams of mysterious light, traveling through the void.

"Saint, this is the signal flare of the Qilin Holy Land. It seems that they are in trouble!"

Not far from the signal flare, stood more than a dozen women, wearing long floral dresses, and one of them spoke in a concentrated voice.

"It's okay, it has nothing to do with us!"

Jun Yuxue raised her eyebrows slightly, not paying attention, and said softly: "Detour to the center of the secret realm, our eyes are on the inheritance of Kunlun Supreme, don't worry about the disputes between the major forces!"


The girls nodded and left the area by detour.

That night, the Tianjiao who were scattered in the Qilin Holy Land gathered together and began to search for the murderer, leaving Qin Wudao behind.

In Shen Youlin's heart, Qin Wudao was already a dead person, even if he did not die in the Kunlun Secret Realm, he would not be able to return to the Daqin Divine Court alive.

The top priority is revenge!
The majesty of the Qilin Holy Land cannot be challenged!

On the other side, Zixiaozong and Ice Emperor Bear Clan also received news of the gathering of Tianjiao in the Qilin Holy Land, and immediately changed their strategy, hiding in the dark and waiting for the right time.

When the setting sun was born, Xiong Wang organized an ambush. In the middle of the fierce battle, Shen Youlin suddenly came out, like a god descending from the earth, and quickly reversed the battlefield.

Seeing that victory was hopeless, Xiong Wang retreated immediately, and escaped successfully after losing more than 30 lives.

(End of this chapter)

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