
Hearing Yuanhuang's words, the expressions on the faces of all the people present, including Amitabha Buddha, changed drastically, and they couldn't help being shocked.

Although, as early as when the relics of the ancient Buddha in Ximo disintegrated and flew away in the form of light rain, the hearts of the most powerful men headed by Amitabha and Dacheng Shengyu had already had a premonition, but at this moment, when they Hearing it from Emperor Yuan's mouth, it is hard to avoid being surprised.

Throughout the ages, there are descriptions of reincarnation in both Taoist and Buddhist scriptures in the human world, which makes all living beings in the world yearn for it.

It's a pity that even the Celestial Venerables, Ancient Emperors, and Great Emperors who ascended to the highest place and stood at the peak of humanity have never made a conclusion about whether reincarnation exists or not.

However, today, a group of people were fortunate enough to enter the mysterious land of reincarnation, and even got an affirmative answer from Emperor Yuan, so they suddenly realized.

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and their thoughts were numerous.

"If the legendary reincarnation really exists, doesn't that mean that the powerful who have been annihilated in the long river of history will all reappear in later generations?"

I only heard an ethereal and immortal voice, and it came from the Queen Mother of the West.

At this moment, the expression on Queen Mother Xi's face was extraordinarily complicated, and her eyes flickered.

As the most powerful person in the realm of quasi-emperor Jiuzhongtian, and possessing a genuine emperor body, his strength is definitely higher than that of ordinary people who will become enlightened.

Of course, what is more important is that the Queen Mother of the West in front of her is the psychic reappearance of the body after the death of the Western Emperor who attained Taoism in ancient times.

At this moment, the body of the Queen Mother of the West naturally formed the seal of reincarnation, which is extraordinary.

To some extent, she is also an alternative "reincarnation".

Because of this, when the Queen Mother of the West heard from Emperor Yuan that the legendary "Reincarnation" actually existed, her heart was really ups and downs.

Hearing the question from the Queen Mother of the West, Emperor Yuan naturally came to look at him immediately.

Although Yuanhuang's eyes are deep and the ancient well is calm, it does not seem to have any miraculous performance, but it somehow gives people the feeling that Yuanhuang has already understood everything.

And in fact, it is indeed so.

Just when the Queen Mother of the West was almost out of breath under the tremendous pressure brought by Emperor Yuan, the other party finally calmly withdrew her gaze and said with emotion:

"Although reincarnation does exist, those who can finally walk through the road of reincarnation and reappear in the world are really rare."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts couldn't help but move.

The people present were not ordinary at all, so they naturally glimpsed some of the secrets of reincarnation from Yuanhuang's words.

According to what Yuanhuang said, there seems to be a lot of difference between the real "reincarnation" and what they inherently cognition.

As for the process of reincarnation, I am afraid it is not as easy as they imagined, it seems that it really needs to go through hardships.

Just a few words from Emperor Yuan made everyone's thoughts confused and their minds in a trance.

At the same time, everyone realized the detachment of Emperor Yuan more clearly.

As the only strong men in the heavens and worlds who have ascended to the realm of the Supreme Immortal King, they have already touched the great secret of reincarnation.

After realizing this, everyone was naturally more in awe of Emperor Yuan, and at the same time, they became more and more fascinated by the realm of the Immortal King.

Of course, what they don't know is that under normal circumstances, even the real giants of the fairy kings have difficulty entering the land of reincarnation.

They can stand here today, and they can definitely be called "people with predestined relationship".

Just when everyone was thinking about the "reincarnation" that Emperor Yuan said, on the other side, Sakyamuni raised his head abruptly, as if he suddenly remembered something, and hurried forward, bowed his hands respectfully to Emperor Yuan and asked:
"Dare to ask Emperor Yuan, if the road of reincarnation is really so difficult, then my previous efforts, will it be true that all my achievements will come to naught?"

For Amitabha and Sakyamuni, they are most concerned about whether the ancient Buddha of Ximo can reappear.

Originally, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after knowing the real existence of "Reincarnation", but now they heard Yuanhuang's explanation, and they felt uneasy again.

On the other side, Ye Fan, An Miaoyi and others immediately remembered after Sakyamuni's reminder.

This time, the reason why the group of them appeared here was that they followed the spiritual light of the ancient Buddha of Ximo, and finally arrived here.

However, there is no trace of Guangyu now. Could it be that the reincarnation has failed and the reincarnation has become empty?

Looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, Emperor Yuan showed a slightly mysterious smile, and immediately waved his sleeves:
"Hearing is delusion, seeing is believing. You will know when you look at it."


A seemingly random movement of Emperor Yuan caused the Guangming God City below to shake violently, sending out a bang like thunder from the Nine Heavens.

And this naturally attracted everyone's attention, and they looked there curiously.

With the bang of the void avenue, the laws and divine traces intertwined, and the immortal light that enveloped the entire divine city slowly faded away.

Taking a panoramic view of the scene in the city of God, Amitabha and others couldn't help being shocked.

I saw that in the ancient and mottled city of God, there were actually dense piles of corpses.

Among them are human races, phoenix birds, flood dragons, unicorn beasts, and even the corpses of creatures that exist in the nine heavens and ten earths, such as the Holy Spirit, as well as many strange races that have never been heard of and never appeared in the ancient history of the human world.

At this moment, these corpses are all lying here, filling most of the areas in the city of God.

However, everyone's eyes only stayed on those strange corpses for a moment, and then they were attracted by other things.

"Crunch—" "Crunch—"

In the center of the city of God, there is a huge stone millstone that looks ordinary and slightly rough, slowly turning.

From time to time, part of the countless mountains of corpses around would disappear and be swallowed into the huge millstone.

Immediately, those corpses turned into a substance similar to the rain of light transformed by the relics of the ancient Western Desert Buddha that we had seen before amidst a terrifying sound of millstones turning.

In the end, under the gaze of everyone, the crystal clear rain of light all submerged into the hole in the center of the millstone and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, all the people present, including Amitabha in the realm of Heavenly Emperor, could not help but frown.

As for Ye Fan, An Miaoyi and other juniors, they were even cold from head to toe.

Is it possible that the legendary reincarnation is actually such a process that makes people feel creepy just by watching it?

Just when everyone's hearts were fluctuating, a brilliant stream of light appeared in the divine city below, which was transformed by the relics of the ancient Buddha of Ximo.

I saw that the crystal light and rain danced, although it seemed unconscious, but it seemed to have felt the call of the avenue of reincarnation in the dark, and went straight through the mountains of corpses piled up around it, towards the center of the city, the huge The stone grinds away.

Perhaps it was because the body of the ancient Buddha of Ximo had long since disintegrated and transformed into a Tao, so he did not have to endure the "torture" of the millstone, but it was a blessing in disguise.

Immediately, the crystal light and rain transformed by his relics flew into the hole of the millstone, and never appeared again.

After the two changes are completed, there will still be one change at around 20:30 and 23:50 tomorrow.

Today, because the author is busy, so the word count is not many, I am really sorry!I will try my best to write more later.

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

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