Chapter 1003 Sanying Battles the Emperor

At the same time, Ji Zi, who possessed the blood of the Void Emperor and the God Emperor, as well as the parents and children of the Immemorial Supreme Emperor, all exploded with power far beyond the imagination of the world.

What I saw before my eyes was almost unbelievable. These were actually two young monks who had just stepped into the Immortal One Realm. It was really terrifying.


The two finally fought to one place, and the sky and the earth were really torn apart, the sun and the moon were dimmed, and even the void and the universe were all shattered, and the vast chaos surged out, drowning everything.

Among the heroes of the Big Dipper watching here, some of them were already trembling all over.

Even the princess of Huolin Cave, Zhonghuang, Nanyao, Ji Family God King, etc. all changed their colors, and their expressions were extraordinarily dignified.

It has to be admitted that Ji Zi's performance was beyond the expectation of many people.

Because, after experiencing a one-man battle against the arrogance of all sects and crushing Wang Teng more easily, everyone no longer doubted the power of the emperor.

Even the parents and children of other ancient emperors should be far inferior.

Who would have thought that the bloodline of the bipolar Dao Supreme is also extraordinary, Ji Zi can actually fight against the emperor who is almost the best in physique in ancient and modern times, to this point.

Is it possible that the emperor's son may "roll over" this time?
Such an idea appeared in the minds of everyone for a moment, and was immediately rejected by themselves.

And the development of the facts is indeed the same as they expected.

After only a short while, the mist of fairy light gradually dissipated, and the fluctuation of the void avenue gradually subsided.


All I saw was a crystal-clear and brilliant figure surrounded by radiant divine light was thrown flying out and smashed into the void, obviously the winner was already decided.

Seeing this, the Tianjiao Yingjie present sighed leisurely, but in the eyes of Ji Haoyue siblings and Ye Fan, worried expressions flashed past.

If it hadn't been for the sense that although his aura was slightly weak, but he was not fatally injured, the three of them would have rushed out to fetch him back.

The defeated person was naturally Ji Zi.

Although his mastery of the Emperor Void and the scriptures of the God Emperor caused the Emperor to suffer a dark loss, there is still a clear gap between the current strengths of the two sides, and in the end there was a gap.


The vast chaos and fairy light finally dissipated, and the figure with outstanding demeanor and heroic posture appeared in the middle.

Standing with his hands behind his back, the emperor's son still has the same indifferent appearance, looking down on the universe. The demeanor of the supreme god is undoubtedly displayed, which makes people feel awed from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, Huo Lin'er, Zhonghuang, Ye Fan and others had keen senses of spirit, and naturally they also noticed that the emperor was not as relaxed as he appeared.

Sure enough, the Emperor immediately took advantage of the situation and sat cross-legged in the void, taking a little rest.

And as he breathes out and breathes naturally, all the essence of the world in this world gathers and turns into a vast sea of ​​gods, which is extraordinarily bright and gorgeous.

The extraordinaryness of the son of the supreme god can also be seen from this.


In the void and chaos, a majestic aura soared into the sky, and Ji Zi's figure descended again.

Compared with the emperor's son, Jizi can be regarded as a bit "miserable".

Not only is his aura rather sluggish, but the divine light surrounding him has dimmed a lot, and he is no longer as majestic and sacred as before.

In addition, there were clear and distinct fist marks and finger marks on the person's shoulders and chest, and the flowing aura of the Dao was obviously difficult to heal in a short time.

The emperor, who was adjusting his breath, probably sensed Jizi's return, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Two golden dragon-like pupils shot out, as if they wanted to pierce through the void, looking straight at the person opposite.

On the other hand, Ji Zi didn't say a word, only his eyes were blazing, and he was still high-spirited. He didn't take the defeat just now at all, and wanted to continue the battle.

Seeing this, the emperor's eyes naturally couldn't help but shine.And just when he was about to open his mouth to fight——

"Hmph! It's time for me to try your weight again!"

A majestic and majestic sound came from the sky, like the thunder of nine heavens exploding, and the gods were furious.


I saw that a big black iron stick made of fairy gold fell down, containing endless and majestic divine energy, as if it was about to open up the world, and hit the emperor directly below.

As for the Heavenly Prince, he remained motionless, not only sat cross-legged in the void, did not get up, did not even raise his head, only moved his mind slightly, swung the Heavenly Saber again, and slashed at the direction of the visitor with his backhand.


The sky knife is white, and the fairy light after layer after layer sweeps across the sky and covers the earth, as if it wants to drown the world.

Not only that, the blade light gathered like a sea, making it difficult for the black iron rod to move as if it had fallen into a quagmire.

Fortunately, since the visitor dared to intervene in the battle between the emperor and Jizi, it was obviously not ordinary.

I saw that there seemed to be nine celestial lights circulating in the dark, and the man burst out with divine power far surpassing before, smashing all the sword glows in the sky.


The connection between the black iron rod and the heavenly knife caused the void to tremble violently, and the world here was also shocked.

And the several Gaidai Tianjiao present have already recognized the identity of the person who came.

The heavenly knife and the black iron rod were separated, and the real body of the visitor manifested. It was a holy ape covered with golden hair, with golden eyes, and fearless.

"Holy prince."

The onlookers of the Big Dipper naturally recognized him, and couldn't help saying in a deep voice.

Needless to say, apart from the emperor's son, the emperor's children are the most powerful and distinguished.

"I am fighting with the emperor, please don't interfere with me, the emperor."

Ji Zi's tone was still calm and indifferent, and he opened his mouth like this.

Who would have thought that after hearing his words, the Holy Prince said carelessly:

"You've had enough of this guy, and it's time for me."

Everyone never expected that the Holy Prince would say such a sentence, as if treating the Emperor as a sandbag.

"Hmph! You monkey is nothing more than my defeated general, so you can only use your tongue!"

Even the emperor couldn't help but have black lines all over his forehead, and he didn't show any weakness immediately, and said in a disdainful tone.

Hearing the conversation between the two, everyone couldn't help being shocked.

It turned out that the Heavenly Prince had already fought against the Holy Prince, and it seemed that the Holy Prince had suffered a disastrous defeat.

Hearing this, the Holy Prince did not show any abnormality at all, his eyes were still burning, and he said in a provocative tone:

"We haven't played this time, so who knows the result?"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere between the two sides instantly became dignified, and a strong fighting spirit permeated the air.

Seeing this situation, Ji Zi shook his head helplessly, and was about to give up the battlefield to these two people.

"No need, let's go together."

The emperor's calm and confident words came, which instantly changed the color of the crowd.

The brows of Huo Lin'er, Zhonghuang, Ye Fan and others could not help but frown slightly.

The emperor is really so confident that he wants to fight two with one?

However, everyone immediately understood his intentions.

After all, the purpose of the emperor's invitation to Beidou Tianjiao this time is to transform in the battle of life and death.

Now, one-on-one can no longer bring him a threat, so naturally he has to try a more "exciting" method.

In the middle of the field, Prince Sheng and Ji Zi looked at each other——


The world-shattering war reappeared, and the aura of the supreme avenue intertwined and collided, almost making people mistakenly think that it was the reappearance of the ancient emperor from the past, fighting here.

It has to be said that the performance of the emperor's son is really amazing, one person alone against the two emperor's sons, still not inferior.

At the same time, he seemed to realize that the battle in front of him still hadn't reached his limit, so he suddenly raised his eyes.

He looked around, and finally fixed his gaze on Ye Fan, and laughed loudly:
"You too!"

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow weekend, there will still be additional changes as usual, with one change around 14:30 and two changes after 19:30.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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