Chapter 491 Three Years
The sun and the moon are passing by, and the stars are moving!
In the blink of an eye, three years have passed, and the mighty pace of time has stopped at 14 years of the ninth era!
Thanks to the arrival of Lord Yuxue, no other forces trouble the Great Qin Sacred Court!

During these three years, the Daqin Holy Court adopted Taoism's rule of inaction, reduced taxes, won people's hearts, opened up spiritual fields, and actively opened foreign trade.

The post-war reconstruction work is initially over!
In terms of politics, the imperial court re-planned the administrative area, the politics is clear, and the people's hearts are all!
In terms of economy, commercial trade is flourishing, the treasury is abundant, and granaries are piled up like mountains!
What is most worth boasting about is the army. The eleven main battle armies of the Great Qin Dynasty have all completed their military expansion, drilled day and night, and their strength has been greatly improved.

In addition, another legion formed has also entered the stage of history!

This army is the Xuanjia Army formed by Li Jing!
Of course, there is also the Tiangang Disha Army. All the generals have undergone deep reflection and changed their previous combat strategy. In terms of comprehensive strength, they rank first among the major armies.

"How time flies!"

In the imperial study room, Qin Wudao stretched his waist after reviewing the memorial, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the past three years, he has not been idle, relying on the system's sign-in rewards, his strength has broken through to the middle stage of quasi-emperor!

In the year 12 of the ninth era, the sign-in reward Lilian Formation was given to the Xuanjia Army!
In the 13th year of the Ninth Era, a trace of dragon soul was rewarded for signing in. He blessed it on the Zhushentai to make it transform and reach the level of a fairy soldier!

In the 14th year of the Ninth Era, signing in rewarded Emperor Lingdan, and successfully broke through a realm!
"Calculating the time, there are at most two years before the second world fortune will come!"

Qin Wudao pondered.

Like the rest of the forces, the Holy Court of Great Qin is also waiting for the luck to come.

After all, Daqin occupies the eastern border and gathers the luck of the nine road domains of 630. It can enjoy the greatest benefits, and it is the best time to achieve corner overtaking.

"His Majesty!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and Li Ru walked into the imperial study room, bowed his hands and said, "The Abyss Guard West Division sent back information. After three months, Leiyin Temple, Baima Temple, and Wanfo Temple will hold Buddhist discussions!"

"On Buddhism?"

Qin Wudao frowned, his expression became serious.

He recalled the records in ancient books. In the second era, the Buddha enlightened under the bodhi tree and founded Buddhism. After that, it split into three major temples, each doing its own thing.

Among the three major temples, there is a potential agreement, that is, the unity of Buddhism!

In a special period, the three major temples hold a conference on Buddhism, and the winning party will become the Buddhist World Honored One in an orthodox capacity and rule the three temples.

"The Western Territory is about to be unified!"

Qin Wudao said quietly.

The three major temples are combined into Buddhism, which will gather the luck of the entire western region, and get the greatest benefits when the luck comes.

Obviously, the three major temples do not want to let go of this opportunity!

"Your Majesty, shall we intervene?"

Li Ru cupped his hands and asked.

The relationship between the major forces is very complicated.

But one thing is for sure, no one wants the other party to live better than themselves!
"The three major temples dare to talk about Buddhism. We must be sure. We are the farthest from the western border, so we just need to guard our one-acre three-point land!"

Qin Wudao pondered for a moment, then waved his hand and said.

Daqin already had enough enemies. Apart from the old enemy, the Eternal Life Pavilion, there were also the Holy Court of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Big Dipper Palace, and the Holy Court of Taiyi. It would be unwise to offend a powerful Buddhist.

"As ordered!"

Li Ru nodded, saluted respectfully, and stepped back quickly.

"It must be that some people can't sit still!"

Qin Wudao leaned on the chair, looked at the empty hall, and showed a sneer.

Even if the Daqin Sacred Court does not interfere with the Buddha Discussion Conference, other forces will intervene, especially the Eternal Life Pavilion!
"Conference on Buddhism!"

In the pitch-black hall of the Eternal Life Pavilion, Emperor Huntian looked at the information that had just been sent back, revealing a trace of murderous aura.

The unification of the Western Territory is not good news for the Eternal Life Pavilion!

"Come here, pass on the soul of the Great Elder!"

Putting down the information, Emperor Huntian ordered loudly.

After a while, Hun Yan walked into the main hall, respectfully saluted and said: "Pavilion Master, you are looking for me!"

"The bald donkey of Leiyin Temple is going to hold a conference on Buddhism. You should go to the western region immediately and mobilize all the forces of the western branch. You must stop the conference on Buddhism!"

Emperor Huntian cut to the chase.

After the establishment of the three major temples, a contract was signed, and only when they were distinguished at the Buddhist Conference could they inherit the position of the Buddhist World Honored One.

As long as the Buddhist Conference is destroyed, the Western Territory will not be unified!

"As ordered!"

After Hun Yan listened to the order, murderous aura burst out in his eyes.

He suffered a series of defeats in the Great Qin Sacred Court, which made him suffocate, and he happened to go to the Western Territory to vent his anger.

He wants the blood of the bald donkey to be dyed red and gold to cast Buddha statues!
He wants to send the bald donkey to the Western Paradise in the Western Paradise, and turn the Paradise into a hell!
Except for the Daqin Sacred Court and the Yongsheng Pavilion who received the news of the Buddha Conference, the rest of the Holy Land forces also received the information.

However, considering that it is now an ally relationship, there is no overreaction.

Ninth Era 14, the ninth day of September!

In the West Heliotrope world, the sound of Buddha is curling up, and the rays of light are shining. There are eminent monks who comprehend Buddhism and Taoism, sitting cross-legged, surrounded by golden light, and the light of Buddha shines everywhere.

In the Mahavira Hall, [-] Buddhas are chanting scriptures, with kind faces, and they are all over the world!

On the left side of the hall, there are [-] ascetic monks in ragged clothes. They are the eminent monks of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, and their practice is to understand the pain that ordinary people cannot bear.

Opposite the ascetic monk is the eminent monk of the White Horse Temple. There are arhats who are pure in body and mind, transcending life and death, and Bodhi who transforms all living beings with compassion, all of which exude powerful aura.

Above the Buddhas, these three golden lotuses are suspended.

On top of the golden lotus, sitting cross-legged is the enlightened Buddha of Leiyin Temple, the ascetic monk of Wanfo Temple, and the Jishi Bodhisattva of Baima Temple!
Behind the three of them is the boundless sea of ​​Buddha, covering the sky and the sun.

In the sea of ​​Buddha, there are three giant and boundless Buddha shadows. The Buddha's light is endless, covering the face, transcending all dharmas, powerful and holy.

One Buddha said, the Dharma is boundless!
One Buddha said, we need to cross the sea of ​​suffering!
One Buddha said, Buddha helps the world!

On the Buddha seat in the treasure hall, Ruyuan, the abbot of Leiyin Temple, said loudly: "The conference on Buddhism has officially begun!"

Countless mysterious Buddha lights soared into the sky.

The sky in the entire eastern region turned golden, the white clouds turned into auspicious clouds, golden lotuses descended from the sky, and the Buddha's light was passed down from generation to generation, reverberating in the ears of millions of living beings.

"Buddha has appeared!"

Outside the world of Xitian, there is the famous Buddha City in the west, where golden statues of ten thousand Buddhas are carved, and incense is constantly burning.

Knowing that the conference on Buddhism was held, countless devout Buddhist believers started their pilgrimage, kowtowed in three steps, slept on the ground for a while when they were tired, and continued to climb when they woke up.

They have only one goal, and that is Buddha City!
After hearing the Miaomiao Buddha's voice, the crawling believers all knelt on the ground, listened carefully, and smiled, as if their hearts had been sublimated.

For a time, on the land of the western region, Buddhas were born in thousands of families!
At this moment, hundreds of black figures pierced the sky, carrying a powerful momentum, and plundered towards the Buddha City.

Obviously, they are not believers!

But a butcher!

(End of this chapter)

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