Chapter 104 Never Going Empty
In the burial ground of Tianzun, in the core of the stars.

Originally, there was nothing, only chaos surging, the yellow clay coffin ups and downs.

At this moment, the brilliance is brilliant, and many treasures of heaven and earth are piled up, almost crushing the void.

The Tongtian Mingbao lingered in the golden fairy material, and the jet-black treasure wheel also burst into dazzling brilliance.

In addition to the ordinary god treasures, there are many special existences.

For example, Zhou Luo saw a ground vein like a real dragon, with fairy clouds gushing out, auspicious colors filling the air, and fairy spirits bubbling and flowing, it was a divine spring.

From the perspective of breath alone, it is not weaker than the divine spring in the undead mountain.

If it is placed in an ordinary land, it will surely evolve into a cave of heaven and earth.

There is also a heavenly palace, carved purely from divine jade, crystal clear and white, majestic and majestic, covering the sky.

Zhou Luo sensed the breath of heaven on it, but he didn't know whether it was the god of the underworld who took the sheep by hand or the emperor gave it to him.

In addition, there are countless treasures for body protection, chariots, pills, ancient scriptures, etc.

What they have in common is that most of them are not used by the Supreme Series, but from Lunhai to Sendai, and they are all the top choices.

Come to think of it, Mingzun also took great pains to build the foundation for the next life, after all, what he wants to accumulate is the reincarnation seal of the supreme dao fruit.

There are so many treasures, even though Zhou Luo's divine sense is unmatched, he couldn't fully grasp them for a while, because there are many supreme-level gods among them, and the forbidden interference left by Mingzun.

In the end, what caught Zhou Luo's attention was a fairy treasure buried deep in Baoshan.

Zhou Luo took it into his hand, it was extraordinarily gentle and soft.

It was an ancient scroll, glittering and translucent, as if made of the sun, moon and stars, bright and holy.

As soon as he got this thing, Zhou Luo knew what it was.

Sure enough, when Zhou Luo injected his divine power, the ancient scroll suddenly became dotted with stars, and a mountain map appeared in about one-third of the area behind it.

Countless great dragons take off and defend a bead, as if they want to fly immortals in the world of mortals.

It is Kunlun 99 Longshan!
In the original book, the Immortal Treasure Map should also have the imprint of the Great Universe covering the sky, as well as the void coordinates of the Immortal Realm.

But at this moment, no matter how Zhou Luo pushed and observed it with his divine sense, he could only find that there was nothing in the sky above it, only a map of 99 Longshan Mountains.

At the same time, the starlight here was shining, which naturally attracted the attention of Tongtian Mingbao.

With a flash of fairy light, the black treasure wheel appeared above, and the gods manifested:

"Oh, what should this seat be? It turns out to be a topographical map of Kunlun."

Ming Bao's tone was flat and somewhat disappointed.

"Huh? Didn't you say that Mingzun ordered you to guard the underworld, haven't you been there?"

Zhou Luo was puzzled and asked casually.

Hearing this, Ming Bao glanced at Zhou Luo contemptuously:
"Haven't been there doesn't mean you can't understand."

Immediately it said in a proud tone:
"Besides, when it comes to the understanding of the Dao of the battle and the general trend of the world, this seat is even higher than many supreme ones. I think that when the Mingzun arranged the 99 Dragon Mountains for the emperor, he would ask me for advice!"

Zhou Luo curled his lips. He didn't believe Ming Bao's bragging. At most, Ming Zun was remembered by it when he was thinking about the layout of the formation.

"However, this thing is really useless." Ming Bao glanced at the fairy picture in Zhou Luo's hand with disgust.

Indeed, both he and Ming Bao are proficient in "Original Code".And ever-changing remains the same, so the Kunlun Great Formation naturally goes without saying.

But the most important thing right now is that Emperor Zun has long since hidden the earth from the universe, and no one can find it, let alone enter Kunlun.

"Perhaps, over the years, the heavens and the earth have been conceived, and after the birth of the gods in the formation, they can pose some threats to the Supreme?"

After finishing speaking, Ming Bao himself shook his head, it was still too difficult to injure Supreme with only dead objects.

According to its estimate, perhaps four or five pieces of Heavenly Venerable Armor can barely resist the self-decapitated Supreme.

"Since you don't like it, the deity will accept it."

Zhou Luo didn't dislike having a lot of treasures on his body, besides, this picture of fairy treasures was a divine object that could record the imprint of the universe, so it was not a loss at all.

Ming Bao is not interested in such things, so naturally he will not compete with Zhou Luo.

What it cares about is still materials such as fairy gold and magic materials, which are useful for refining magic weapons.

Zhou Luo suspected that Mingzun had already expected that Tongtian Mingbao would come to dig his grave, so he prepared a lot of treasures of this type.

After the two had divided up all the treasures, they would each get half of them, and no one took advantage of the other.

Zhou Luo thought for a while, and put away the yellow clay coffin.

"Fuck! Do you want this dead man's coffin too?"

Seeing this, even Tianmingbao couldn't help complaining, and couldn't help guessing:

"You want to keep it for yourself?"

Hearing this, Zhou Luo's forehead was full of black lines, and his face was speechless:
"Bah! Do you understand? There are Dao patterns of Dujie Tianzun and Wuliang Tianzun on it, even if it is given to disciples to enlighten Dao, it is still a god!"

Let the disciples look at the coffin, your master is also amazing...

Ming Bao complained in his heart, but he didn't say it out, anyway, it doesn't need this thing, so it doesn't matter if Zhou Luo takes it.

How did it know that Zhou Luo still didn't give up, and wanted Fuxi and Nuwa to observe the immeasurable notch and see if he could realize something.


Coming out of the small space where the yellow clay coffin is located, Tongtian Mingbao stared at the dozens of dragons and the only star, eager to try:

"How about we move these things away too?"

Very good, learn and use.Zhou Luo was also ashamed of himself.

In the end, of course, the two shared the dozens of ghost dragons and stars born by the creation of heaven and earth equally.

"By the way, we have recovered some of the treasures taken away by Mingzun. Do you want to take some of them and put them in the treasure house of the underworld?"

In fact, Zhou Luo already had the answer in his heart, and his remarks were just to see Ming Bao's attitude.

Sure enough, Ming Bao deserved to be Ming Bao and did not disappoint him.

On the other side, the god of Tongtian Mingbao showed a dignified look when he heard the words, and said solemnly:

"You are the master of the underworld, and I am the treasure of the underworld. If it falls into our hands, isn't it equivalent to returning to the underworld?"

The two looked at each other, both showing understanding smiles.

 The second update was around half past midnight.

  The author will try to write as much as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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