
Just after Ye Fan's primordial spirit imprint and original essence and blood fell on the divine paper, the world felt a sense in an instant.

In the void, there are countless visions manifesting, the light and rain are flying, the golden lotus is in full bloom, and the divine spring is springing up from the ground, creating a sacred and peaceful atmosphere.

At the same time, Ye Fan also had a vague feeling in his heart.In the dark, there seems to be a mysterious force circulating.


The contract was completed, and on the golden divine paper, there was a glow of auspicious colors, which was immediately put away by the ruthless emperor.

Seeing this, Ye Fan was about to say something.

However, before he had time to speak, he saw the ruthless man raised his hand lightly, and Ye Fan had no strength to resist, and turned into a dream bubble, dissipating invisible.

Sending Ye Fan away, there is no one else here, only a ruthless man with a peerless demeanor, still standing here, lonely, lonely, and I don't know what is thinking in my heart.

Fortunately, the ruthless man was not very human after all, and he quickly restrained his emotions and returned to normal.

I saw that the ruthless man looked around, no longer nostalgic for this place, and immediately waved his big sleeve.

It was as if a black hole had appeared on the spot, swallowing up the entire underground palace, making it difficult for the world to find it.


In the Northern Territory of the Eastern Desolation, outside the crypt where the Ruthless Daoist Temple is located, there are many monks from the major inheritances of the Big Dipper.

Including the many strong men who were expelled from the underground palace by the Ruthless Emperor before, everyone's eyes were burning, looking straight into the dark and deep cave.

Of course, they knew very well in their hearts that ever since the true body of the Ruthless Emperor reappeared, they were doomed to miss the Sky Swallowing Demon Jar and the two supreme heavenly skills.

However, even so, everyone still couldn't hide their curiosity, wanting to know what happened.

After all, Duan De Heihuang and his party did not seem to be expelled together with them.

At the same time, there are naturally many people present who think of more.

For example, the little girl with a mysterious origin, and the half-piece of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar, the key things that the ruthless emperor can manifest in his real body, were all brought by Duan De Heihuang and his party.

Maybe, relying on this relationship, they will finally get the Heaven Swallowing Demon Pot and the two Heavenly Skills created by Ruthless Man.


Just when the minds of the powerhouses of the Beidou religions were full of thoughts, a huge bang sounded like the opening of the world, and came from the depths of the cave.

In an instant, all five regions of the Big Dipper were shaken, and the earth's veins were tumbling, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Sensing the supreme aura emanating from the crypt, even the great sage who was in charge of the emperor's army couldn't help but change his color.

Fortunately, the violent fluctuations soon subsided, followed by a ray of flying fairy light, pointing directly at the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory.

Among the monks present, there are many strong men with the realm of saints, so they can see everything clearly.

In the end, the brilliant and splendid fairy light sank straight into the abyss surrounded by the nine majestic holy mountains.

However, the crypts behind the strong men of various religions have become ordinary, and there is no longer the aura of the supreme avenue spreading.

Seeing this, everyone's heart is clear.So far, there is no dojo of the Ruthless Emperor in the world anymore.

In the desert, which is quite far away from the place where the strongmen of various religions are located, there are also people watching this scene, and it is Ye Fan who was sent away by the Ruthless Emperor not long ago.


Seeing that the flying fairy light disappeared in the direction of the southern region, a simple and rough clay pot fell out of the void and fell into Ye Fan's palm.

On the ordinary-looking jar lid, there is a grimace imprint that seems to be smiling but not smiling, or crying but not crying, as if it is telling the sadness of the ages.


At the same time, two stone scriptures fell into the ground in front of Ye Fan.

Taking a panoramic view of this situation, the expression in Ye Fan's eyes is extremely complicated.

"It seems that Emperor Ruthless hasn't really given up. She wants to see whether you can bloom the same flower after reaching the peak."

In Ye Fan's mind, it was rare for the evil spirit to speak on his own initiative, but today he said something like this.

Hearing this, Ye Fan was silent for a long time, and finally there was only a leisurely sigh.


Heavenly Village, this is a small world left behind by the killer God Chaotianting, which was almost comparable to the top holy places in its heyday.

With the fall of the Heavenly Court, many inheritances joined forces to wipe out the remaining party of the Heavenly Court, and now this is the only relatively complete small world left.

This world is the paradise for the descendants of the Heavenly Court, and also their final foundation.

On weekdays, there is Killer Saint Qi Luo sitting in the town, and Tianting is originally the leader of the Killer God Dynasty, so it is naturally proficient in many concealment techniques.Therefore, for many years, outsiders have rarely disturbed.

However, today, the most central area of ​​Tianzhi Village is full of hustle and bustle, which is rare.

"Wang! Ma De, this emperor called a great sage and a sage, and borrowed an imperial soldier from that broken stone. We contributed the most, obviously we should take the lead!"

Accompanied by the thunderous barking of dogs one after another, there was a rather beating voice:

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable—No, no, if there is no incomplete fairy artifact provided by Pindao, how can you survive the attack of the emperor's soldiers?"

And just as the two were fighting each other and arguing fiercely, there was a woman's laughter from time to time:
"You two, please don't forget about the Swallowing Demon Jar..."

There is no need to doubt that the people who are arguing in the village before them are Duan Deheihuang and his party who were exploring Ruthless Dojo together before.

In contrast, several great sages and saints watched cheerfully from the sidelines, as if they were not ready to participate.

In the end, Duan De was blushed by the black emperor who "couldn't spit out ivory", and immediately said angrily:

"Made, in the final analysis, my nephew got these things by selling himself, and it's not up to you, a dead dog, to share them!"


On the side, Ye Fan, who was originally watching from the sidelines, was accidentally injured, and his forehead was immediately covered with black lines, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart:
What is this all about?
Unexpectedly, everyone present, including several great sages and saints, all looked at him, as if they really wanted him to make up his mind.

I'll go, you come for real! ?
Realizing this, Ye Fan naturally had a big head.

And just when Ye Fan didn't know what to do, his eyes caught a glimpse of the little girl who was playing with other children in Tianzhi Village not far away, and his heart suddenly brightened.

I saw that Ye Fan didn't care about the majestic gazes cast by the crowd, but went straight to the little girl's side, squatted down immediately, and whispered something in the little guy's ear.

Afterwards, Ye Fan returned to the spot with the little girl in his arms, with a natural expression on his face, and said with a smile:

"Since everyone has been arguing for a long time, they still can't decide."

"Instead of continuing to argue, it's better to let us who are truly qualified to judge."

Three changes completed.

Tomorrow there will still be one change around 14:30, and two changes after 19:30.

Finally, thank you again for your support!

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