Chapter 590 Departure
"Your Majesty, colleagues, I'm afraid it's not just civilian warriors who want to suspend breakthroughs, we'd better not break through!"

At this time, Yuan Tiangang stood up and said bitterly.

"Why is this? With our strength, even in the face of taboo thunder, we can easily get through it!"

Li Yuanba didn't know why, so he said unconvinced, waving the beating drum and buzzing golden hammer, the dazzling electric arc flickered, and the sound of "crackling" shattered the void.

Although this statement is arrogant, it is also true!
The ministers of civil and military affairs in the hall all have precedents of overcoming the taboo thunder, and they are able to handle it with ease.

"If it's a taboo thunder, then it's fine, but after my field investigation, I found that the void that was struck by the thunder still has immortal power!"

Yuan Tiangang explained with a solemn expression.

Qin Wudao and all the ministers were slightly startled.

As we all know, only a half-immortal warrior can break through, and the catastrophe with immortal power will be brought down.

This time, Li Yuanba stopped talking. Even if he mastered the original way of thunder, he was not sure of getting through the half-celestial tribulation. The gap was too great.

"It can be inferred from this that with the recovery of the mainland's original source, the power of Dao control will become stronger and stronger!"

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan with a dignified tone.

Previously, Heavenly Tribulation only sent down taboo sky thunders against the courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty. The extreme sky thunders belonged to the power of the mortal realm. Although they were powerful, they also had a certain limit.

But now, it is able to rain down taboo sky thunder with celestial power.

Although it is still a forbidden sky thunder, but it is completely different when it is contaminated with immortal power. Even the Mieshi Tianlei and Nirvana Tianlei that have appeared before are far from it.

"Hey, the strength of Dao has become stronger, and it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the mainland!"

Guo Jia frowned, feeling aggrieved.

A conscious and ambitious avenue is of no benefit to the primitive continent.

For example, the splendid ancient times were wiped out by Dao, causing damage to the origin of the mainland, entering the age of doom, and countless beings lost their celestial ties.

For another example, for the sake of self-interest, Dao randomly casts down catastrophe, suppresses Tianjiao, and vents his anger.

This is very scary!

"Have you found out that the catastrophe that fell on the avenue this time obviously violated the rules, but the power of the rules was not blocked from the beginning to the end, why is this?"

Guiguzi, who had been silent all this time, spoke slowly.

Yuan Tiangang raised his brows slightly, squeezed his hands, his fingers entangled with the power of heavenly secrets, preparing to retrace the scene of crossing the catastrophe in time and space.

"The time and space where the ancestor of the Xiang family crossed the tribulation has been erased!"

A few minutes later, Yuan Tiangang exclaimed.

"This is strange. Daoist blatantly suppresses us, and it will definitely not erase time and space. If it is not Daoist, then who erased time and space?"

Xiao He asked suspiciously, extremely puzzled.

"Would it be rules that also gave birth to consciousness?"

Cao Cao said.

All the ministers were stunned for a moment, neither agreed nor opposed.

Since the Dao can produce wisdom, why can't the power of rules?
"This continent is really getting more and more interesting!"

Qin Wudao said with a sneer, whether it is the "Kalpa" transformed by the power of measuring kalpa, or the avenue with wisdom, or the rules that may produce spiritual wisdom, it all shows that this continent is extraordinary.

"Your Majesty, the statistics are out!"

"A total of 6907 million people died in the catastrophe this time, destroying one city, 34 villages, and destroying the vitality of thousands of miles of land!"

"It's also fortunate that the place where the ancestors of the Xiang family crossed the catastrophe is the ancestral land, and the population is relatively sparse, otherwise the number of people who died tragically would multiply!"

The door of the palace opened, Li Ru took out a memorial, walked in through the formation, and handed over the report, his tone was cold, revealing a strong killing intent.

"Hiss! Such a large casualty?"

"What a supreme and selfless Dao, to actually attack ordinary creatures!"

"Damn! It's terrible!"

Hearing the huge casualties, the ministers in the hall were filled with righteous indignation, and roared through gritted teeth.

Especially Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Xiang Yu and other generals were even more furious, and Sen Han's murderous aura burst out uncontrollably, disturbing the sky of the imperial capital and shaking the sky.

"Everything is quiet!"

Facing the restless group of officials, Qin Wudao scolded.

In fact, the anger in his heart is no less than that of the ministers, and he even has the urge to overturn the sky above his head.

You know, he is the King of Great Qin.

All the common people in the world are his subjects.

However, now, his subjects were murdered by Dao, and not one or two died, but nearly 700 million people.

Nearly 700 million lives!
But he knew that it was not yet possible to confront Dao head-on.

Don't you see, in the middle period of the ancient times when it was the most prosperous period, Wanxian made a move at the same time, setting off a mighty "Zhuxian War", all of which ended in failure.

Before he is absolutely sure, he must be calm and restrained!

"Announce to the world, all warriors who have cultivated above the quasi-emperor's peak will suspend their breakthrough!"

After the minister calmed down, Qin Wudao took a deep breath, tapped his fingers on the handrail, and ordered in a deep voice.

He can imagine that when this imperial decree is issued, the top combat power of the Great Qin Holy Court will stagnate, and the prestige of the imperial court will also be affected.

"According to the order!"

The Minister of Civil and Military Affairs got up and said solemnly.

"In addition, prepare to set off for the boundless sea!"

Immediately, in the imperial study room, Qin Wudao's majestic voice echoed again, with vigorous fighting spirit.

Da Dao is pressing every step of the way, and he can't let others slaughter him.

And the last Dao seal is the way to break the situation, replacing the Dao with the way of heaven, so that the turbid sky above the head can be changed into a new look.

"It's time to go!"

Three days later, a loud voice came out from the imperial hospital.

Yu Zun, who had recovered from his injuries, led the experts from Undead Mountain to the palace.

Because it is related to the survival of the continent, he mobilized almost all the strong men in Undead Mountain, a total of 30 people, all of whom were above the original emperor realm, and there were five Supreme Dao emperor realms, exuding ancient power.

"set off!"

In the palace, Qin Wudao opened his eyes and said loudly.

Behind him, stood thirteen figures like gods and demons, surging with arrogance, suppressing everything.

These 13 people are Cao Cao, Guiguzi, Guo Jia, Li Yuanba, Huo Qubing, Li Bai, Han Xin, Wang Yangming, Dong Zhongshu, Wang Xizhi, Yu Boya, Yan Ziqing, Wu Daozi!

Except that Yu Boya, Yan Ziqing, and Wu Daozi are the peak cultivation bases of the eternal emperors!

The rest of the people are above the Yuanyuan Great Emperor Realm!

The reason why Yu Boya and the others were brought along was because they could arrange the 'Four Absolutely Sacred Formation' together with Wang Xizhi and explode super powerful fighting power.

call out!
Half an hour later, a silver mysterious light flew out from the depths of the imperial palace. It was so fast that only those who were above the Emperor Realm could vaguely see that it was a warship.

In a few breaths, the warship flew out of the imperial capital, and the speed increased again, piercing through the void, and flying towards the boundless sea.

"Have a safe trip!"

On the upper floor of the imperial palace, stood a beautiful figure in a palace dress with long hair reaching her waist, her beautiful eyes staring long and long, and she did not leave for a long time.

On the warship, there are two crucial people!

One is her close relative!
The other is her favorite!
(End of this chapter)

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