Chapter 101
"It's useless, just give up."

To Zhou Luo's surprise, Ming Bao's lazy voice came.

Compared with the high-spiritedness at the beginning, Tongtian Mingbao's vigor has been worn away in the process of being teased by Mingzun time and time again.

Now it has become a salted fish, just want to lie flat.

The jet-black and crystal-clear treasure wheel circled above the Samsara Lake, and the lonely voice of the god came out:
"I am personally refined by Mingzun. Everything is bestowed by him. My actions are all within his expectations. I am afraid that I will never be able to escape his control."

"That's not necessarily the case." Zhou Luo shook his head, with a confident smile on his face:
"You may not be able to do it alone, but Ming Bao has forgotten that although I am temporarily acting as the Lord of the Underworld, I have other identities."

Hearing this, Tongtian Mingbao was stunned, and immediately burst into brilliant light, crushing the void, and the chaos surged, and an excited voice came from it:

"You are Dao Fa Tianzun! You are the creator of the former word secret!"

"The former Zimi majored in Yuanshen, and he was unmatched in divination..."

But while talking, Tongtian Mingbao also hesitated:
"Having said that, but my life and death with Mingzun is almost equal to his half body, and I can't calculate to his grave. I'm afraid you can't kill Tianzun in other ways."

What Ming Bao said is not unreasonable, which is why it didn't expect Zhou Luo to deduce it before.

It prides itself that if it can't find the burial place of Hades in this world, it's even less likely for others.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

Zhou Luo asked back, exuding a confident aura all over his body:
"Besides, this lake of reincarnation is left by Mingzun's soul transformation, and the "Mingjing" must have been personally branded by him, so it is perfect as a calculation."

After the words fell, Zhou Luo took a step forward and came to the top of the Samsara Lake.

Seeing this, Ming Bao naturally didn't say anything else, so why not try it.

Zhou Luo sat cross-legged in the void, with a solemn treasure, and the sound of chanting sutras resounded through the heaven and earth.

There is a sense of the avenue, the light feathers fall in the chaos, the golden lotus springs from the ground, and the lights are shining.

"Huh? It's the Book of the Underworld. When did you learn it?" Tongtian Mingbao was surprised.

Zhou Luo calmly gestured to the jade bead in his hand, without changing his face, he said, "Just now."

Although Ming Bao was still skeptical, he didn't get to the bottom of it. He only said that he was worthy of being a celestial being with extraordinary understanding.

Anyway, I have indeed handed over the "Mingjing" to him.

The jet-black treasure wheel floated above Zhou Luo's head, and the light spread like water, and the highest and most wonderful scriptures sounded, just like Zhou Luo's.

The two are connected with the Samsara Lake, and an inexplicable change has taken place.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhou Luo used the former word secret and "Fighting Dao Tiangong".

Eternal celestial light blooms between the brows, and the power of divine thoughts flows, covering Mingbao, Yuzhu, Samsara Lake, etc.

It is somehow connected with the invisible fortune.

After a while, Zhou Luo's eyes suddenly opened, and the scene of the universe disappearing and the galaxy shattering flashed by:

"It's right here!"

With a wave of Zhou Luo's sleeve, Ming Bao and Samsara Lake disappeared together.


The universe is vast and boundless, with countless stars and countless small worlds suspended.

At this moment, there are dozens of continents suspended in a barren star field.

They seemed to be one body at first, and then they were crushed by a Gedai figure, obliterating all vitality.

Immortal light flickered, and two figures emerged.

One is a young Taoist priest, and the other is a black treasure wheel, which is exactly Zhou Luo and Tongtian Mingbao.

The two looked at the dozens of broken continents not far away.

"It's really weird."

Tongtian Mingbao roared, and it sensed a familiar breath.

Zhou Luo didn't say much, and flicked his right hand lightly in the void.


Time and space were shattered, and a big yellow river rushed out, and then submerged into the void again, splashing water, turning into the purest death energy.

On the other side, there was a deep, pitch-black flame that was burning fiercely.

Yin and Yang complement each other and guard this place together.

"Huangquan, Minghuo!" Tongtian Mingbao said excitedly.

As the treasure of the underworld, it is too familiar with this thing.

"There must be a big tomb here!"

Even after seeing Huangquan and Minghuo, it didn't dare to jump to conclusions, it was really played by Mingzun miserably.

But at this moment, with the appearance of Huangquan and Minghuo, the fragments of the continent in the starry sky have become extraordinary in the eyes of the two of them.

Dozens of continents seem to be dilapidated and devoid of vitality, but they are absorbing the essence of the universe all the time, gestating vitality in the most gloomy places.

And the vitality bred by dozens of continents spread to the same direction, just behind the Yin-Yang God Gate formed by Huangquan and Minghuo!

Reincarnation from death is to recreate reincarnation!
Leaving aside Zhou Luo, Tongtian Mingbao, as the magic weapon of Mingzun, is also familiar with the "Original Code", and the layout here can be seen at a glance, so he couldn't help saying excitedly:

"Absolutely nothing wrong! The yin dragon ascends to the sky, which is rare in the ages, taking away all the good fortune of the world! An excellent burial place!"

"Would that old ghost Mingzun be willing to use this place to set up traps!"

Tongtian Mingbao trembled, it was almost certain that behind Huangquan and Minghuo was Mingzun's tomb!
But at this time, it hesitated instead.

It's not because of conscience, but because I'm worried that there will be more powerful arrangements in Mingzun's tomb, and I was really scared by him before.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo laughed out loud:
"Mingbao, you were the one who tried everything possible to dig the grave in the first place. What's the matter, you're scared now that you're so close?"

Unexpectedly, Tongtian Mingbao was really a little timid, the god manifested, with a humanized expression on his face, and said cautiously:
"Why don't we try and test before going in?"

Zhou Luo shook his head helplessly:
"In any case, Mingzun is dead, so what if the arrangements he leaves behind are shocking? Let's go, this opportunity is not to be missed."

Of course, he had already calculated in advance that this trip was a blessing rather than a disaster, and it should be possible.

After the words fell, Zhou Luo took the lead, and his figure was about to disappear behind the Yin-Yang Gate.

Ming Bao made a decisive decision and immediately followed.


The colorful lights and shadows, the chaos of time and space, and the subversion of the avenue can't touch the hearts of the two.

When everything calmed down, Zhou Luo and Ming Bao appeared in a secret place.


In the sky is the infinite chaotic thunder light, and below the feet is the celestial light of the yin and yang catastrophe.

Surrounded by golden wind, earth fire and other disasters of the five elements.

As for the distance, there is even more mortal fire burning, and the black wind howls.

The entire small world was shrouded in the breath of catastrophe.

 Second update is complete.

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(End of this chapter)

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