Someone is auctioning off the relics of the Ruthless Emperor!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, as long as this gimmick is played out, the attention will naturally not be less.

Going forward and taking a closer look, the utensils placed in front of the unshaven middle-aged man are indeed full of antiquity.

However, in the practice world, there are too many ways to cheat, but to distinguish the authenticity from the fake, it takes several times the effort.

Among the monks present, there are many people who have practiced for many years, so naturally they will not trust each other easily.

However, although I disdain it in my heart, there is no problem with eye addiction and mouth addiction.

Soon, a young man in Chinese clothes smiled and said:

"Brother, I don't know how you sell these things?"

Hearing the words of Brother Fugui, the middle-aged man said in a calm tone:

"Thousands of jins come from the source, and the one with the highest price wins."

As the person's voice fell, the place exploded instantly.

"I'll go! Wan Jinyuan, this nima is too dark!"

In fact, even though the human world is rich in Genesis Qi, the number of Origin Stones and Divine Sources is still scarce, far from the price of cabbage.

What's more, ten thousand catties of pure source, or something equivalent to its value, is not a small sum of money even for the elders of a certain big sect.

Of course, if it's worth it, that's all.

It's just that if someone buys these utensils of unknown origin, it will almost be a slap in the face.

Therefore, at the first time, almost no one took it seriously, and only regarded their lion's big mouth as a joke.

"Hehe. If it's really the relic of the ruthless emperor, would you just 'sell it cheap'?"

A middle-aged man who obviously came from the ancient sect said so disdainfully.


"That's right!"

"Ma De, Wan Jinyuan sells scraps, you earn all this black-hearted money!?"

Afterwards, a crowd of voices echoed one after another, converging into a torrent, denouncing the middle-aged man in front of him.


I saw that the middle-aged man suddenly raised his eyes, let out a cold snort of disdain, and immediately followed by the breath of the Dacheng King realm, making more than [-]% of the onlookers present silent and silent, and couldn't help shivering.

"What do you guys know?"

"If you want to enter the Dojo of the Ruthless Emperor, how can you do it without a token?"

"My uncle's treasures are all for those who really need them."

"If you don't buy it, get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

As soon as the cultivation base of the Dacheng King Realm came out, the number of people who dared to speak up and contradict obviously decreased, but there were still some people who whispered.

In general, no one is willing to be the first "taken advantage".

"Boss, how much is this hosta?"

Wudi, it was a young man who looked very young and honest, stepped forward and said like this.

"I said brother, are you okay?"

"This is clearly to deceive people, why do you really want to buy it?"

All of a sudden, there were similar good words of persuasion, and their words were earnest.

Of course, at the same time, there are naturally voices of doubt.

Several disciples who came from famous schools frowned slightly, their eyes could not stay on the middle-aged man and the honest young man, and they said suspiciously:
"You boy, shouldn't it be Tuo?"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of everyone present looking at the young man gradually became strange.

"If you don't mind, let the old man palm the eye."

Just when the atmosphere here was stagnant, an old man with a stooped figure stepped forward.

"I've seen seniors!"

These are one of the few kings in Fang City. The old kings are usually kind and respectful to others.

The old king walked up to him and bowed his hands to the middle-aged man. The latter gave him a casual look and stopped looking.

The old king carefully picked up a jade teapot, with many mysterious and complicated runes flashing in his eyes.

After watching for a long time, his figure couldn't help being shocked, and he couldn't help but said in surprise:

"It's really an ancient artifact from nearly 30 years ago!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a moment of silence here, followed by a roar of voices.

They never expected that this seemingly unreliable middle-aged man was actually an "expert".

Immediately, everyone thought of his cultivation as a king, and even if he went through Beidou, he must be a famous figure.

For such characters, the most important thing is face.

If it is later discovered that he is reselling fake products and revealing his true identity, it will really be embarrassing.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of the authenticity of the items it sells is greatly improved.

"I want this hosta!"

"Don't grab it, the teapot was the one I saw first!"

"The old man's cloth shoes!"

Although there are still some people who are rational, but for a while, there are many people with hot heads.

"Hey, don't worry, don't worry."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man's face finally showed joy, and his face was full of red.


And just as he was busy collecting money, and his happiness was blooming, somewhere in the dark, some kind of Dao fluctuations spread, causing him to change his color instantly.

"call out!"

It was too late to say it, but the middle-aged man was leading the donkey with one hand, and grabbed the simple and honest young man's shoulder with the other, turning into a ray of fairy light and going away.

It wasn't until the coercion of a saint came, and the figure of that person had disappeared without a trace, that everyone present reacted:
"I'll go, it's really Tom!"


In the depths of the desert, which is quite far away from Ruthless Dojo and where the city of God is located.


In the dense green sky, the figure of the middle-aged man appeared, sensing the departure of the saint's mind, he couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

I saw that the appearance of the middle-aged man and the donkey flashed, and they were replaced by the unscrupulous Taoist priest Duan De whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and the extraordinary dragon horse.

Sure enough, the Dojo of the Ruthless Emperor was born, Duan De naturally wanted to join in the fun.

As for the seemingly simple and honest young man on the side, he also showed his true face, it was Ye Fan.

"Hmph! With this little trick of yours, you still want to deceive the Taoist master?"

Seeing this, Duan De naturally had a complacent expression on his face.

Ye Fan was not surprised at all by Duan De's instant recognition of his change.

After all, he is the psychic reappearance of Mingzun's physical body. In truth, he can be said to be the ancestor of the Yuantian lineage.

Shaking his head, temporarily suppressing the messy thoughts in his mind, Ye Fan asked with a sincerely curious expression:
"Uncle Duan, do you really have the 'relic' of the Ruthless Emperor?"

"Of course!" "You believe that too!?"

To this, Duan De and Long Ma replied in unison.

The two immediately turned their heads and looked at each other fiercely.

However, before Ye Fan had time to ask, Duan De quickly added:

"Master Dao, I have it, but I dare not really take out the things used by the ruthless emperor and sell them cheaply."

"The ones just now, although they are indeed antiquities from more than 30 years ago, they are just ordinary objects and nothing more."

Hearing this, Ye Fan's heart was like a bright mirror.

Duan De's "previous life" was Emperor Yuan, who was on the sidelines with Emperor Ruthless Man and Emperor Chaos I.

It was rumored that Emperor Yuan had a very close relationship with Emperor Ruthless, so it would be reasonable to say that he had a token of Emperor Ruthless.

As for those other things, Ye Fan suspects that they were also "treasures" buried by Emperor Yuan in advance and left to future generations.

After thinking about this point clearly, while Ye Fan felt helpless, he became more confident about exploring the Ruthless Dojo this time.

snort!Even if the sects really found the token of the ruthless emperor, it's nothing, there are living friends of the emperor from the past here!

At that time, even if the Ruthless Emperor really sensed that someone tampered with his dojo, he would turn a blind eye to it for Duan De's sake.The group of them shouldn't be in any danger to their lives.

Just when Ye Fan was about to open his mouth to discuss the matter with Duan De——


Duan De made a silent gesture.

In the dark, it is the vast and majestic fluctuations of his spiritual thoughts, accompanied by the circulation of mysterious and inexplicable powers.


In the end, it was Duan De's hearty laugh.

Seeing Ye Fan's puzzled face, Duan De immediately explained:

"To tell you the truth, it's been a while since I arrived in the Northern Territory. In order to be safe in exploring the Ruthless Dojo, I have made a lot of arrangements in advance."

"However, during this period of time, I noticed that someone dared to destroy my arrangement secretly."

"It's a pity that that guy is really cunning, and he was allowed to escape several times."

"So, this time, I'm here to catch a turtle in a urn, hehe."

Seeing Duan De's happy look, Ye Fan still didn't understand that it must be the person in the dark who fell into the trap he set up just now, which made Duan De feel a sense.

"Go, let's take you to a good show!"

Duan De couldn't help but waved his sleeves, and left with Ye Fan and Longma in his arms, set up the Shenhong Avenue, and pointed directly at the trap he had set up.

Looking from a distance, in front of you is a mysterious and profound formation in operation, its power shocking the world.

And in that large formation, stood a black figure as tall as a hill.


With the howling of ghosts and wolves, the existence in it seemed to have sensed the arrival of Duan De Yefan and others, and immediately broke out towards this direction.

"I go!"

Seeing this, Duan De couldn't help but widen his eyes. He never imagined that someone could actually crack his big formation, and now he is about to escape from trouble.

When the figure in the formation gradually approached, they were finally able to roughly recognize its real body.

It turned out that it was not the prehistoric alien species, or the blood of the fairy spirits, etc. as expected by several people, but just an exceptionally strong big black dog.

And on the back of the big black dog, there was a petite figure vaguely.

Three changes completed.

There will still be three shifts tomorrow, one shift around 14:30, and two shifts after 19:30.

Finally, thank you again for your support!

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