
Hearing An Miaoyi's joking remarks, before Ye Fan could say anything, Heihuang, Longma, and Duan De couldn't hold back anymore and laughed out loud.

Immediately, Ye Fan also shook his head, and looked helplessly at An Miaoyi who was still smiling sweetly.

What An Miaoyi said just now was a parody of Ye Fan's previous remarks when he persuaded her to be magnanimous and not to blame the little girl for revealing her identity.

"I really admire the eloquence of the fairy." Ye Fan cupped his hands gracefully.

It has to be said that An Miaoyi is very smart and has a high EQ, which gives her the feeling of being a good dancer.

Her series of witty words easily resolved their embarrassment caused by the previous incident.

Right now, the atmosphere among the people present is no longer as tense as before.

I saw that An Miaoyi landed among the crowd with a calm face, and even touched the top of the little girl's head with a smile.

Speaking of which, the two really hit it off.

Obviously it was only the first time they met, but facing An Miaoyi's closeness, the little girl did not resist at all, she seemed quite trusting.

And after a while, the first one who couldn't hold back was naturally the Black Emperor.

Staring at a pair of big copper bell-like eyes, he approached An Miaoyi curiously, and said suspiciously:

"Fairy An, do you really have the real product of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar in your hand?"

The words of the Black Emperor actually expressed the common doubts in Ye Fan and others' hearts, and everyone looked at them.

But when faced with the question from the Black Emperor, An Miaoyi remained calm and only smiled.

I saw that her beautiful and flawless face was full of bright and fairy light, but what she said was as shocking as earth-shattering:
"Yes, I have indeed seen a real Sky Swallowing Demon Jar."

"I go!"

Not to mention Ye Fan and Hei Huang, even Duan De, who invited An Miaoyi to join, was dumbfounded at the moment and could not help but exclaim.

In fact, Duan De only knew that An Miaoyi had practiced the Heaven Swallowing Demon Kungfu and owned a replica of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar.

But he never expected that the other party had seen the real thing!
"Could it be that the emperor's soldiers of the Ruthless Emperor are not in his dojo now, but have been secretly taken out long ago?"

Seeing An Miaoyi's confident and composed appearance, even Heihuang, who was full of confidence in his little daughter, couldn't help being shaken in his heart.

You must know that the reason why they are willing to risk being watched by a supreme heavenly emperor and break into his dojo on this trip is not only the two supreme heavenly arts created by the ruthless man, but also the existence of his emperor's soldiers is also a very important factor.

Could it be that they really wanted to fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain, and their busy work was wasted?

However, unexpectedly, An Miaoyi also had a rather strange expression on her face.

She nodded first, then shook her head, leaving everyone present at a loss.

"Fairy Miaoyi, what do you mean by this?"

Ye Fan couldn't help frowning slightly, so he asked bluntly.

"It's hidden in it, you fellow daoists will find out if you take a closer look."

An Miaoyi smiled slightly, but also played charades.

Immediately, there was a flash of brilliance, and the imitation of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar that she had put away before reappeared.

This time, everyone was able to observe this magical weapon up close, so they naturally didn't want to miss it.

I saw that on the simple and rough tank body, there were one after another seemingly messy nicks, which were clearly visible.


Accompanied by a frightening wave of fluctuations, hundreds of millions of black lights hang down from the mouth of the tank, as if it is crushing the eternal void and devouring all living beings in the world.

Although the magic pot in front of me is just a fake, it really has a trace of the charm of the legendary ruthless man, which makes people shudder.

"This is definitely a forbidden weapon that can only be imitated by a strong man in charge of the Ruthless Emperor's Armament."

Suddenly, in the immortal platform between Ye Fan's eyebrows, the evil ghost who had been silent for a long time spoke up and said this.

With the certification of the evil spirit, Ye Fan naturally has no doubts.

Of course, the evil ghost's words only echoed in Ye Fan's mind, and Hei Huang, Duan De, An Miaoyi and others were not aware of it.

As for the former, he is still concentrating on observing the magic pot at this moment, trying to find out what happened.

It has to be said that the Black Emperor is worthy of being born in a restricted area of ​​life. He soon noticed the clue, frowned, and immediately raised his head, looked at An Miaoyi who was opposite, and pointed out:

"The person who made this weapon is definitely not low-level, but didn't he imitate the most critical jar lid?"

Hearing the words of the Black Emperor, the rest of the people suddenly realized that something was wrong.

You must know that the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar is the old body that the Ruthless Emperor lost himself, and it was refined by fusing many god materials and fairy materials.

Among them, the can lid is based on the skull of the Ruthless Emperor, which is undoubtedly the most mysterious part.

Now, the magic pot in front of me lacks a cap, so the power of this device will be greatly reduced.

"Really good eyesight."

An Miaoyi, who was not far away, did not hesitate to praise her at all, and then explained to everyone:
"That's right, Emperor Ruthless's Imperial Armament was born tens of thousands of years ago. But to be precise, it's only the part of the tank."

Having said that, An Miaoyi paused, her eyes flickered, and she said in a deep voice:

"According to my teacher's speculation, the lid of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar should still be in the forbidden area of ​​its dojo."

After confirming that the most critical jar lid had not been lost, Heihuang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and his hanging heart relaxed a little.

However, it quickly seemed to think of something again, and its brows were frowned again:

"That's not right, I have seen it before, and the Great Formation in the Ruthless Dojo is intact, it doesn't look like it was broken?"

Hei Huang is still quite confident about his own induction and formation skills.

"Perhaps the separation of the jar lid and jar body was intentional by the Ruthless Emperor?"

Duan De next to him put forward another conjecture:

"It is said that since the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar was refined by the Ruthless Emperor with his own body, if it recovers to the peak, it may undergo wonderful changes, making its real body reappear."

"Perhaps, the emperor only sealed the jar lid here just to avoid such a situation from happening."

Although there are still many unreasonable points in Duan De's speculation, there is some truth to it.

At the same time, Ye Fan is more concerned about another thing, that is An Miaoyi's mysterious master.

The person is probably the strong man who refined the imitation of the magic pot in front of him.

"Hmph!" Perhaps sensing what Ye Fan was thinking, the evil ghost snorted coldly:
"This little girl's mentorship, I have some clues."


Hearing this, Ye Fan naturally asked quickly, but in his mind, the face of the evil spirit was obviously ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said:
"As I expected, her master should be one of Sakyamuni's disciples."

He is actually a disciple of Sakyamuni!

Evil ghosts have been suppressed by Sakyamuni for more than two thousand years, so they should not mistakenly recognize the breath of this vein.

Originally, Ye Fan also guessed that An Miaoyi would be another branch of the Ruthless Emperor's successor besides Yaoguang's lineage.

Now it seems that what An Miaoyi really practiced should be the scriptures of Sakyamuni.

As for the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, if she didn't get it by accident, then she realized it from the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar.

Then, the purpose of the other party's trip, besides swallowing the sky demon cover, should be to obtain the complete scriptures of the two heavenly skills created by the ruthless man.

Thinking in this way, Ye Fan immediately raised his head slowly, and glanced at the woman who could be called the most beautiful woman in the world.

Tsk, I can't tell at all, her real identity is actually a "female Bodhisattva".

An Miaoyi's mind was keen, and she naturally noticed Ye Fan's scrutiny, but she didn't mind at all, and even smiled brightly.

But this, on the contrary, made Ye Fan feel embarrassed, and cupped his hands apologetically.

On the other hand, Duan De and Hei Huang are both "human beings", and they can also see that An Miaoyi and the people behind him are bound to win the sky-swallowing demon.

However, since it is a foregone conclusion that the tank body will fall into the hands of the opponent, there is room for negotiation.

After all, if the complete Ruthless Emperor Soldier is to reappear in the future, it will definitely require the cooperation of the opponent.

Because of this, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with them in advance.

What's more, if An Miaoyi joins them on this trip, and even brings half of the emperor's soldiers, they will really be sure to win.

Although everyone present had their own little calculations in their hearts, in general, each party basically had its own unique advantages, which could be recognized by the rest of the people.

Therefore, they finally reached a consensus.

Later, Duan De took out a contract containing a strange curse from nowhere and asked everyone to sign it, so as to ensure that they could barely trust each other in this operation.

Not only that, when Duan De saw that An Miaoyi had exposed the existence of half of the Heaven-swallowing Demon Jar, he no longer hid his clumsiness, and showed everyone the incomplete Emperor Zun Immortal Cauldron.

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

Thanks again for all your support!

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