Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 1085 The supreme preaching, a rewarding return

As the evil ghost's voice fell, even the Queen Mother of the West and Dacheng Holy Body couldn't help falling into silence.

In the dark, there is a vast ocean of spiritual thoughts fluctuating.

Although the apex is supreme and insurmountable, it is only for ordinary monks.

Throughout the ancient history of practice in the human world, there are many people who are astonishingly talented and brilliant, who have broken this law and surpassed the world of mortals.

For example, the Immortal Emperor, the Ruthless Emperor, the Chaos Emperor, and the Demon Emperor, Wu Shi, etc., all exist in this way.

If it is an "ordinary" supreme being, there is no need to doubt such people who have not yet attained enlightenment. In the end, they will only lose one end and become a bright spot on their road to glory.

In this life, the son of the immortal emperor and the chaotic body of the underworld may all become such existences.

By the side of Yaochi, Ye Fan, Zixia, and An Miaoyi were full of thoughts.

If they want to climb to the top, there are more than one majestic and majestic mountains lying on the road ahead, which are really insurmountable, which makes them feel powerless in their hearts.

Fortunately, the three of them were not very human after all, and they quickly restrained their emotions and returned to normal.

Not only that, but Ye Fan's eyes were even more radiant, accompanied by a blazing fighting spirit, high fighting spirit, fearless.

And Zixia and An Miaoyi were not to be outdone, and their hearts were equally determined.

Taking a panoramic view of the expressions on the faces of the three, Queen Mother Xi and Dacheng Saint Body couldn't help showing quite pleased expressions.

"No one can talk about the ending until the last moment of the Dao battle."

The Queen Mother of the West is detached and short-cut, but at the same time she is more majestic and majestic.

His words were really deafening, and everyone was shocked.

"Furthermore, I think this kid's potential is not much weaker than that of the prince."

On the other side, Wuchang smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked straight at Ye Fan.

Being valued so highly by a Dacheng Holy Body, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion.

Later, the Queen Mother of the West and Wuchang opened the altar to give lectures, explaining the truth of the great way of heaven and earth to everyone present.

For a time, countless visions manifested where the West Kunlun Wonderland was located.

The golden lotus bloomed in the void, and the light feathers fell, accompanied by the bang of the sound of the Dao Xian.

You know, even if the Queen Mother of the West is ignored for the time being, the Dacheng Holy Body is a genuine existence of the supreme series.

It is definitely a great opportunity to have such a person preaching for them.

Even An Miaoyi and Heihuang benefited a lot from it, not to mention Ye Fan, who is also a Holy Body.

It took a long time for the two most powerful men to stop preaching.

But Ye Fan and the others, like waking up from a big dream, are still immersed in that mysterious artistic conception, lingering and forgetting to return.

In the end, Ye Fan and the others naturally had to say goodbye and leave.

However, before leaving, the Black Emperor still couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart, and couldn't help shouting tentatively:
"Fairy Zixia, do you really not want to go with us?"

While saying this, the Black Emperor couldn't stop winking at Ye Fan, and at the same time bombarded him indiscriminately with his divine sense, threatening and luring him.

It's a pity that Ye Fan didn't give in, and still looked unmoved, which made Heihuang jump anxiously.

On the other hand, Zixia, the congenital Taoist child, was more direct, and directly opened the supreme formation covering the fairyland in West Kunlun.


Accompanied by a strange fluctuation spread, only a flash of brilliance was seen, and Ye Fan Heihuang and his party disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this, the Queen Mother of the West and Dacheng Holy Body, who were standing beside the Yaochi, shook their heads helplessly.

After pondering for a while, the Queen Mother of the West immediately opened her mouth and said earnestly:
"All the emperors and emperors throughout the ages have gone through many trials and tribulations before finally ascending to the top."

"In this life, the arrogance and heroes of the past and the present will come together, and I am afraid that it is destined to determine the strongest person in the history of cultivation."

Zixia stood aside, listening respectfully to her teacher's teachings.

At the same time, Dacheng Holy Body Impermanence also said:

"Even if you are an innate Taoist child, in this golden world, you are not considered the first-class talent."

"Whether it is Beidou or the only ancient road, for you, it is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity."

Following the words of Queen Mother of the West and Wuchang, Zixia, the congenital Taoist, nodded solemnly:

"The disciple will never disappoint the teachings of the two masters!"



In the outer area of ​​Kunlun, between the ten thousand mountains and the dragon veins, and in the boundless void, several figures fell out and smashed hard on the ground.


Among them, Heihuang was naturally the one who fell the hardest and became a "meat pad", while the rest of them were not seriously injured.

Originally, with its semi-holy realm cultivation base, it shouldn't be so embarrassing.

It's a pity that the other party touched the supreme formation and imprisoned his cultivation for a short time, which made him fall into a "dog eat shit".

"Made, I don't believe it!"

Apparently, although the Black Emperor repeatedly hit a wall, he didn't intend to give up at this point. It seemed that he really wanted to match Ye Fan and Zixia, so that the innate sacramental body came to this world.

Seeing that it was difficult for Zixia to make any breakthroughs, Heihuang's big eyes with copper bells rolled around, and then his eyes fell on Ye Fan:

"Wow! You still have to take the initiative, Ye boy!"

Ye Fan strongly condemned and resisted Heihuang's behavior of messing up the mandarin ducks.

Fortunately, after everyone successfully penetrated into the core area of ​​Kunlun, the fairy mountain by relying on the map that Duan De handed over to Ye Fan, the Black Emperor no longer cared about pestering Ye Fan, and only focused on the many treasures of Kunlun superior.

Along the way, Ye Fan and others not only picked up many king medicines that had grown for tens of thousands of years from some relatively safe areas, but also "made friends" with an old Polygonum multiflorum that is a semi-magical medicine.

Although the old Polygonum multiflorum is naturally far inferior to the magic of the elixir, it is undoubtedly a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world.

If Ye Fan and others were robbed later, as long as they were not killed on the spot, they would definitely be able to save their lives if they came here to ask for medicine.

However, the most precious thing about Kunlun is the Immortal Pond where its core is located.

Even the Heihuang, who was used to seeing the rare treasures of heaven and earth and traveled all over the restricted area of ​​life, couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he arrived here, and couldn't hide his excitement:
"Guigui, it's a bit stronger than the Shenquan in the restricted area!"

He was born in the sky, and he had followed the Great Emperor Wushi, and most of them had penetrated into more than one restricted area of ​​life.

Naturally, Ye Fan and An Miaoyi had no doubts about Heihuang's judgment.


The Black Emperor was impatient, and went straight into the water without waiting for everyone to join him.

Even, on a whim, it planned to put itself into the fairy placenta at the bottom of the immortal pond to conceive.

It's a pity that although the fairy placenta is miraculous, if you really want to use it to create a new life, it will take tens of thousands of years.

Because of this, the Black Emperor had no choice but to give up with a look of regret.

Of course, although everyone entered Kunlun, although it can be said to be "lawless", they did not exhaust their resources.

Even the always greedy Black Emperor took it to a limit.

As a matter of fact, the medicine kings and others they picked in the past also intentionally kept their rhizomes.

In the end, the few people only collected a small amount of immortal liquid from the Immortal Pond, and left Kunlun without arbitrarily changing the layout of the place.

Sorry, the third update will have to wait a little longer, and it will be updated around 21:[-].

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